Deity Descriptions

Aieridyn (the Watcher)

Alchenda (the Unseen)

Ankaris (the Fire Lord)

Arcannis (the Righteous)

Burthaggid (the Timeless)

Chaulatae (the Binder)

Delundar (the Artisan)

Eteris (the Horrid)

Felicityn (the Bard)

Gadaru (the Jester)

Gouldakai (the Silent)

Huthunic (the Accursed)

Ilus (the Master)

Isbri (the Air Goddess)

Jasamai (the Mage)

Kaichea (the Loner)

Lhuramni (the Protector)

Luliki (the Gambler)

Motara (the Warrior)

Naultan (the Furious)

Olhantam (the Creator)

Rancorin (the Rogue)

Salarian (the Pure)

Sethanit (the Lord of Evil)

Tayne (the Three-Faced)

Ul'ty (the Cold)

Vendaneran (the Wise)

Viest (the Fated)

Whogam (the Huntress)

Zandaron (the Earth Lord)

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