Alchenda (the Unseen)

"Lady of the Night and Bringer of Darkness,
Spiteful Scourge of Light and the Day,
Blackened Mistress of Silence and Stealth,
The Hidden beneath the Shroud of Stars."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

Evil, Neutrality
pattern of seven stars
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:

black hood
black robes with stars
leather or none, no shield
thief and assassin weapons


Much as Rancorin the Rogue, the Unseen One is a patron of thieves. Her influences are not limited to thievery, however. She is an advocate of covert activity, misdirection and subterfuge, and abhors the knightly virtues of Arcannis and Throntis. Not surprisingly, many of her followers find their own roles in the political bureaucratic arenas of neutral or evil countries.


Alchenda's priests must all be evil. Most tend toward neutrality, and the remainder are divided between law and chaos. The clergy which reside in more goodly-aligned areas live dual identities of their evil priesthood, and a more mundane role in the professions they select. Very often, they seek to embed themselves deeply in the governments of good nations. From these positions they strive to corrupt others within their influence, and weaken the powers of good.


Temples to the Unseen One are never obvious, even in evil lands. They are always hidden structures, often concealed behind the guise of a business or appearing as a building constructed for some other purpose.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.