Sethanit (the Lord of Evil)

"Wicked Tyrant of Eternal Darkness,
Blackened Snake of the Unending Pit,
Evil Master of Carrion, Carnage and Decay,
Vile Bringer of Pain and Hopelessness,
Hateful Scourge of Virtue and the Sun."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

Evil and Neutrality
outstretched clawed hand
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:

black hood
black robes
none preferred
poisoned dagger


Sethanit is the power of evil amongst the elder deities. He is the absolute embodiment of all which is truly wicked. He seeks to destroy good in all its forms, and uses his following to further this end. His divine offspring mirror his evil influence, and continue to spread his desecration of good.

The Lord of Evil has walked the face of the world, and has spawned dark manifestations to serve him. The greatest of these apparitions are his gorgons Azarak, Bhelgozmuth, and Volgathis. Through the ages since their creation, Sethanit's treacherous gorgons have schemed against, manipulated, and fought the forces of good. Much as their father, the gorgons have also spawned their own evil children, all to fulfill Sethanit's demand to further the powers of darkness throughout the world.


Sethanit's priests are evil, and are aligned with neutrality, law, or chaos. They live only to promote evil and destroy good in all its forms. They will conceal their religious rainments if it is to their advantage, as covert actions are the meat and drink of their evil souls. They have been known to infiltrate the heirarchies of goodly-aligned nations, and work to turn good powers against another. The priests of Sethanit promote ignorance in their flock. It is a powerful tool with which to control worshippers. Power will come to those who can take it, and only the strongest can hold it. Priests of the Lord of Evil often carry small reptiles as pets. In their roles as assassins, they favor poisons from a live, venomnous reptile or a concoction derived from extracted venomn.


Sethanit's holy places are located in settlements and in isolated areas, but only in evil lands are they openly displayed. The temples are almost always underground, and their ceremonies often include the sacrifice of a living being.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.