Lhuramni (the Protector)

"Benevolent Mother of Caring and Healing,
Passionate Mistress of Love and Romance,
Tantalizing Weaver of Webs of Seduction,
Protector of Families and Bringer of Childbirth."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

Chaos and Good
dove on blue background
white and blue
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:

white and sapphire robes
plate armor
sword or battle axe


Lhuramni is a defender of the weak, a warrior against strife and hardship and the mother of new civilizations. Though she is sometimes viewed more as a patron of women than of men, Lhuramni is not the immoral seductress she is occasionally portrayed as. She encourages marriage bonds within her flock, and promotes goodwill amongst all her followers.

Lhuramni advocates unity to build strong communities and relationships. But individualism is necessary for personal happiness, and society must not be allowed to destroy or subjugate it. However, the good of all is the utmost consideration, and individual sacrifice is sometimes preferable or even necessary to preserve families and communities.


Lhuramni's priests are all good in their outlook, with tendencies of chaos or neutrality. They are welcome in all good nations. The clergy are diligent people who do not shun from the hardship and effort involved with the establishment of new communities, and the strengthening of existing ones. Priests of the Protector are often found at the border of civilized lands. They are sworn to help any who are in need, and they seek to spread the loving word of Lhuramni within new settlements.


Major temples of Lhuramni thrive in goodly-aligned cities and towns. But the greatest work of Lhuramni is accomplished in the small chapels and shrines which flourish in the many tiny communities and settlements taking root at the border of untamed wildernesses.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.