Title Page


Deity Descriptions

Floorplan Legend

Thumbnail Galleries:

Gallery of Shrines

Gallery of Chapels

Gallery of Temples

Church of Eteris

Church of Huthunic

Cathedral of Delundar

Shrine floorplans:

01: Shrine of Rancorin
Ground Level 1

02: Shrine of Sethanit
Ground Level 1

03: Shrine of Tayne
Ground Level 1

04: Shrine of Ul'ty
Ground Level 1

Chapel floorplans:

01: Chapel of Luliki
Ground Level 1
Underground Level 1

02: Chapel of Burthaggid
Ground Level 1
Underground Level 1

03: Chapel of Felicityn
Ground Level 1

04: Chapel of Kaichea
Ground Level 1

05: Chapel of Ilus
Ground Level 1

06: Chapel of Olhantam
Ground Level 1

07: Chapel of Aieridyn
Ground Level 1
Ground Level 2

08: Chapel of Isbri
Ground Level 1

09: Chapel of Naultan
Ground Level 1

10: Chapel of Gadaru
Ground Level 1

11: Chapel of Whogam
Ground Level 1
Ground Level 2
Ground Level 3

12: Chapel of Lhuramni
Ground Level 1

13: Chapel of Gouldakai
Ground Level 1

14: Chapel of Salarian
Ground Level 1

15: Chapel of Zandaron
Ground Level 1

Temple floorplans:

01: Temple of Alchenda
Ground Level 1
Ground Level 2
Underground Level 1
Underground Level 2

02: Temple of Motara
Ground Level 1
Ground Level 2

03: Temple of Vendaneran
Ground Level 1
Ground Level 2
Underground Level 1

04: Temple of Arcannis
Ground Level 1

05: Temple of Viest
Ground Level 1
Ground Level 2

06: Temple of Ankaris
Ground Level 1

07: Temple of Jasamai
Ground Level 1

08: Temple of Chaulatae
Ground Level 1

Church floorplans:

01: Church of Eteris
Underground Level 1
Underground Level 2

02: Church of Huthunic
Ground Level 1
Ground Level 2
Underground Level 1
Underground Level 2

Cathedral floorplans:

01: Cathedral of Delundar
Ground Level 1
Ground Level 2

- - The End - -

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Floorplans Copyright © 2002 Brian K. Moseley.