Temple of Viest (the Fated)

(Temple 005)

This temple to Viest consists of a single building containing two levels, with an interior courtyard partially enclosed on three sides by the temple. A wide, covered porchway spans the temple front, and connects to terraces that ring the courtyard. Three to six priests and three to six novices can be found here. The temple is fairly large and well-funded, and boasts both a library and alchemical laboratory. Given the temple's open construction, it is most likely located in a moderate climate.

Floorplan Notes: G1 Areas:

Area 001
designation: Covered porchway.
description: This is the entrance into the temple grounds. A wooden staircase at either end ascends to G2.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat.

Area 002
designation: Open courtyard.
description: This small courtyard is open to the sky, and flowers are carefully maintained around the terrace edge. In the center is a statue of Viest.

Area 003
designation: Dining room.
descripton: This is a plain room, unadorned by decorations or religious trappings. Three modest dining tables comprise the furnishings.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat.

Area 004
designation: Kitchen.
descripton: This cooking area is clean and orderly, and obviously well-maintained.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat.

Area 005
designation: Main worship chamber.
descripton: This rectangular room is filled with wooden benches facing toward an altar against the south wall. The southern half of the room extends beyond the adjoining rooms, and is lined with windows. The room is simply furnished, and narrow shelves and hanging censers comprise the bulk of the adornments.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat.

Area 006
designation: Storage.
descripton: Crates, barrels and kegs are neatly stored here.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat.

Area 007
designation: Novices' berthing.
descripton: This is a common sleeping room, containing beds for the temple's novices.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat.

G2 Areas:

Area 008
designation: Upper terrace.
descripton: This upper terrace extends around the interior facing of the temple. A wooden staircase descends to G1.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 009
designation: Library.
descripton: This is the temple's library, a rather impressive collection of volumes for a temple of its size.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 010
designation: Laboratory.
descripton: This alchemical laboratory is located directly above the kitchen to permit access to a fireplace. It is a well-stocked laboratory, with a variety of mixtures and concoctions filling bowls, flasks and other containers.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 011
designation: Bedroom.
descripton: When not provided to a visiting guest, this is the sleeping chamber for one of the temple's junior priests. Furnishings include a single bed, dresser, chest, chair and small table.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 012
designation: Bedroom.
descripton: When not provided to a visiting guest, this is the sleeping chamber for one of the temple's junior priests. Furnishings include a single bed, dresser, chest, chair and small table.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 013
designation: Bedroom.
descripton: When not provided to a visiting guest, this is the sleeping chamber for one of the temple's junior priests. Furnishings include a single bed, dresser, chest, chair and small table.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 014
designation: Bedroom.
descripton: When not provided to a visiting guest, this is the sleeping chamber for one of the temple's junior priests. Furnishings include a single bed, dresser, chest, chair and small table.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 015
designation: Senior priest's bedroom.
descripton: This is a large bedroom, rather plush in comparison to much of the temple. A four-poster bed, an armoire, dresser, chest and small tables fill the room.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 016
designation: Senior priest's office.
descripton: This office contains a bookshelf, twin storage cabinets, a large desk and several chairs.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 017
designation: Priest's bedroom.
descripton: This is another large bedroom, reserved for the priest second in charge of the temple. The room contains a single bed, writing desk, dresser, chest, chair and small table.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 018
designation: Upper terrace.
descripton: This upper terrace extends around the interior facing of the temple. A wooden staircase descends to G1.
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 9' wood, flat sub-roof.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.