Chapel of Ilus (the Master)

(Chapel 005)

This chapel to Ilus consists of a single building containing one level and an open courtyard. One or two priests and several novices live here.

Floorplan Notes: G1 Areas:

Area 001
designation: Main worship chamber.
description: This modestly adorned room contains rows of chairs facing an altar against the north wall. Twin armoires and chests line the walls to either side of the entrance.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 002
designation: Kitchen.
description: This room serves both as kitchen and dining area. It is clean and neatly kept.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 003
designation: Storage.
description: An assortment of foodstuffs and equipment is stored here in crates, casks and bins. A small wine rack rests against the west wall.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 004
designation: Bedroom.
description: This common bedchamber contains modest berthing for the chapel's clergy and novices.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 005
designation: Open courtyard.
description: This small courtyard serves mainly as a learning area where clergy teach and novices spar with practice weapons.
walls: 8' wood palisade.

Area 006
designation: Sparring circle.
description: Followers, priests and novices all test their skills here in non-lethal combat.
walls: 8' wood palisade.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright � 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.