Halestrom Castle
(Fortification 002)
Main (south) Gatehouse areas (001 - 015)
Southeast Tower areas (016 - 025)
Southeast Compartment areas (026 - 032)
East Tower areas (033 - 036)
Northeast Tower areas (037 - 046)
Northeast Compartment areas (047 - 059)
Secondary (north) Gatehouse areas (060 - 067)
Northwest Compartment areas (068 - 076)
Northwest Tower areas (077 - 085)
West Tower areas (086 - 089)
Southwest Compartment areas (090 - 100)
Southwest Tower areas (101 - 109)
Inner Bailey areas (110 - 134)
Exterior Causeway areas (135 - 137)
Inner Bailey areas:
Area 110
location: Bailey, G1 east curtain wall.
designation: Armorer, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 111
location: Bailey, G1 east curtain wall.
designation: Blacksmith, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 112
location: Bailey, G1 east curtain wall.
designation: Mason, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 113
location: Bailey, G1 east curtain wall.
designation: Carpenter, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 114
location: Bailey, G1 east curtain wall.
designation: Atilliator, bowyer and fletcher, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 115
location: Bailey, G1 north curtain wall.
designation: Tailor and weaver, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 116
location: Bailey, G1 west curtain wall.
designation: Potter, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 117
location: Bailey, G1 west curtain wall.
designation: Slaughterhouse and tannery, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 118
location: Bailey, G1 west curtain wall.
designation: Chandler, first floor.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Area 119
location: Bailey, G1 center.
designation: Stables, first floor.
floor: dirt.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 10' wood, flat.
Note: Though not actually part of the bailey itself, areas 120, 121, 122 and 123
are numbered on the Bailey Second Floor plan for consistency.
Area 120
location: Main Gatehouse G1a northwest staircase tower.
designation: Main Gatehouse northwest stairwell (staircase B).
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: staircase: 7' stone, sloping. passage: 9' stone, flat.
Area 121
location: Main Gatehouse G1a northeast staircase tower.
designation: Main Gatehouse northeast stairwell (staircase C).
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: staircase: 7' stone, sloping. passage: 9' stone, flat.
Area 122
location: Northeast compartments G1a staircase tower.
designation: Northeast compartments staircase tower (staircase L).
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: staircase: 7' stone, sloping. passage: 9' stone, flat.
Area 123
location: Northwest compartments G1a staircase tower.
designation: Northwest compartments staircase tower (staircase R).
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: staircase: 7' stone, sloping. passage: 9' stone, flat.
Area 124
location: Bailey, G1a east curtain wall.
designation: Armorer, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood shingle, sloping roof.
Area 125
location: Bailey, G1a east curtain wall.
designation: Blacksmith, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood shingle, sloping roof.
Area 126
location: Bailey, G1a east curtain wall.
designation: Mason, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' thatch, sloping roof.
Area 127
location: Bailey, G1a east curtain wall.
designation: Carpenter, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' wood shingle, sloping roof.
Area 128
location: Bailey, G1a east curtain wall.
designation: Atilliator, bowyer and fletcher, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' thatch, sloping roof.
Area 129
location: Bailey, G1a north curtain wall.
designation: Tailor and weaver, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' thatch, sloping roof.
Area 130
location: Bailey, G1a west curtain wall.
designation: Potter, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' thatch, sloping roof.
Area 131
location: Bailey, G1a west curtain wall.
designation: Slaughterhouse and tannery, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' thatch, sloping roof.
Area 132
location: Bailey, G1a west curtain wall.
designation: Chandler, second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 10' thatch, sloping roof.
Area 133
location: Bailey, G1a center.
designation: Stables, second floor (hay loft).
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 10' thatch, A-frame roof.
Area 134
location: Bailey, G1a center.
designation: Stables, second floor (hay loft).
floor: wood.
walls: thick and thin wood.
ceiling: 10' thatch, A-frame roof.
Darkfuries: Castles and Keeps
Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.