Roshefain Keep

(Fortification 005)
Northwest Tower areas (001 - 004)
Southwest Tower areas (005 - 013)
Southeast Tower areas (014 - 017)
Northeast Tower (Donjon) areas (018 - 034)
Bailey areas (035 - 044)

Southeast Tower areas:

Area 014
location: Southeast Tower G1 chamber.
designation: Guard room.
description: This is the foundation room of the southeast tower. It is lined with arrow loop alcoves and contains additional weapons for the keep garrison. The room accesses the inner bailey, and a stone staircase (staircase E) in the northeast corner spirals cw up to G2.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 14' wood,flat.

Area 015
location: Southeast Tower G2 chamber.
designation: Armory.
description: This room contains the majority of the keep's arsenal of additonal weapons. A stone staircase (staircase E) in the northeast corner spirals cw up to G3 and ccw down to G1.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 14' wood,flat.

Area 016
location: Southeast Tower G3 chamber.
designation: Storage.
description: A large container of rock shot for the catapult fills this room. The stone staircase (staircase E) in the northeast corner spirals cw up to G4 and ccw down to G2. The room accesses the top of the east and south curtain walls.
floor: wood.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 9' stone, vaulted.

Area 017
location: Southeast Tower G4 roof.
designation: Southeast Tower roof.
description: This is the crenellated top of the southeast tower, standing approximately 15' above the curtain walls. The stone staircase (staircase E) that spirals ccw down to G3 is protected by a small shell tower. The crenellations are 42" in height.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.

Darkfuries: Castles and Keeps Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.