Citadel Ghul Sh' Varn

(Mansion 007)

Citadel Ghul Sh' Varn Personalities


Citadel Ghul Sh' Varn, the Golden Shield Citadel, is a large and imposing structure. It is a Corlennian noble house, and as is common with Corlennian arrogance, it is designed to show that its Corlennian owners dwell above the ground, and not upon it.

The citadel is comprised of three small circular towers that rise four stories, one large circular tower that rises five stories, and the central rectangular donjon that consists of four stories above ground and one level underground.

Entrance to the upper stories is usually through one of the two arching bridges that stretch east-west along the north and south sides of the citadel. The ground floor lies beneath these bridge entrances, and is directly accessible from the outside through the gate in the west tower.

The citadel is constructed primarily of cut white granite, with liberal use of wood throughout. The north, east, and south towers each have a long, decorative plinth jutting from their base. The windows have wooden shutters and moveable glass panes, and the citadel is roofed with polished metal shingles.

Floorplan Notes:
  • cw: clockwise.
  • ccw: counter-clockwise.
  • U1 (underground level 1): floor depth 15' below exterior terrain.
  • G1 (ground level 1): floor height 1' above exterior terrain.
  • G2 (ground level 2): floor height 13' above exterior terrain.
  • G3 (ground level 3): floor height 25' above exterior terrain.
  • G4 (ground level 4): floor height 37' above exterior terrain.
  • G5 (ground level 5): floor height 49' above exterior terrain.
G1 Areas:

Area 001: Northwest staircase entrance.
summary: Wooden staircase (Staircase A) bridge that arches over the courtyard as it ascends to G2. Two columns, each eight feet in height, stand at the base of the staircase, and meet with the curving granite wall that surrounds the citadel's inner courtyard. Twin short statues stand atop the columns.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 002: Northeast staircase entrance.
summary: Wooden staircase (Staircase B) bridge that arches over the courtyard as it ascends to G2. Two columns, each eight feet in height, stand at the base of the staircase, and meet with the curving granite wall that surrounds the citadel's inner courtyard. Twin short statues stand atop the columns.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 003: Southeast staircase entrance.
summary: Wooden staircase (Staircase C) bridge that arches over the courtyard as it ascends to G2. Two columns, each eight feet in height, stand at the base of the staircase, and meet with the curving granite wall that surrounds the citadel's inner courtyard. Twin short statues stand atop the columns.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 004: Southwest staircase entrance.
summary: Wooden staircase (Staircase D) bridge that arches over the courtyard as it ascends to G2. Two columns, each eight feet in height, stand at the base of the staircase, and meet with the curving granite wall that surrounds the citadel's inner courtyard. Twin short statues stand atop the columns.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 005: (West tower) Citadel main entrance.
summary: Base of the west tower, this is the ground entrance into the citadel. Double doors face to the west, behind two outer statues. Two sets of double doors within the tower open to the citadel's inner courtyard, and a passage connects to the citadel donjon.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 006: Open courtyard.
summary: Paved with cut granite stone, surrounded by granite walls, and largely obscured from the sky above by balconies and arching bridges, this courtyard is open to the elements but is not particularly pleasant.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: 8' cut granite stone.

Area 007: (Donjon) Hallway.
summary: Connects the donjon rooms to the east, west, and south towers. A central stone staircase (Staircase E) spirals cw up to G2 and ccw down to U1.
floor: wood.
walls: baked brick and mortar.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 008: (Donjon) Kitchen.
summary: Lower kitchen, serves the citadel guard and servants.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 009: (Donjon) Dining hall.
summary: Lower dining hall, serves the citadel guard and servants.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 010: (Donjon) Servants' bedroom.
summary: Contains nine bed mattresses and two common storage chests.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 011: (Donjon) Storage.
summary: Contains crates, barrels, casks, and kegs of foodstuffs, dry provisions, equipment, and tools.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 012: (North tower) Armory.
summary: Base of the north tower. Contains weapons, shields, and suits of armor.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 013: (East tower) Guards' bedroom.
summary: Base of the east tower. Contains seven bunk beds and seven common storage chests. Normally berths two footsoldier squads totalling 14 guards. In double occupancy, can house four squads totalling 28 guards.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 014: (South tower) Guards' bedroom.
summary: Base of the south tower. Shared quarters for two squad sergeants and one lieutenant. Contains three bunk beds and three chests. In double occupancy, will house four sergeants and two lieutenants.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

G2 Areas:

Area 015: North staircase.
summary: North staircase balcony. Each end of the balcony descends to G1. The balcony connects the second floor of the north tower to the donjon. Two stone columns are set next to the tower, and rise from the courtyard to the tower's second story, one to either side of the tower door. The columns rise to the height of the balcony bannister, and twin statues stand atop the columns.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 016: (North tower) Guards' bedroom.
summary: Contains three bunk beds and three common storage chests. Normally berths a five-archer squad and a squad sergeant for a total of six guards.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 017: South staircase.
summary: South staircase balcony. Each end of the balcony descends to G1. The balcony connects the second floor of the south tower to the donjon. Two stone columns are set next to the tower, and rise from the courtyard to the tower's second story, one to either side of the tower door. The columns rise to the height of the balcony bannister, and twin statues stand atop the columns.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 018: (South tower) Guards' bedroom.
summary: Contains three bunk beds and three common storage chests. Normally berths a five-archer squad and a squad sergeant for a total of six guards.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 019: (Donjon) Hallway.
summary: Connects the donjon rooms to the north, south, and east balconies. A central stone staircase (Staircase E) spirals cw up to G3 and ccw down to G1.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 020: (Donjon) Library.
summary: Contains two bookshelves, one bookcase, and a small table with chairs.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 021: (Donjon) Conservatory.
summary: Contains musical instruments and music stands.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 022: (Donjon) Parlor.
summary: Common area for citadel guards.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 023: (Donjon) Anteroom.
summary: Waiting area for citadel guests.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 024: West balcony.
summary: Spans the donjon's west wall, provides archer cover and permits unobstructed firing onto the northwest and southwest entrance staircases. Connects the second floor of the west tower to the donjon. Two stone columns are set next to the tower, and rise from the courtyard to the tower's second story, one to either side of the tower door. The columns rise to the height of the balcony bannister, and twin statues stand atop the columns.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.

Area 025: (West tower) Guards' bedroom.
summary: Contains three bunk beds and three common storage chests. Normally berths a five-archer squad and a squad sergeant for a total of six guards.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 026: East balcony.
summary: Spans the donjon's east wall, provides archer cover and permits unobstructed firing onto the northeast and southeast entrance staircases. Connects the second floor of the east tower to the donjon. A buttress from the east tower extends beneath the balcony and supports two short stone columns next to the tower, one to either side of the tower door. Twin statues stand atop the columns.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.

Area 027: (East tower) Entry hall.
summary: Connects the four rooms of the east tower second floor.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 028: (East tower) Priest bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of a junior priest serving as a citadel guard. Contains a single bed, dresser, small table, and chest.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 029: (East tower) Priest bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of a junior priest serving as a citadel guard. Contains a single bed, dresser, small table, and chest.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 030: (East tower) Wizard bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of a junior wizard serving as a citadel guard. Contains a single bed, dresser, small table, and chest.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 031: (East tower) Wizard bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of a junior wizard serving as a citadel guard. Contains a single bed, dresser, small table, and chest.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

G3 Areas:

Area 032: (Donjon) Dining Hall.
summary: A dining hall for the citadel's senior and elite guards, normally used only when the citadel's guard compliment is significantly increased. The hall also doubles as a ballroom for citadel parties. The spiral staircase (Staircase E) spirals cw up to G4 and ccw down to G2. Corlennian citadels usually have a primary internal defense point that is the sole access to the quarters of the nobility. The spiral staircase here is the only access to G4, and will be viciously defended should the citadel outer defenses be penetrated.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 033: (Donjon) Kitchen.
summary: Cooking area where the Corlennian family's meals are prepared.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 034: (Donjon) Storage.
summary: Contains crates and barrels of perishable foods and provisions.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 035: (North tower) Armory and storage.
summary: Contains barrels, casks, and kegs of equipment and tools. Weapons, shields, and suits of armor are also stored here. A wooden staircase (Staircase F) ascends to G4.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 036: (East tower) Private study.
summary: Reserved for the Corlennian family, contains two bookshelves, a desk, and a table with chairs. A wooden staircase (Staircase G) ascends to G4.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 037: (East tower) Private library.
summary: Reserved for the Corlennian family, contains six bookshelves filled with tomes, scrolls, and ledgers.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 038: (South tower) Armory and storage.
summary: Contains barrels, casks, and kegs of equipment and tools. Weapons, shields, and suits of armor are also stored here. A wooden staircase (Staircase H) ascends to G4.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 039: (West tower) Storage.
summary: Contains heavy crossbows and crates of crossbow quarrels. A wooden staircase (Staircase J) ascends to G4.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

G4 Areas:

Area 040: (Donjon) Dining Room.
summary: Formal dining room for the Corlennian family and honored guests.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 041: (Donjon) Living Room.
summary: Common area for the Corlennian family.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 042: North buttress.
summary: Open balcony connecting the north tower to the donjon.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 043: (North tower) Mujol Yirvaad's bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of Mujol Yirvaad, the castellan of the citadel. Contains a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, chest, and small table. A wooden staircase (Staircase F) descends to G3.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 044: East buttress.
summary: Open balcony connecting the east tower to the donjon.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 045: (East tower) Entry hall.
summary: Passage accessing the tower bedrooms and ending in two wooden staircases. One staircase (Staircase G) descends to G3, the other staircase (Staircase K) ascends to G5.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 046: (East tower) Ze' toln Kylmarr's bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of Ze' toln Kylmarr, patriarch of the citadel. Contains a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, dresser, storage chests, and small tables. A door in the southeast corner opens onto an open balcony.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 047: (East tower) Arn Kylmarr's bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of Arn Kylmarr, first son of the citadel. Contains a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, dresser, storage chests, and small tables. A door in the northeast corner opens onto an open balcony.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat.

Area 048: South buttress.
summary: Open balcony connecting the south tower to the donjon.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 049: (South tower) Pauvid Creel's bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of Pauvid Creel, centurion of the guard. Contains a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, chest, and small table. A wooden staircase (Staircase H) descends to G3.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 050: West buttress.
summary: Open balcony connecting the west tower to the donjon.
floor: wood.
walls: thin wood.

Area 051: (West tower) Evor Grig's bedroom.
summary: Bedroom of Evor Grig, centurion of the guard. Contains a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, chest, and small table. A wooden staircase (Staircase J) descends to G3.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat sub-roof.

G5 Areas:

Area 052: (Donjon) Atrium.
summary: The top of the donjon, gives an unobstructed view to the citadel balconies and outer grounds. This area is roofed, but otherwise open to the elements.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 21' wood, A-frame tile-shingle roof.

Area 053: (East tower) Master bedroom.
summary: Bedchamber of Lazat Kylmarr. Contains a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, dressing table, dresser, numerous chests, small tables, braziers, and a multitude of pillows. A wooden staircase (Staircase K) in the center of the room descends to G4.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 11' wood, flat sub-roof.

U1 Areas:

Area 054: (Donjon) Storage.
summary: Contains two great ale barrels, firewood, and crates of provisions.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 11' cut granite stone, flat.

Area 055: (Donjon) Storage.
summary: Contains wine racks and crates of wines and ales. The citadel's fresh water well is located here.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 11' cut granite stone, flat.

Area 056: (Donjon) Storage.
summary: Contains the citadel's main reserve of ground flour.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 11' cut granite stone, flat.

Area 057: (Donjon) Storage.
summary: Contains crates, casks, and barrels of foodstuffs, dry provisions, and equipment.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 11' cut granite stone, flat.

Darkfuries: Mansions and Manors Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.
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