Argreer Manor

(Mansion 003)

Argreer Manor Personalities


Argreer Manor consists of two levels above ground, and one level underground. From the outside, it is a two story structure constructed of white granite blocks built upon a granite foundation. The windows have wooden shutters and moveable glass panes, and the house is roofed with gray slate tiles.

Floorplan Notes:
  • U1 (underground level 1): floor depth 10' below exterior terrain.
  • G1 (ground level 1): floor height 1' above exterior terrain.
  • G2 (ground level 2): floor height 10' above exterior terrain.
G1 Areas:

Area 001: Main hall.
summary: Large, octagonal room, open to the second story, with an upper balcony encircling the chamber. Statues, hanging shields, and tapestries decorate the room, and a wooden staircase (Staircase A) ascends to the G2 balcony. Twin double doors open into adjoining rooms.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: balcony: 8' wood, flat. ceiling: 20' wood covered with plaster, domed roof.

Area 002: Parlor.
summary: Quiet sitting room that sees greatest use during parties, when the parlor doors are left open to the main hall. A secret door on the east wall accesses the hidden staircase passage (area 009).
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 003: Library.
summary: Modest library containing two bookcases, tapestries, and a standing suit of armor. A secret door on the east wall accesses the hidden staircase passage (area 009).
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 004: Dining room.
summary: Contains a large, polished oak table, and a china hutch on the south wall that holds formal dinnerware and silver cutlery.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 005: Hallway.
summary: Decorated with a number of hanging shields and tapestries.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 006: Kitchen.
summary: Tightly packed with supplies and preparation tables. A stone staircase (Staircase B) against the west wall descends to U1.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 007: Conservatory.
summary: Largely-unused music room that contains an assortment of musical instruments and music stands.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 008: Study.
summary: Private study, contains a bookcase and writing desk. A secret door on the south wall accesses the hidden staircase passage (area 009) that descends to U1. Two secret doors on the east wall access the hidden staircase passage (area 010) that descends to U1, and the hidden staircase passage (area 011) that ascends to G2.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 009: (Secret Area) Hidden staircase passage.
summary: This staircase landing accesses three rooms. The stone staircase (Staircase C) descends to U1.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: passage: 8' wood, flat. staircase: 8' wood, sloping.

Area 010: (Secret Area) Hidden staircase passage.
summary: This staircase landing accesses the study, and the stone staircase (Staircase D) descends to U1.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: thin wood.
ceiling: passage: 8' wood, flat. staircase: 8' wood, sloping.

Area 011: (Secret Area) Hidden staircase passage.
summary: This staircase landing accesses the study, and the wooden staircase (Staircase E) asccends to G2.
floor: cut granite stone, wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: passage: 8' wood, flat. staircase: 8' wood, sloping.

G2 Areas:

Area 012: Hallway.
summary: Connects the main hall balcony and adjoining bedchambers.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 013: Bedroom.
summary: Comfortably furnished with a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, dresser, writing desk, small tables, and a chest. A fireplace fills the west wall.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 014: Bedroom.
summary: Comfortably furnished with a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, dresser, writing desk, small tables, and a chest. A fireplace fills the west wall.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 015: Bedroom.
summary: One of the largest bedchambers. It is plushly furnished with a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, dresser, chest of drawers, writing desk, dressing table, small tables, and a chest. A fireplace fills the east wall.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 016: Master bedroom.
summary: Kevik Argreer's bedchamber. Contains a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, dresser, chest of drawers, writing desk, vanity table, dressing table, small tables, and a wooden chest. A great hearth dominates the east wall. A door on the west wall connects to the master parlor.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 017: Master Parlor.
summary: Private study and sitting room, modestly furnished with a writing desk and armoire. A door on the east wall connects to the master bedroom. A secret door on the west wall accesses the hidden staircase passage (area 019).
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 018: Carlyle's Bedroom.
summary: The smallest bedchamber, but nonetheless comfortably furnished. A secret door on the east wall accesses the hidden staircase passage (area 019).
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 019: (Secret Area) Hidden staircase passage.
summary: This small staircase landing accesses two rooms, and the wooden staircase (Staircase E) descends to G1.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: passage: 8' wood, flat. staircase: 8' wood, sloping.

U1 Areas:

Area 020: Storage.
summary: Contains firewood, perishable foodstuffs, and dry provisions. A stone staircase (Staircase B) in the northwest corner ascends to G1.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 021: Storage.
summary: Contains spices, crates of dry foodstuffs, kegs of mead and beer, and a winerack.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 022: (Secret Area) Armory.
summary: Contains a large assortment of weapons, shields, and armors. A stone staircase (Staircase D) in the center of the room ascends to G1.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 023: (Secret Area) Research Library and Storage.
summary: Holds a number of open bookshelves upon which are arrayed a myriad of tomes, scrolls, and containers. Several wooden barrels are filled a variety of alchemical materials. A large crystal ball rests on the center table. A stone staircase (Staircase C) against the north wall ascends to G1. A secret door on the north wall accesses the hidden laboratory (area 024).
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 024: (Secret Area) Laboratory.
summary: Serves as a workshop, forge, and alchemical laboratory. When lit, the open firepit against the west wall quickly heats the room to sweltering temperatures. Five stone coffins, each containing the remains of an Argreer family member, line the southern walls.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Darkfuries: Mansions and Manors Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.
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