Lurfell Tower

(Fortification 003)
Underground Level One areas (001 - 005)
Underground Level Two areas (006 - 009)
Ground Level One areas (010 - 014)
Ground Level Two areas (015 - 024)
Ground Level Three areas (025 - 030)
Ground Level Four areas (031 - 033)
Ground Level Five areas (034 - 041)
Ground Level Six areas (042 - 050)
Ground Level Seven areas (051 - 055)
Ground Level Eight areas (056 - 060)

Ground Level Two areas:

Area 015
location: G2 tower foundation.
designation: Tower foundation
description: This is Lurfell Tower's massive foundation. The octagonal base rises to a height of 15' above the exterior terrain, and is further thickened by an encircling plinth. A wide stairway leads up to the tower entrance, which is preceeded by two large stone statues.
floor: stone.

Area 016
location: G2 tower entrance.
designation: Tower entrance.
description: A pair of thick oak doors covered with iron bands and studs protect the tower entrance. Just inside the entry doors is an iron portcullis. Beyond the portcullis the entry hall narrows, and a single door allows access into the tower interior.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 12' stone, vaulted.

Area 017
location: G2 center chamber and passages.
designation: Mural hall.
description: The two main passages on this floor intersect in an ornate tiled chamber.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: center chamber: 15' stone, vaulted. passage: 12' stone, vaulted.

Area 018
location: G2 southeast chamber.
designation: Bedroom.
description: This is a luxurious guest chamber with twin four post canopy beds. The fireplace vents out an angled shaft through the outer wall. The double doors are iron bound oak, and are locked from the passage, not from inside the bedroom.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 12' stone, vaulted.

Area 019
location: G2 south passage.
designation: Passage.
description: This passage has a single arrow loop window alcove, atop a short flight of stairs. At the passage east end is a stone staircase (staircase B) that spirals cw up to G3 and ccw down to G1. At the passage west end is a latrine room.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: passage: 12' stone, vaulted. alcove: 9' stone, flat. latrine: 9' stone, flat. staircase: 7' stone, sloping.

Area 020
location: G2 southwest chamber.
designation: Bedroom.
description: This is a luxurious guest chamber with twin four post canopy beds. The fireplace vents out an angled shaft through the outer wall. The double doors are iron bound oak, and are locked from the passage, not from inside the bedroom.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 12' stone, vaulted.

Area 021
location: G2 west staircase.
designation: West Staircase.
description: This stone staircase (staircase C) spirals cw up to G4. The iron bound oak door can be locked from the staircase side to prevent access from G2.
ceiling: passage: 12' stone, vaulted. staircase: 7' stone, sloping.

Area 022
location: G2 northwest chamber.
designation: Dining hall.
description: This chamber contains a large dining table, and is decorated with suits of standing armor. The fireplace vents out an angled shaft through the outer wall. The double doors are iron bound oak, and are locked from the passage, not from inside the dining hall.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 12' stone, vaulted.

Area 023
location: G2 north passage.
designation: Passage.
description: This passage has a single arrow loop window alcove, atop a short flight of stairs. At the passage east end is a stone staircase (staircase A) that spirals cw up to G3 and ccw down to G1. At the passage west end is the well shaft and a stone staircase (staircase D) that spirals cw up to G3.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: passage: 12' stone, vaulted. alcove: 9' stone, flat. staircase: 7' stone, sloping. shaft depth: 85'.

Area 024
location: G2 northeast chamber.
designation: Library.
description: This is a well-maintained library. The fireplace vents out an angled shaft through the outer wall. The double doors are iron bound oak, and are locked from the passage, not from inside the library.
floor: stone.
walls: stone.
ceiling: 12' stone, vaulted.

Darkfuries: Castles and Keeps Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.