Telburke Manor

(Mansion 001)

Telburke Manor Personalities


Telburke Manor is a handsome country manor. It consists of two levels above ground, and one level underground. From the outside, the manor is a two story structure constructed of white granite blocks built upon a granite foundation. The windows have wooden shutters, and moveable glass panes. The house is roofed with blue slate tiles.

Floorplan Notes:
  • U1 (underground level 1): floor depth 9' below exterior terrain.
  • G1 (ground level 1): floor height 1' above exterior terrain.
  • G2 (ground level 2): floor height 10' above exterior terrain.
G1 Areas:

Area 001: Open patio.
summary: Surrounded by a short wall, open to the elements.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: 3' fieldstone.

Area 002: Main hall.
summary: Expansive room decorated with plants and statues, with shields and tapestries adorning the walls. The wooden staircase on the north wall leads up to an upstairs balcony that encircles the main hall. This room is sparsely furnished, and serves as a dancing hall for parties at the mansion. A secret door beneath the east wing of the main staircase (staircase A) opens into a hidden staircase (staircase C) that descends to hidden areas of U1.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: balcony: 8' wood, flat. center: 17' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 003: Parlor.
summary: Quiet, comfortable room brightly lit by twin windows that overlook the outdoor patio.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 004: Conservatory.
summary: Holds a variety of musical instruments and accouterments.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 005: Dining room.
summary: Formal dining room dominated by a large polished oak dining table.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 006: Storage.
summary: Politely referred to as the linen, china or silver closet, this room stores much of the manor's formal wares, and has an armoire for visitors' jackets.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 007: Kitchen.
summary: Well-stocked, with a great hearth, capable of preparing a feast for a large number of guests. A stone staircase (staircase B) against the east wall descends to U1, allowing quick access to provisions stored in the cellar.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

Area 008: Study.
summary: Long room with tall windows lining the curved south wall and bookcases covering the west wall.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat.

G2 Areas:

Area 009: Bedroom.
summary: Comfortably furnished with a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, chest, and small tables.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 010: Bedroom.
summary: Comfortably furnished with a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, chest, and small tables. A large fireplace dominates the north wall.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 011: Joran Corald's Bedroom.
summary: Comfortably furnished with a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, chest, and small tables. A large fireplace dominates the north wall. This is the bedroom of Joran the manservant, but if the manor has a large number of guests, this room will serve as an additional guest room.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 012: Bedroom.
summary: Comfortably furnished with a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, chest, and small tables.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 013: Servants' bedroom.
summary: Designed to house the manor's serving staff, but with only one servant in the household, this chamber sees little use.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 014: Master bedroom.
summary: Larumis Telburke's bedroom. It is the largest bedchamber, and is plushly furnished with a four-poster canopy bed, armoire, chest of drawers, floor chest, writing stand, couch, and small tables.
floor: wood.
walls: cut granite stone, thin wood.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

U1 Areas:

Area 015: (Secret Area) Armory.
summary: Hidden room containing armors, weapons, and other items. A stone staircase (staircase C) ascends to G1.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 016: (Secret Area) Vault.
summary: Hidden chamber containing a small wooden chest.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 017: Storage.
summary: Cellar room containing crates of dry provisions and supplies.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 018: Storage.
summary: Cellar room containing casks and barrels of foodstuffs.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 019: Storage.
summary: Cellar room containing the bulk of the manor's dry foodstuffs and spices.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 020: Storage.
summary: Cellar room containing crates of dry stores, equipment, and tools.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 021: Storage.
summary: Holds a well that supplies the manor with fresh water. A small amount of various supplies are casually stored here.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 022: Wine cellar.
summary: Contains a number of wine racks. The wines are all of excellent quality.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Area 023: Storage.
summary: Work area, mainly used for the unpacking and temporary storage of miscellaneous equipment and dry stores.
floor: cut granite stone.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 7' stone, flat.

Darkfuries: Mansions and Manors Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.
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