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Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines is an Electronic Software Download (ESD) collection of high quality floorplans suitable for any genre role-playing game. While presented in HTML, Temples and Shrines showcases floorplan art, and the number of HTML pages is minimal.

In the Inns and Taverns ESD, floorplans were presented in two galleries: a collection of inns and a collection of taverns. In Castles and Keeps, each fortification was displayed in a separate gallery. Temples and Shrines contains a combination of these presentation styles, with floorplans arranged by building size. Smaller structures are grouped in collective galleries, and larger buildings are each showcased in their own gallery.

Temples and Shrines structures are grouped into five size classifications:
  • Shrine: Consecrated altar and ground, common in most areas.
  • Chapel: ~ 1,200 sq. ft. building, common in rural areas.
  • Temple: ~ 2,500 sq. ft. building(s), common in small cities.
  • Church: ~ 5,000 sq. ft. building(s), common in large cities.
  • Cathedral: ~ 10,000 sq. ft. building(s), uncommon in any area.
To help provide meaningful descriptions for the Temples and Shrines floorplans, each structure is designated to the worship of a particular type of deity. To this end, each Temples and Shrines building is devoted to a deity from the Darkfuries' Maelstrom Fantasy Campaign Setting pantheon. Information for these deities is included in this volume, and the Maelstrom Fantasy Campaign Setting sourcebook is not required to utilize this ESD.

It is my goal that all of the floorplans and maps be presented at the same scale whenever possible (not including thumbnails and overview images) to provide the clearest and greatest possible detail. This means some images are quite large. Image filesize and printer-friendly renderings are my major concerns when considering the use of full color artwork, so color art has been used sparingly. Single-color notwithstanding, I believe you will find these floorplans to be of the highest detail and quality.

The floorplans may be viewed independently of this sourcebook. There is no separate viewer included in this download. I have provided a freeware viewer/printer for download at
I grant permission for the purchaser to reproduce the floorplan images contained in this ESD for their personal use only. I ask that purchasers please respect my work by not illegally copying and distributing these images freely. It is only through the legitimate purchase of Darkfuries sourcebooks and accessories that I am able to continue publishing these high quality, low cost products.

Thank you very much,

Brian K. Moseley
April 1st, 2002


Cover Art by Jim Lassiter.
Maelstrom Logo by Luis Vasquez.
Symbol contributions by Steve Grover and Jean-Christian Villey.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.