Shrine of Sethanit (the Lord of Evil)

(Shrine 002)

This shrine to Sethanit consists of a single chamber containing a consecrated altar. The shrine is hidden within an alchemist's shop. The alchemist is a priest of Sethanit, and maintains the shrine. The alchemist specializes in poisons, and will teach his skills to followers and fellow priests for an exchange of services.

Floorplan Notes: G1 Areas:

Area 001
designation: Storefront.
description: This is the front of the shop. Beyond the merchant's counter are four standing shelves. While filled with many items that are not immediately identifiable, the shelves also contain scrolls, parchments, tomes and all manner of containers.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 002
designation: Shrine to Sethanit the Lord of Evil.
description: This locked room contains a large altar consecrated to Sethanit the Lord of Evil. Other contents include two chests, a sacrificial dagger, a religious text devoted to Sethanit and hanging censers.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 003
designation: Laboratory.
descripton: This room contains tables filled with a variety of alchemical materials. Bizarre arrangements of beakers and flasks pass bubbling liquids through twisting glass tubes, while small iron kettles contain powders and cool liquids.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 004
designation: Storage.
descripton: Crates, barrels, casks and kegs are stored here.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Area 005
designation: Animal storage.
descripton: Live animals are kept here. Seven cages fill the room, and contain snakes, rodents and scorpions. The alchemist concocts poisons from the venomous species.
floor: fieldstone and mortar.
walls: fieldstone and mortar.
ceiling: 8' wood, flat sub-roof.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley. All rights reserved.