Whogam (the Huntress)

"Careful Huntress in the Woods,
Fertile Lady of Sowing and Reaping,
Mother of Gardens and Farmers,
Generous Mistress of Bountiful Harvests."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

Good and Chaos
hunter's bow
green and brown
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:

green and brown robes
non-metal armor and shield
bow or sword


Whogam is the defender of the woodlands, and the elfanir and animals that live under her protection. She teaches the careful hunting of the animals of the land, and is the sworn enemy of those who hunt for sport alone. She is seen as a patron of farmers and farming communities, but to a much smaller degree than her father Zandaron.


Much as their deity, priests of the Huntress prefer woodlands to settlements. They are wanderers who roam the countryside preaching their philosophies of living in harmony with the land. They teach to take only what is needed, to give thanks for the bounties received, and to replace what is taken.

Whogam's clergy are skilled hunters, and most are adept archers. Though they tolerate "civilized" lifestyles, they tend to feel out of place in human cities and towns, and are always most comfortable in woodland environments.


There are far more shrines and natural settings consecrated to the Huntress than there are built temples. Her places of worship are usually found in wilderness settings, though there is no prohibition preventing temples from being established in cities and towns.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.