Viest (the Fated)

"All-Knowing Father of the Eternal Balance,
Sovereign Lord of the One True Path,
Determiner of the Fate of Mortal Beings,
Solemn Guide to the Unavoidable Destiny."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

sixteen linked silver rings
silver and gray
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:

silver and gray robes
none preferred
none preferred


According to legend, the power to know the destiny of all mortals brings with it a timeless wisdom. Though he is a younger power, Viest is seen as one of the wisest of the deities. He is also one of the most reserved, preferring his solitude to companionship, and rarely participating in any discussions with the other powers. Viest is hailed as the power who decides the fate of mortal beings, but he maintains that his is the ability to foresee destiny, not create it.


Viest's clergy are the Ordained. They are quiet, unassuming folk, assured in their belief that all people, regardless of their faiths, must follow their own paths which, in turn, lead them to their own, unavoidable destiny. They do not actively seek to sway non-believers to their faith. For those who will follow Viest, their paths are already in place, and their worship of the Fated One is inevitable.


Temples of Viest are found in towns or cities about as often as they are found in remote regions. The temples are open constructs whose windows and doors have no locks, and priests, followers, and visitors come and go at will. Viest's temples are usually located above ground, though some are constructed into the faces of cliffs.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.