Kaichea (the Loner)

"Loner upon the Bloody Path of Tears,
Saddened Mother of Lost Souls,
Immortal Mistress of Chaos and Limbo,
Crimson Lady of Randomness and Individuality."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

Chaos and Neutrality
three broken rings
red and violet
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:



Kaichea is the power of chaos amongst the five elder deities. When Chaulatae placed all of the planets into their orbits, Kaichea was tasked by Olhantam to set the seasons of all the worlds into motion. Though she is the sister of Chaulatae, Kaichea represents all which the Binder abhors. Even as Chaulatae bring about order and unity, Kaichea seeks to disrupt what her sister has accomplished. She does not understand the narrow vision of her sister. She knows only that absolute freedom is the single truth of the universe, and that all things must change. She resents Chaulatae's arrogant belief that all the universe must be an absolute constant. Above all, she is appalled that Chaulatae could believe herself to possess the right to enforce her beliefs upon all mortals.


Kaichea's following roam the world without restraint, but rarely are they welcomed. The priests must always remain chaotic, but may embrace neutrality, good, or evil in their outlook. Oftentimes, priests of the Loner are viewed as omens of ill fortune. If there is one common fact of the priests of Kaichea, it is that they are all loners, seldom confiding in others and rarely making strong friendships. Those who become priests or followers of Kaichea usually are loners already, and have frequent mood swings. Her priests typically exhibit a strong detatchment from material possessions, following their deity's example of self-reliance and resourcefulness. They scorn anyone who relies upon possessions, whether mundane, magical, or of great value.


Major places of worship to Kaichea are uncommon. Kaichea herself does not care where or by whom she is worshipped. Her places of worship are found in cities and towns, as well as in open countryside. The Loner's shrines are rarely located underground.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.