Delundar (the Artisan)

"Master Craftsman of the Gods,
Father of Business and Commerce,
Lord of Bountiful Endeavors and Prosperity."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

Neutrality, Good
golden necklace
copper, silver and gold
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:

none preferred
none preferred
finest available
finest available


The Artisan is the patron of craftsmen and merchants. He is a perfectionist, and can be a difficult power to please. He does not demand perfection of his flock, only that they strive to achieve it. His priests and followers must always seek to better themselves.

His flock includes artisans of all crafts, and all manner of businessmen. As Delundar seeks perfection in his endeavors, so must his worshippers. His craftsmen followers must always strive to create the highest quality they can achieve. Merchants in his flock are shrewd businessmen, always alert to finding the profit which lesser merchants miss.


Much as their deity, Delundar's priests are perfectionists. The attitudes of Delundar's priests can be summed in their first statute, "No endeavor achieves perfection, every undertaking provides profit."

Their teachings are sometimes viewed as harsh, and they do not often interact well with rural settlers. Delundar's clergy do not flourish in wilderness or sparsely populated regions. When encountered in such an environment, they are usually with a merchant caravan.


The Artisan's temples are always handsome structures, located in settlements. They are designed to reflect wealth and affluence, and promote an air of prosperity. They are adorned with mosiacs, fountains, and plush furnishings, and filled with statues, sculptures and paintings.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.