Burthaggid (the Timeless)

"Timeless Master of Perpetual Eternity,
Beacon to Those at Time of Death,
Companion and Guide to Those Passing from Life,
Relentless Guardian of the Dead."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

skull and hourglass
pale blue
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:

pale blue robes


Burthaggid is the Lord of Time and Guardian of the Dead. He knows the time of death of all mortals, and he delivers their souls or spirits to their final resting place. He feels that the pain and suffering of life are always rewarded in the end by death, and believes the price of eternal peace to be a fair one. Burthaggid prefers a solitary existence, and rarely associates with other deities.


Burthaggid's flock must always remain neutral. While predominately absolute in their neutrality, they may embrace the philosophies of good, law, chaos, or evil. They are primarily concerned with helping the dying to reach an inner peace, so that their transition from this life is uninterrupted. A priest of Burthaggid may actually assist someone who is suffering and near death to die, thus ending their agony. Once a person is dead, the corpse is considered a worthless hulk, to be disposed of as circumstances permit. The life essence of the individual has left, and the shell which remains is unimportant. Burthaggid's priests seek out disturbed and restless spirits which infest the lands. They must help these unliving entities to pass from this existence to their next life. Evil priests cannot ally themselves with these undead spirits, and only those priests of good nature can even attempt to turn away the undead.


Temples to Burthaggid are common in settled lands. They may be located in towns or cities, or just as often are found in small outlying communities.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.