Ankaris (the Fire Lord)

"Immortal Lord of Elemental Fire,
Father of All Creatures of the Flame,
Ignitor of the Sun and Bringer of Warmth."

Holy Symbol:
Associated Animal:
Associated Colors:

Law and Neutrality
fire salamander
white, gold and red
Head Rainment:
Body Rainment:
Preferred Armor:
Preferred Weapon:

metal helm
white, gold or red robes
any metal armor and shield
any metal


Ankaris is the prince of all creatures of fire. He is the patron deity of fire, both beneficial and baneful. It was he who hurled fire into the sky to make the sun, and thus brought warmth to the world of Roil. When angered, his wrath often takes form as volcanic eruptions. But Ankaris concerns himself with the world of mortals only when fire is involved.


Priests of Arkanis can be male or female, though males dominate the clergy. They seek to bring fire and all its uses to everyone, preaching the benefits of fire, and warning of the Fire Lord's wrath against infidels. Ankaris's priests can be found roaming the hottest of lands in the warmest of months. They particularily despise winter, but ironically, it is when they are most welcomed by communities.

There are three orders in the ranks of the priests of Ankaris: The Order of Light are good, and wear white robes. The Order of the Sun are neutral, and wear gold robes. The Order of the Flame are evil, and wear red robes. Priests of the Order of Light and the Order of the Sun are welcome in most of Kaladia, while the Order of the Flame is openly received in only evil lands.


Places of worship to Ankaris are mostly found in large settlements. In good lands, temples to the Order of the Flame will be hidden and may be located in remote areas. Of course, the opposite is also true of the Order of Light.

Darkfuries: Temples and Shrines Copyright © 2002 by Brian K. Moseley.
All rights reserved.