"your sister's drown'd, laertes" a quinn b. rodriguez feverdream --- CONTENT WARNING. "your sister's drown'd, laertes" contains themes of: suicide, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, gaslighting, emotional neglect, emotional abuse, and the effects they have on mental health. --- SAFETY AND BOUNDARIES. "your sister's drown'd, laertes" requires safety tools to play. the red/yellow/green card and x/n/o card systems are generally most effective. -the red/the x card is a hard "no." -the yellow/the n card is a "let's back off." -the green/the o card is an "i'm okay." you may also choose to add the white card. -the white card is an "i'm okay, but i need a moment; keep going, but i need to breathe." discuss what you want and don't want from this game. acknowledge that bleed is real, and that your wellbeing is more important than any game could ever be. keep yourselves and each other safe. THE TTRPG SAFETY TOOLKIT. the ttrpg safety toolkit is a resource created by kienna shaw and lauren bryant-monk. the ttrpg safety toolkit is a compilation of safety tools that have been designed by members of the tabletop roleplaying games community for use by players and gms at the table. you can find it at bit.ly/ttrpgsafetytoolkit. MATERIALS. to play, you will need: -a d12 -a d100 -a journal and pen -self-care items of your choice CASTING OPHELIA. determine who will be playing the role of ophelia this evening. understand it is a thankless role. understand the emotional labor it requires. only the player cast as ophelia may open ophelia's playbook. ophelia, do so now. once your ophelia has been cast, thank them. then, begin. CHARACTER CREATION. determine who you are as a person. -who are you? -what do you do? -what do you want? ophelia: you may not speak. then, using the subsequent roll tables, determine who ophelia was to you. WHO WAS OPHELIA? roll a d12. -1 to 2: an ex-lover -3 to 4: a friend -5 to 6: a sister -7 to 8: a best friend -9 to 11: a lover -12: your true love; your heart's desire WHAT WAS OPHELIA LIKE? roll a d12. -1: meek -2: beautiful -3: kind -4: empathetic -5: bubbly -6: bold -7: vivacious -8: bright -9: quirky -10: insightful -11: tender -12: perfect WHAT DID OPHELIA TEACH YOU? roll a d12. -1 to 2: forgiveness -3 to 4: spontaneity -5 to 6: patience -7 to 8: empathy -9 to 11: self-worth -12: "life is precious" WHAT DID OPHELIA SAVE YOU FROM? roll a d100. -1: an external situation -2 to 100: yourself OPHELIA'S DEATH. remember: ophelia's death was by suicide. going forward there will be details surrounding that suicide. check in with each other using your safety tools. take a break if needed. gather yourself, and resume. HOW DID OPHELIA DIE? roll a d12. -1 to 2: hanging -3 to 4: overdose (medication) -5 to 6: bullet wound -7 to 8: drowning -9 to 11: blood loss -12: carbon monoxide poisoning WHY DID OPHELIA DIE? it appears she left no note. you may theorize, together, about why ophelia did what she did. you do not have to agree; there may be more than one theory. HOW HAS OPHELIA'S DEATH AFFECTED YOU, PERSONALLY? do not think of the others who may have loved her. this is about you. THE WAKE. you gather for ophelia's wake. you say words for her, for your own benefit. who among you loved her most? be sure to recenter yourself if you find yourself thinking too much about her. THE RECKONING. the ghost of ophelia rises from the open grave. you have said your pretty words: listen to her truths, however painful. you may not speak. DENOUEMENT. the ghost fades. reconsider your words. this was never about you. the game ends when you have burned the effigy of the girl you called ophelia. BREATHE. you have completed "your sister's drown'd, laertes." take care of yourself. do you have water? do you need to take a walk? decompress together. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GOING THERE. i hope it meant something. CRISIS RESOURCES. in the united states -national hotline: 1.800.273.8255 -crisis text line: text HOME to 741741 -trans lifeline: 877.565.8860 -RAINN: call/chat rainn.org database of international services -suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines