Sworld Worlds Boarding Party Player: Val Char Cost 11 STR 1 12 DEX 6 12 CON 4 12 BODY 4 11 INT 1 11 EGO 2 13 PRE 3 10 COM 0 3 PD 1 3 ED 1 3 SPD 8 4 REC 0 26 END 1 24 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 32 Cost Power 8 Brawling SKill: (Total: 10 Active Cost, 8 Real Cost) +1 with HTH Combat (Real Cost: 5) plus Hand-To-Hand Attack +1d6 (5 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) [Notes: Characters with Brawling Level of 3 or higher should take 10 pts of MA manuevers instead] 5 Zero G Combat: (Total: 5 Active Cost, 5 Real Cost) Environmental Movement (no penalties on) (Real Cost: 2) plus PS: Zero G Combat 11- (Real Cost: 3) Powers Cost: 13 Cost Skill 5 +1 with Ranged Combat 2 AK: The Spinward Marches 11- 3 Combat Piloting 11- 3 Computer Programming 11- 2 KS: Boarding Actions 11- 2 KS: Emergency Damage Control 11- 2 KS: Sword Worlds Military Customs and Protocols 11- 1 Language: Galactic Anglic (basic conversation) 0 Language: Sword Worlds (idiomatic) (4 Active Points) 3 PS: Forward Observer 11- 3 PS: Marine 11- 3 PS: Vacc Suit 11- 3 Survival 11- 0 TF: Grav Vehicles/Hovercraft 2 WF: Assault Rifles/LMGs, Gauss Guns, Rifles, Shotguns [Notes: Combat Rifleman] 4 WF: Vehicle Weapons, Vehicle Weapons, Vehicle Weapons, Vehicle Weapons [Notes: :Lasers, Missiles, PAW, High Energy Weapons,] Skills Cost: 38 Total Character Cost: 83 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0