============================================================== TNS Generator, version 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Written by: Stephen S. Koo Original Concept: Michael Hughes' "TNS Quick and Easy" Copyright 2004, All Rights Reserved -------------------------------------------------------------- The TNS Generator is FREEWARE. ============================================================== Welcome to the Traveller(c) News Service (TNS) Generator, a utility program for creating skeleton news items for the Traveller(c) Role-Playing Game. The TNS Generator was developed as a time-saving tool for game referees. Although originally designed with the Traveller(c) game system in mind, its story items can be easily adapted to other game systems. The TNS Generator can randomly generate upwards to five stories at a time. Story frameworkds can be directly editted within the generator. A "Save" button allows the results to be saved in either in standard ASCII text or RichText format. The TNS Generator was developed using Borland's Delphi6 RAD Environment and designed for the MS Windows OS. No plans exist for porting the program to other operating systems. The author can be contacted by email at: slink1829999@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------- Traveller(c) is a registered Trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Portions of this material are Copyright (c) 1977-2004 Far Future Enterprises.