If 'Distress' is rolled on a random Starship Encounters check, the Referee can roll 2d6. On a result of '12' (or more often in a Frontier or Post-War area), roll d66 on the Space Wreckage table below, or just choose from the list. Space Wreckage 11 - Neglected Derelict 12 - Scrap Belt 13 - Disabled Craft 14 - Abandoned Ship 15 - Garbage Dump 16 - Starship Graveyard 21 - Gutted Husk 22 - Pre-Stellar Prototype 23 - Vacuum Stricken 24 - Galactic Sentinel 25 - Cometary Crush 26 - Ghost Ship 31 - Lone 'Survivor' 32 - Intact Spacecraft 33 - Explosive Remains 34 - Starflight Prototype 35 - Invasion Remnant 36 - Star Creature Shell 41 - Battle Loss 42 - Plague Ship 43 - Space Oddity 44 - Space Wreck 45 - War-torn BattleHulk 46 - Space Victim 51 - Unwelcome Reconnaissance 52 - Timeworn Relic 53 - Unfinished Framework 54 - Spaceship Disaster 55 - Settler Stupidity 56 - Early Spaceflight Probe 61 - Traveller Rubbish 62 - Failed Experiment 63 - Impact Debris 64 - Star Crash 65 - Pirate Discard 66 - Colonial "Landing" (by Spinward Scout on CotI) (2d6? Maybe just a d12) for small debris 02 - Drifting suited figure long dead 03 - Spent missles with active warheads drifting 04 - Drop tanks floating 05 - Dead/damaged fighters 06 - Large chunk of a larger ship drifting by itself 07 - Random battle pieces 08 - Drifting lifeboat dead/crew in cold sleep 09 - Cargo containers floating but still sealed 10 - Air raft without crew 11 - Airlocked prisoners remains 12 - Roll Again