Shadowrun 3rd Edition


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House Rules - Psionic Traditions



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House Rules

Psionics Traditions


Psionic Traditions

The nature of Psychics is still not fully understood by science, and their occurrence in the various races is apparently extremely rare. The truly powerful Psychics are even more rare than those with abilities like foretelling or mind reading. This is not say that it is unique, but is more a reflection on the paranoid secrecy of Psychics when it comes to their abilities. As a result of poor treatment in the popular media and fiction, people with mental abilities beyond what would be considered normal are either treated with ridicule and contempt or fear. It’s not easy to be a psychic, even in the Awakened world of Shadowrun.

Numbers: If Mages are considered to be 1% of the population then full Psychics like those presented below would be 0.005% of the population. Whereas ordinary psychics as in those with only one or two fixed abilities would be of a similar number to full mages. With the increase in the Mana levels over time, however, more psychics will occur. As Mentioned in the introduction, Psychics are similar to the magical traditions in that they call on the Mana surrounding all life to achieve their effects. As the population of Mages gradually increases, so to does that of the Psychic.

One of the psychic traditions offered below should not be used as a Player Character. The tradition is there primarily for the use of GMs and is too powerful and psychotic for players to use effectively. Scanners were created as a counter to Psychics – yet another reason for psyionicists to be secretive concerning their existence, and are also a nod to the David Cronenberg movie that inspired these creatures.

(The numbers in parenthesis are the minimum Intelligence necessary to use the power)


The Pyrokineticist

The Pyro is a psychic whose power is centred on Pyrokinesis. The exceptional abilities of the pyrokineticist are above and beyond those of the normal "fire-starter" psychic. These psychics are able to create flames and fire out of thin air in a variety of forms. Although utilising the elemental effects of fire, this character does not follow the normal tradition of summoning a fire elemental, they utilise existing materials, manipulating the elements around them to create the effects they desire, removing oxygen molecules and replacing them with hydrogen from the surrounding area for explosive effect. The hydrogen ignites and is then fed by the purer oxygen rushing into the area of the fire. It is for this reason that the Pyro is the most feared of the psychic traditions, and one of the reasons mages are looked upon with fear and hatred. You can never tell which is which and who is who.

The following abilities for the Pyrokineticist are not all instantly learned at creation, they are gradually learned over the period that the Pyro uses his/her art, initial assignment of abilities are a GM decision but should not exceed three in the initial creation of the character. Further abilities can be earned in a similar way to that of mages, through paying Karma for each spell, suggested cost is twice normal. The pyro is much less likely to benefit from a teacher, also, the psychic Pyro cannot initiate, or join a "school" of Pyrokinetic masters

The pyro will learn the following abilities prior to any others

  • Impervious to Fire (see text – Pyro Abilities)
  • Extinguish Flames (see text – Pyro Abilities)
  • Immolation (see text – Pyro Abilities)
  • Fire Bolt (see text – Pyro Abilities)
  • Fire Eruption (see text – Pyro Abilities)
  • Sense Fire (see text – Pyro Abilities)
  • Fuel Flame (see text – Pyro Abilities)
  • Fire Ball (see text – Pyro Abilities)
  • Deaden Pain (2) (Resist Pain – Grimoire p129)
  • Control Fire - (Awakenings p139)
  • Extinguish Fire - (Awakenings p139)
  • Firewall - (Awakenings p 139)
  • Flame Aura - (Awakenings p140)
  • Heat Shield - (Awakenings p140)
  • Fire Cloud - (Grimoire p126)
  • Fire Dart - (Grimoire p126)
  • Fire Missile - (Grimoire p126)
  • Fire Strike - (Grimoire p132)
  • Flame Burst – (Grimoire p132)
  • Hellblast - (Shadowrun BBB p151)
  • Ignite - (Shadowrun BBB p158)
  • Flamethrower - (Shadowrun BBB p158)
  • Flame Bomb - (Shadowrun BBB p158)


The Scanner

Advised as NPC only

The Scanner suffers from a mutation of the psychic ability. This creature, for there is no other way to describe it, feeds from psychic energy. They are able to sense psychic and supernatural energy either from another psychic or the presence of supernatural/para-natural creatures (spirits/elementals). They are effectively a Psychic Vampire.

Their ability to track psychic energy is considerable, following a trail much like a bloodhound. They can tell the subtle differences between magical and psychic energy, and an innate instinct draws the creature to those who are psionic. Once they have found the psychic, they will attempt to control the psychic and feed from his or her powers. The Scanner, in absorbing the psychic energy from a psionic temporarily gains extra energy from the feeding and inherits one or two powers from the psychic so consumed. The act of draining the victim will result in the victims’ death. Feeding from a magically awakened victim will simply result in enhanced powers, the Scanner cannot absorb magical skills. It is occasionally possible that the scanner will also absorb a skill from his/her victim and possibly some of the stronger memories held by the victim.

Scanners are the most feared creatures amongst those who are aware of their existence, and are hated passionately. Scanners fear and hate others of the same abilities and will invariably attempt to kill their rivals, sucking their energy much like a Vampire sucks essence.

Scanners must feed at least once a month on the energies of another psychic or if none can be found a magically awakened victim. They can feed on magical items, but the taste is bad, like sour milk, and will disrupt the Scanners abilities for one day per power level of the item.

The two following abilities are unique to the scanner. Otherwise the Scanner will learn primarily mind control/influencing abilities prior to any others.

Sense Psychic or Magical Energies

Scanners are the most feared and hated amongst the Psychic community. Partly because of their ability to hunt psychics, but mainly because of their ability to absorb the powers, skills and abilities of other psychics. Like a bloodhound, the Scanner can detect the presence of psychic and or magical energies. The ability is constant and automatic. Once the Scanner has detected psychic or magical ability they are able to track it to the specific individual.

For instance if a psychic or magician enters a room, the Scanner will immediately detect it (Intelligence x 10m) and be able within a short time (3 rounds) to identify the person in question, only knowing who the person is, not personal details such as name etc..

The Scanner has the ability to recognise that person’s psychic/magical scent again at a later time (Intelligence vs. TN#4) enabling the Scanner to stalk/track a specific scent. If the Scanner has a piece of hair or clothing or other item recently worn by the victim (4 hours old max) the ability to hunt the victim increases by –2 to the Scanners target number.

If a magical or psionic ability is being used within range of the Scanners ability (range = Intelligence x 30m) they will sense that as well, with the success of the detection revealing whether the source is near/far/up/down etc. If the energy is being continually expended as would be the case with a mask or sustained/locked active spell the Scanner can track the source easily. (Base Skill equals Intelligence + force of spell used) It is also likely (Intelligence vs. TN’4) that the Scanner will recognise the scent and signature if they encounter the spell at some other time.

The presence of other sources of energy, either psychic or magical may confuse the scent (+2 TN# or –2 to skill which ever is higher)

The ability to detect supernatural beings like Spirits or Elementals or Ghosts is exactly the same as described above except that the Scanner is able to identify the spirit/elemental. This ability includes other creatures such as Vampires, Shapeshifters and other "magical" creatures.

Combat with victims is through mental abilities. The Scanner uses their skill in Scanning, plus their magic pool, with Intelligence adding half it’s value to the total. The victim uses their Willpower and Magic/Psychic pool to resist. Two scanners entering combat with each other will use the same skills to fight and resist each other.

In the case of Scanner vs. Psychic, if the Scanner loses the combat, they will need to leave the area as rapidly as possible or risk being attacked psionically or physically by the victim. Scanners in combat with another Scanner will not leave combat until one or the other is dead, and their power absorbed. Absorbed power doubles the Scanners skill for a short time (up to 4 hours), on a successful opposed Intelligence test, one or two skills/abilities may be absorbed or "learned" from the victim. If a Scanner kills another Scanner, they will absorb up to half of the victims’ ability (opposed intelligence test with the number of successes determining the amount gained.)

This can result in occasional Scanners becoming very powerful, but their very rarity prevents them from becoming a major threat. Also, particularly powerful Scanners leave their own psychic impression on the Astral, enabling Magicians and other Psychics to notice them (perception test at +2 TN#) in which case, the Scanner is likely to be attacked with the full force of the detecting person. Free Spirits will also actively hunt Scanners in their domain, hating the very existence of these creatures. Vampires successfully killing a Scanner will gain twice the usual essence from the kill, and will not need to feed for twice the normal length of time, making Scanners a dangerous but tasty morsel indeed.

Drain is calculated in two ways. The ability is constantly active, but when the Scanner is actively seeking a detected victim the following is used.

(F/2)M Range: (see text) Duration: Sustained..

Thought/Mind Control

Scanners are able to control the thoughts and mind of a weak willed person. This ability enables them to force someone so controlled to carry out the actions and wishes of the Scanner. This includes things the victim would not normally do, such as kill another or leap out of a window. The Scanner does not gain anything except personal pleasure and amusement from such control, though a controlled person can be used to attack a psychic or magician enabling the Scanner to attack from an unexpected quarter while their victim is otherwise occupied defending themselves.

Control is resisted by Willpower, and the Scanner employs their skill and psychic pool to assert control. A controlled victim may at any time attempt to restore self control and enter another battle of wills with the Scanner. However, three failed attempts will result in the victim’s head exploding as a result of the amount of energy and power the Scanner is having to employ in controlling the victim. A battle between such a victim and a Scanner will be physically visible, in that the victim will suffer nose bleeds, swollen veins, possibly even damage to their skin and organs depending on how much power the Scanner needs to use to control his/her victim. This can result in profuse bleeding and or blindness.

(F/2)+2M Range: 50m Duration: Sustained.

Other Abilities chosen prior to any others are as follows

  • Detect Psionics (6) (Detect Magic - Grimoire p128)
  • Psychic Diagnosis (4) (see text)
  • Empathy (4) (see text)
  • Mind Block (4) (Mental Shield - Awakenings p140)*****
  • See Aura (6) (see text)
  • Sense Magic (6) (Detect Magic - Grimoire p128)
  • Telepathy (3) (see text)
  • Telekinesis (4) (see text)
  • Instil Terror (3) (Terrorise – Awakenings p138)
  • Mental Possession (6) (Possession – Awakenings p138)
  • Mind Bolt (4) (Agonising Pain – Awakenings p 136)
  • Mind Bond (6) (see text)
  • Mind Wipe (6) (see text)
  • Compel Truth (4) - Awakenings p137)
  • False Memory (4) - Awakenings p137)
  • Disregard (4) - (Awakenings p136)
  • Mindlink (4) - (Grimoire p128)
  • Influence (4) - (Grimoire p130)
  • Mob Mind (4) - (Grimoire p130)
  • Mob Mood (4) - (Grimoire p130)
  • Mind Probe (4) - (Grimoire p153)
  • Control Thoughts (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p157)
  • Control Actions (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p156)
  • Control Emotion (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p156)
  • Detect Enemies (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Individual (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Life Form (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Spirit/Elemental (4) - (As detect Magic, but for spirits - Grimoire p128 counts as two choices)
  • Detect Magic (4) - (Grimoire p128)
  • Detect Object (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Combat Sense (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Astral Sense (4) - (Awakenings p134)


The Medium

The medium is modelled after the classic medium that claims to be able to speak to ghosts and spirits. The best description of these characters would be a Spiritualist rather than Elementalist. Following abilities that allow them to summon and control spirits, converse with spirits and other abilities such as Exorcism that are spirit and ghost related.

In general these are the weakest of the Psychics, but as someone who worked with a powerful Medium once said – Who the hell wants to frag with one, when they can call down every damn spook in the town on your skinny ass.

When conversing with spirits or summoning a spirit the Medium will enter an almost comatose state, this will continue until the spirit has been called and given it’s tasks or expelled back to it’s home plane. Mediums are the only Psychic who gain bonuses similar to a mage when in spirit combat.

Normal abilities will be selected from the following prior to any other choices

  • Exorcism (6) (see text)
  • Astral Projection (6) (see text)
  • Clairvoyance (4) Grimoire p128)
  • Empathy (4) (see text)
  • See Invisible (6) (see text)
  • Sense Magic (6) (Detect Magic - Grimoire p128)
  • Sixth Sense (3) (see text)
  • Spirit Barrier (3) (Awakenings p 141)
  • Spirit Control (4) (see text)
  • Death Trance (3) (see text)
  • Ectoplasm (4) (see text)
  • Empathic Transmission (4) (see text)
  • Mental Possession (6) (Possession – Awakenings p138)
  • Detect Enemies (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Individual (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Life Form (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Spirit/Elemental (4) - (As detect Magic, but for spirits Grimoire p128)
  • Detect Magic (4) - (Grimoire p128)
  • Detect Object (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Combat Sense (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Astral Sense (4) - (Awakenings p134)


The Foreteller

The Foreteller is the classic Psychic detective of fiction and fact. These people are one of the few psychics able to tell the past and future, in flashes of inspiration. By holding an item recently (within 4 hours) of someone having used/worn/held it they are able to tell where that person is, what they are doing. In the case of a murder, the item will reveal a variety of things depending on a successful roll vs TN# 4. The information so gained will vary from a very vague impression of events to a clear vision of the events leading up to the owners’ death. Once death has been witnessed, the psychic must save vs Body, or lapse into unconsciousness for 1d6 hours. While detecting in this manner, the psychic will effectively enter a trance like state for 2d6 minutes while "seeing" the sequence of events revealed to them. If more than 2 successes above required are rolled, the psychic may even get an impression of the area the body/person is in following the events leading up to them parting with the item being "sensed". If four successes above required are rolled, the psychic may gain an impression of the person(s) responsible for the events being investigated.

This is similar in nature to the "Ritual Magic" performed by awakened characters, and as such requires at least 20 minutes of preparation by the psychic. They will need to "centre" themselves before any successful analysis can be gained

The other skill of the Foreteller, is that of seeing into the future. They are able to see an event in the future of their or another’s life up to 1 day per two successes above required. The events witnessed will be completely random and cannot be "requested". So, it would not be possible for a character to ask the psychic whether they will be successful on a run. Or whether they will fail, the same as it would not be suitable to ask whether they will score with a member of the opposite sex the next evening at the night-club. The visions are completely random, and determined by the GM.

Another tradition followed by the Foreteller is that of the classic fortune-teller. The majority of publicly known fortune-tellers and Psychic Detectives are fakes, but occasionally a true psychic can be met, and their abilities are truly uncanny.

The following abilities will be learned by the Foreteller prior to any other abilities.

  • Detect Psionics (6) (Detect Magic - Grimoire p128)
  • Psychic Diagnosis (4) (see text)
  • Clairvoyance (4) Grimoire p128)
  • Empathy (4) (see text)
  • See Invisible (6) (see text)
  • Sense Magic (6) (Detect Magic - Grimoire p128)
  • Sixth Sense (3) (see text)
  • Precognition (3) (Foretelling – Awakenings p135)
  • Empathic Transmission (4) (see text)
  • Detect Enemies - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Individual - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Life Form - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Spirit/Elemental - (As detect Magic, but for spirits Grimoire p128)
  • Detect Magic - (Grimoire p128)
  • Detect Object - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Astral Sense - (Awakenings p134)
  • Detect Enemies (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Individual (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Life Form (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Detect Spirit/Elemental (4) - (As detect Magic, but for spirits) Grimoire p128
  • Detect Magic (4) - (Grimoire p128)
  • Detect Object (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Combat Sense (4) - (Shadowrun BBB p153)
  • Astral Sense (4) - (Awakenings p134)


The Healer

The psychic healer is the traditional form of the faith healer, a person who claims to be able to heal people with the power of their mind and their faith. In this case however, it is perfectly accurate. The psychic healer dedicates their lives to the healing of the sick, diseased and injured. They are occasionally quiet and occasionally public in their activities. Some of these psychics have become publicly known faith healers, earning considerable sums of money for their services, others have joined the ranks of the Evangelists, and heal people in the name of some God. More however, are subtle and secretive healers appearing and leaving scenes of accident and suffering without notice and without thanks.

The healer is the subtlest of the psychics, and the most powerful opponent to the Scanners. The Healer is a mortal enemy of Scanner psychics resulting in violent battles when the two meet.

The following abilities are learned by the healer prior to any other.



Other Psychic traditions exist, but they are not detailed here. Logic should apply to the traditions, such as Mediums. A medium would be able to converse with spirits, identify spirit types, and in some cases be able to control spirits in much the same way as a magician, the only difference is that a trance like state would be entered. Other psychics include those who are able to determine events by holding certain items in their hands, for this sort of psychic consider the lead character from Millennium or other psychic "detectives". Plenty of examples of psychic power can also be gleaned from programs like the X-Files.

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