MARS:  2065
Table of  

     Welcome to Mars   
     Facts At Your Fingertips 
     History Of Mars   
     Cyberware and Bioware 
     NPC's Of Note   
     House Rules   
     Facts about Mars   
     Revised Timeline  
          For Shadowrun   


Custom-Fitted Body Armor :  

     Ares Arms upgrade on their classic Form-Fitting Body Armor, CFBA is lightweight, concealable, and more effective. This is brought about by breakthrough in material technology and new computer designed armor distribution patterns.  

     The new materials are a bit more expensive, so Ares Arms continues to produce the less expensive line of FFBA at this time. The armor is not usable with any other form of body armor.  

     Like its predecessor CFBA cannot be dikoted and is destroyed by that treatment due to chemical incompatibility factors.  

 Lvl   Con.   Bal.   Imp.   Mass   Cost 
 01   N/A  3 1 0.75   600
02 13 4 1 1.25 1000
03 10 5 2 1375 2000
     Level 1 CFBA is a vest only; CFBA-2 covers 60% of the body; CFBA-3 covers 90% of the body.  

Kilvan Bodysuit :  

     This bodysuit, composed of specialized and classified materials, comes in a a stretch fabric that allows one size to literally fit all, from child to full grown troll. Manufactured by the Kilvan Corporation, a group unknown to virtually all governments, megacorps, and sold only in the shadows. The Kilvan Body suit has the following marvelous  properties:  

     It absorbs sound, making it invisible to sonar (but not radar) and provides the wearer with a -2 target modifier on Stealth Rolls.  
     It provides compete insulation from the environment temperatures, allowing the body to cool itself or retain warmth as the surrounding environments demand. 
     It provides one (1) point of ballistic armor and three (3) points of impact armor. The impact armor is reduced to one (1) point when confronting dikoted blades.  

 Con.   Bal.   Imp.   Mass   Cost 
10 1 3 0.50 5000
     The Kilvan Bodysuit has an availability code of 8/14 days. It is self-sealing if ripped of cut, but dissolves if subjected to any standard chemical or atomic testing procedures.  

 >>>>>[Comes in basic black, natch, and will cover the entire body, including everything except the area around the eyes. Gives the wearer one of those comic book ninja looks when worn.]<<<<<  
     Dead Ninja (21:09:56/10-11-65) 

Sinskin :  

     This fabric molds itself precisely to the contours of the skin it covers. Impossibly thin, yet opaque, translucent or transparent according to it's manufacturer, it reveals every bump, pimple, scar, and so on it is worn over.  

     Sinskin, a product of Sindyc, can be worn under armor and the like, and acts by kinetic energy dispersal against blunt force trauma, providing the wearer with a plus 1 (+1) to ballistic and impact protection. It is cumulative with other armors, but cannot be layered on 
top of other Sinskin for reasons the manufacturer cannot fully explain.  

 Con.   Bal.   Imp.   Mass   Cost 
15 +1 +3 0.10 2500
     Note : Armor-Piercing, Edged, and Pointed Weapons ignore the presence of Sinskin. It will stop a bullet, but not APDS; it will stop a club, but not a sword or a knife.  

>>>>>[This stuff is tighter than skintight, but absolutely comfortable. The Item above is a complete body stocking complete with a few strategic holes. A completely sealed suit prevents the body from properly absorbing oxygen and the like which can cause death by 
     Bullet Magnet (14:14:36/09-25-57) 

>>>>>[It's also becoming popular in some fashion lines. Take a peek in the latest Silky Dolls Catalogue or Victoria Secrets. Look what it does to a Thong Bikini or a Teddy!!!]<<<<<  
     Hound Dog Sam (14:45:23/09-25-57) 

Vambraces and Greaves :  

     This is a modified version of Ares Arms old Forearm Guards by Karitikeya Arms of Bangkok, land of kickboxers. The forearm guards (vambraces) are articulated and wrap completely around the forearm, including a blunt elbow spike and guard for the back of the hand. The 
leg pieces (greaves) protect the top of the foot, ankle, calf, and the forward areas of the knee. The four components are dikoted at the factory and engineered as both weaponry and armor.  

 Lvl.   Con.   Bal.   Imp.   Mass   Cost 
01 12 N/A +2 0.20 2250
02 10 N/A +4 0.45 4500
     Level 1 Vambraces and Greaves is when only Vambraces or Greaves are worn by the individual. Level 2 is when both sets are worn. Impact Armor bonus only works against unarmed and armed combat and is useless against ranged weapons of any kind.  

     An exotic option on the Vambraces and Greaves is the installation (at a cost of 500 nuyen per vambrace or greave modified) of a stun generator (including insulation) so that contacts with the surface of the vambrace or greave generates a secondary shock in addition to the 
impact (6M Stun).  

>>>>>[Met one kickboxer who had his greaves rebuilt to incorporate a complete armored shoe, fully articulated and padded on the bottom to make it quieter. Regularly took down trolls with a single kick.]<<<<<  
     Dorian III (18:53:52/09-29-57) 

>>>>>[Friend got kicked by a guy wearing these in the nads a while back. Went down like a ton of bricks, fighting a major Serious wound from the kick (a STR 6 Kickboxer has a damage code of 10S in this situation) and the effects of the stunner (a second resistance test at 6M). Over three hundred kilos of killer troll down in one shot. Of course the slot was a physad or some kind of kung fu sammie and had lots of skill behind his kick.]<<<<<  
     Screeching Eagle (14:46:42/09-30-57) 

>>>>>[What happened to him?]<<<<<  
     Curiosity Shopper (14:47:38/09-30-57) 

>>>>>[Mopped the floor with all of us (except the decker; she hid in a booth) as a warning to be polite to the barkeep and staff, and leave good tips. We do and are.]<<<<<  
     Screeching Eagle (14:49:21/09-30-57) 


MonoCrys :  

     MonoCrys or monomolecular crystalline glass, is the latest breakthrough in armored glass and is being fitted into secure structures from vehicular windows to French doors around the world and on Mars. It provides a barrier rating of three points per five millimeters thickness and can be flawlessly clear at any thickness.  

     Cost  : 200 Nuyen per five millimeters thickness per square meter.  

>>>>>[For the Mars Cities, they use a double pain of MonoCrys in the ceilings. Each pane is ten centimeters thick. With a two and one half meters of circulated water in between them.]<<<<<  
     Window Washer (18:37:32/01-03-56) 

MonoCrys Fiber :  

     MonoCrys Fiber is a filament technology based on the new monocrys material. The monocrys fiber currently in use is found integrated into military grade rigid armor for the most part, increasing the armor rating by +2 on both ballistic and impact.  
     Cost  : Unavailable.  


E-Scanner :  

     A compact hand-held sensor that can be used to detect the presence of electrical fields, measures those fields, and determine the probable nature of any device generating the field.  To accomplish more than a simple detection feat requires Electronics or B/R  Electronics Skill and a Skill (4) Test. Commonly found in B/R kits.  
     Cost  : 200 Nuyen  
     Mass : 0.5 kg.  



Campkit :  

     A standard camping unit that contains all the tools needed for a camping trip, including a small gas stove, mess kit, shovel, and fire-lighting equipment. All it needs is a rope, tent and sleeping bag.  
     Cost  : 20 Nuyen  
     Mass : 1.0 kg.  

Cutting Torch :  

     Small oxyacetylene torch that can cut through 3 cm of metal at a rate of 1 meter every five turns. Gas will last 100 turns. Refills cost ten nuyen each  
     Cost  : 150 Nuyen  
     Mass : 1.5 kg.  

Grapple Line :  

     A Grapple Line is a small hand held device. It shoots a cord up to 90 meters (300 feet), through the use of a CO^2 cartridge. The rope is made of Duraflex(tm) and can support up to 800 kg (thinner rope). The Grapple line motor though can only lift 200 kg, or it will burn out.  

     There are three attachments each of which have been Dikoted(tm) for durability of the equipment.  

     1. The Spike : This is used to attach to non-gripable material, sheer walls and cliffs      (can cause 6M damage used as a weapon)  
     2. The Collapsing Claw : This collapsing claw can pierce thin material (barrier      rating 8 2 inches thick).  
     3. The Claw : A grapple hook used to attach itself to sturdy materials. 
     Cost  : 3000 for the Grapple Line and 1000 per attachment.  


Diving Mask :  

     The diving filter mask is based on air filtration technology and pulls oxygen out of the water like an artificial lung. The Mask is generally fitted with a full face mask that includes a radio with a very short range and filtration unit.  

     Note  : Twenty-first century gear for a dive or underwater swim has a minimum requirement of a diving mask, buoyancy belt, and fins.  

Diving Suit :  

     For diving in cold water of any kind, the insulated diving suit is a light neoplex garment that bonds to the skin of the person wearing it when the suit is sealed (seal points are ankles, wrist, and neck). The suit is skintight and provides very thorough temperature regulation down to -20 degrees Centigrade and up to 80 degrees Centigrade. It is also popular with skiing enthusiasts. 

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