Sometimes a gun just isn't appropriate, or could compromise your operation. What to do? Not carry one? Not Anymore! The Ares Folding SMG allows you to transport a fully automatic SMG in a stowed condition that almost any weapons detector in the world will miss! This hermetically sealed, all composite marvel can be disguised as a radio, cyberdeck, or anything else and then brought into action the moment trouble occurs. The weapons' special ceramic rounds make even the bullets undetectable, even to x-rays!
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
 M-9 SMG 4/spec 30 3 6M 5000 S/B/F
>>>>[Shit. This just made my job harder]<<<<-G Man

>>>>[Awwwwww. Come to papa. Hehehehe, me and this sweetie have a date at the capitol...]<<<<-Kalamity

>>>>[Damn. I feel sorry for the docs cleaning up after this puppy. No way to see where the rounds are lodged. Happy hunting!]<<<<-KAM



 SWAT teams around the nation are singing the praises of the M750. Designed for use as a high-capacity entry gun, the M750 is perfect for any application where a small form factor and high ammo capacity are in demand. Folding stock and silencer options available, as are standard accessories.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
 M750 SMG 4 60 3 7M 975 S/B/F
>>>>[Great toy, crap for iron sites, not bad with a smartgun or laser, tho]<<<<-Spunkadelick

>>>>[Makes a great cab gun for riggers-has enough ammo with enough punch to keep ya going untill extraction and/or you find a new vehicle]<<<<-Vroom



Calico's answer to the HK295, the M900 is the top SWAT choice for silent suppressive fire. The 900 can also use the smaller 60rnd magazine from the 750 series for a more manuverable package.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
 M900 SMG NA 120 4 7M 1345 S/B/F
>>>>["Silent Suppresive Fire" What lovely worlds these people live in...]<<<<-Phreak



7 years of intensive field research later, the Ares Frangible Weapons Team has released what they call "the logical successor" to their world-feared Viper: The Momba packs a heavier round and more sophisticated electronics than it's smaller sibling, and features a built-in suppressor.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
Momba SMG 3 40 3 7S(f) 1100 S/B

>>>>[Bah. Just be careful in autofire, with the rear-loading magazine, her center of gravity shifts forward when firing.]<<<<-Tas

>>>>[Note: suppressor, not silencer, so she'll just wake up the next door neighbor, not the whole apartment block.]<<<<-Synapse



With the quiet, but profitable sales of the M70 SMG, Berretta could have stayed out of the SMG market for years to come. Instead, to meet the demands of the Italian Internal Security Force, the MP105 has been released. In many ways a standard SMG, the 105 has one unique feature, an integral "Gun-Cam" to allow after-action replaying of critical ops. End the worries of dubious reports and legal hassles permanently, with a video record of how it REALLY went down!.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
MP105 SMG 4 32 3.5 7M 700 S/B/F
>>>>[Oh yeah, just what I want, built in evidence.]<<<<-NuckleCraker

>>>>[Ah, but ya can hold it 'round a corner and see what yer hittin' Pretty wiz!]<<<<-Phrikshun Phit

>>>>[Again, chummer, that's enough of your personal life already....]<<<<-DeRez

>>>>[Well, it's a nightmare for a runner, but it has a certain appeal if the cops in your neighborhood like to play rough. Of course, finding a cop who'd carry one....]<<<<-Spryte



Sometimes one round just isn't enough, but a standard submachine gun just doesn't fit the bill. In response to the new demand for autofire pistols(mainly in reaction to Lone Star's adoption of the Ruger Thunderbolt), Glock has released a larger-framed, selective fire version of their popular Model 40. Built-in gas vents and optional Biometric Safety configuration keep the weapon easy to handle and safe to use - a prime concern for law enforcement applications.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
M92Z HP 3/4 14/25 2.5/2.75 9M 1235 S/B
>>>>[And soooooo close to being useful. Get real, kids, no matter what the ads say, if ya need autofire, use something that won't fly outta yer hand the moment ya look at it.]<<<<-Drilled Sgt

>>>>[The cyclic's no where near that of the Tbolt, so ya feel the recoil more, but test model using a modified M40 was a lot easier to fire. Granted, it was back with the machine pistols again, but.....]<<<<-GunNut



After reviewing customer comments about their HK227S in action, HK began to design a sister gun for suppressive fire in a silenced operation. The HK295 fires from a closed bolt, totally silenced, allowing for awesome rates of fire with almost a zero noise footprint. The specially constructed silencer is fitted on a quick-change mount, allowing for quick swaps in the field and for removal when silencing isn't required.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
HK295 SMG 2 80 5 7M 1450 S/B/F
>>>>[Daaayam! A silenced squad automatic. Now THAT is a useful application of technology!]<<<<-

>>>>[They just sell this to make money of the silencers they sell after every engagement. Those boys don't handle autofire real well, you know.]<<<<-

>>>>[Heh heh heh. Neither did the corpgoons we jumped with 2 of these badboys and a couple of 227S. Never heard us coming.]<<<<-

>>>>[That's funny, neither has your wife]<<<<-DeRez



Norinco is at it again! When SWAT Departments across the world cried out for an affordable entry weapon, the world's largest arms maker responded in style! As featured in "DeathKlan 3000", the P-2 dishes out high-speed firepower with the grace and style of a weapon several mores times expensive! Available in departmental colors.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
P-2 LP 6 28 2 6L 420 S/B/F
>>>>[Attack of theCheap Autopistols! Geawd, anyone that's stupid enough to buy one of these deserves what they get.]<<<<-I/O

>>>>[Momeeeeeee! The nasty Hong Kong special just burned of my eyebrows again!]<<<<-Phrikshun Phit

>>>>[Chummer, that;s enough of your personal life already....]<<<<-DeRez

>>>>[Reliable??????????HAHAHAHAHahahahHAHAHAhHAHAH!!!. Well, i guess as an inadequate hammer...]<<<<-ClicClac



Ever wished to yourself that your Ruger Thunderbolt had a larger magazine? Finding your Savalette Guardian a bit hard to handle? Then try out the Devastator, the only mass-production SMG firing full-load 13mm rounds, the same you pack in your Predator and Manhunters. Available with smartlinking, and ultrasound sighting is included in the standard price.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
Devastator SMG 2 30/120 5.5/6.75 9M 1200 S/B/F

>>>>[Well. I guess the jokes about a Chicago Piano are a bit tasteless?]<<<<-Kripes



Breaking into the highly competitive SMG market isn't easy, so when S&W decided to build a next generation SMG they knew they had to get creative. The tThunderflash SMG packs 60 rounds into a compact, easily wielded weapon that not only puts up with any abuse you can through at but looks good doing it! Integral gas-vent 3 helps to keep that immense volume of fire on mark.
Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
 'Flash SMG 4 60 4 6M 900 S/B/F
>>>>[10 for style, 1 for ease of reloading. Worse than a friggin' calico.]<<<<-

>>>>[Chummer, chummer, chummer...perhaps if you need more than 60 rounds, you need to look at a new career path.]<<<<-DeRez

>>>>[Well, this weapon isn't made for runners, anyway. The real application is for pilot and crew survival weapons, where you won't get a chance to get more ammo for a while and size matters. For that app, the 'flash and calico's ain't bad.]<<<<-ClicClac



  Not letting the competition take a rest, the engineers over at H&K have improved upon their best selling HK227S. The new model features new Smartlink II technology with Novack SpeedSites backup iron sights. And the new 35 round caseless magazines and improved silencer mean even more bang per engagement. The close assault version deletes the flush-retracting stock and adds a foregrip.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
 MP228 SMG 5 35 3 7M 1950 S/B/F
>>>>[Geawd!!!!! This is the same weapon that the CAS Force Recon Marines and UCAS SEALs carry, right down to the MIL-C100234D8 weatherproofing! Get one if you can, it makes that pathetic Ingram yer packing squeal in shame!]<<<<-I/O

>>>>[They always seem to forget to mention that she'll fire totally submerged, or even in vacuum. A highly appreciated option, lemm tell ya.]<<<<-Impact

>>>>[Even in VACUUM?!?!?!? I don't even want to know....]<<<<-Synergy

>>>>[Hm. Haven't tried that yet. Thanks for the idea, fuzzy]<<<<-DeathLok



Created for the tough streets of Oakland, the SCK 220 was the winner of a Japanese Imperial Marine contract for a high-caliber, compact autofire weapon capable of incapacitating "non-standard" opponents. With a 25 round capacity, integral smartlink, and mil-spec weatherproofing, the 220 is the perfect solution to your shadow op needs!

Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
M220 HP 4 25 2.5 9M 2000 S/B/F

>>>>[Wow--now you too can own the weapon of facist oppressors!]<<<<-Impact

>>>>[Yeah, yeah, look past your politics and it's a damn fine weapon for folks needing the occasional rock 'n' roll from a heavy pistol. Beats the Thunderbolt for control anyday.]<<<<-Black Morgan



Nearing almost a century of service, the classic Uzi SMG has been updated into a highly compact assualt package. Featuring an integral grenade launcher for irritant, breaching, or offensive rounds, and optional smartlinking or laser sights, the Uzi 4 challenges any weapon to best it.

 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
Uzi 4 Entry SMG 4 30/6 4.25 7M/10s 1350 S/B/F

>>>>[A favorite in the West Bank terror raids, i hear]<<<<-Argent

>>>>[Terror raids?? Try law enforcement. Jeez...]<<<<-Zapper Weisman

>>>>[All in who's side yer on, i guess, but as far as the weapon goes, it is well suited for urban situations, even if i find teh GL a BIT overkell]<<<<-PsiKore



The smaller twin to the latest Uzi concept, the Mini 4 is engineered for covert and undercover operations where size is a serious factor in weapon selection. Containing all of the legendary Uzi reliability, the Mini is availble with several modifiactions, including a silenced, smartlinked model.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
Mini 4 SMG 5 30 2..5 7M 900 S/B/F

>>>>[Whoopee. I know i like some older weapons, but HK creamed IMI in this field so long ago it takes my Math SPU to keep track]<<<<-Tas

>>>>[Hey! But this way we get to play Mossad agent for a day!]<<<<-ClicClac



The standard sideare of the Argentine Naval Infantry, teh "Zorro" machine pistol can take whatever punishment you can dish out. Not available in caseless models.
 Weapon Type Con Ammo Weight Damage Cost Mode
Zorro SMG 5 25 2..5 6L 600 B/F

>>>>[No range, no accuracy, but it does fire underwater.]<<<<-Tas




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