Glorantha: The Hsunchen Religions The Hsunchen Religions originally presented as "The Cult of Hykim & Mikyh" in Heroes #4 This document is Copyright © 1998 Issaries, Inc. It may be freely linked to, and one copy may be printed for personal use, but any other reproduction by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval, is prohibited. Table of Contents Mythos and History Sample Hsunchen Religions Mythos and History Hykim and Mikyh are the ancestors of all beasts. They are usually said to be dragons. Hykim is male and Mikyh female, though they never appear together in tales, and the God-Learners hypothesized that they represent a single hermaphroditic being, in normal draconic fashion. The genealogy of these deities resembles a taxonomic classification of Gloranthan animals. There is, for instance, a Mammal Mother whose children are the cat-god, bear-god, sheep-god, and so on. Then the cat-god is parent to the lion-spirit, the lynx-spirit, the tiger-spirit, and so forth. Some animals are also accounted another origin elsewhere. One example is Vrimak -- the paramount bird-ancestor, but who is said to have been created by Dayzatar, the sky god. Most animals are closely associated with another deity, and Hykim or Mikyh are used as explanatory links. For instance, Mikyh is the mother of King Griffin by Yelm, and of Storm Bull by Umath. The primitive but widespread Hsunchen folk are divided into many different tribes, each devoting worship to its own beast-totem. Intelligent animals, such as the magical baboons of the Wastelands, may also worship their own favored animal-god. The Hsunchen believe that after death their souls are reborn into their own tribe, failing to distinguish between the human and animal members. Death rituals reflect this belief, but vary greatly from tribe to tribe. Hsunchen worship always includes the Beast Rune. Particular animals include other Runes, modifying the basic Hykimi stock. Gorakiki (the insect god), for instance, has the Runes of Beast and Darkness. Sample Hsunchen Religions The following are three typical Hsunchen cultures/religions, each based on a distinct type of animal. Use these as models for the fashioning of additional Hsunchen cults. The Basmoli Berserkers (Basmol, the Lion God) The Basmoli Berserkers live in the Wastelands as well as on the Pamaltelan veldt. Their lion god was defeated by the natives of the Wastelands, and the Basmoli there hire themselves out as mercenaries, always glad to fight the folk who slew their god. In Pamaltela, the Basmoli only know that their god marched northward with a horde of followers, and they still await a triumphant return. The Sofals (Sofal, Grandfather Turtle) The Sofals eke out an existence along the coasts of Dinal and northern Sozganjio. Sea turtle eggs are a major part of their diet, though they guard and protect the adults and never eat all the eggs in any single batch. They are peaceful, but are often raided by fierce swamp humans. The Wolfrunners (Telmor, the Father of Wolves) The Wolfrunners are a tribe of nomadic hunters who worship Telmor, Father of Wolves. Each Wolfrunner has his own companion wolf, and wolves and men fight together. Werewolves are often born into Telmori families. They sided with Gbaji in the Chaos Wars, and so were cursed. Their transformation spells vary with the Moon's phases. They live in Ralios and western and southern Peloria. See also: A Personal View of Hsunchen Culture Cult of Gorakiki Cult of Telmor [ New Here? | Greg Sez! | Main Page | Product Listing | Coming Events | Cool Links ]