Glorantha: Talking to the Moon Woman Talking to the Moon Woman What The Lunar Priestess Says originally published in Gods of Glorantha This document is Copyright © 1998 Issaries, Inc. It may be freely linked to, and one copy may be printed for personal use, but any other reproduction by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval, is prohibited. Table of Contents Where did the world come from? Can you tell me the truth about...? Gods of the Lunar Pantheon Where did the world come from? The Creator made the world and everything in it. He made the two races of gods first, the Celestial Court and the Tribe of Chaos. Neither understood the other, but each tried to imitate the Creator and so made the imperfect world we live in. Where did I come from? The Celestial Court and the Tribe of Chaos fought each other to destruction, and where they died lay a heap of ashes and slag. From that matter Glorantha, goddess of compassion, created First Woman. She bore the ancestors of mankind, whether they came from stone, dirt, wood, animals, or some human demigod. The races of people grew healthy and numerous, and you are of their descent. Why do we die? The disharmony of the Celestial Court and the Tribe of Chaos created an illness which sickened the Creator unto death. As a result all the world must now die too. What happens after we die? All souls, living and dead, move within the compassionate harmony of the world. When you die you shed the gross matter of your life and ascend to a more pure plane of existence for peace and joy. When you are again purged and whole you are reborn into a new body for a new life. Why am I here? The races of mankind were created to restore health to the Creator and his works. We live to purify ourselves and, thereby, purify the wretched parts of the world and reunite them with the Creator. Our duty is to restore unity, harmony, and joy to the world of the living and the dead, heal the Creator, and attain the bliss of immortality. How do I do magic? The world is filled with invisible powers. The Red Goddess places all those powers within your grasp, and you can integrate them in many ways: spirits may aid you, gods can help you, or you can manipulate energy with your own force of will. All the best magic can be used to heal the world. I have heard of other powers. Can you tell me the truth about them? All the gods who came before the Lunar Goddess are obsolete. These obsolete gods include the sky gods, earth goddesses, sea gods, darkness gods, and primitive spirits. They are stuck in their old ways, which once hurt the Creator unto death. The Red Goddess is the part of the Creator which has already been healed. We worship her and the New Gods. ...Aldrya? Aldrya is the wild goddess, untouched by civilization, untamed by any human. She is all which is wild -- both the dancing light and the sinister dark. Her children are innocent people, simple servants to the spirit, born of wood. Aldrya and her subject spirits adorn the metaphysical Body of the Goddess They are the Goddess' hair and clothing. ...Chaos? The Life/Death duality of the mortal world is mirrored in the Chaos/Divine duality of the immortal world. The gods of Glorantha fear Chaos in the way that living mortals fear death. But even chaos can be conquered and harnessed, as proved by the Red Goddess. Each thing, monstrous or metaphysical, has its place for those who understand the entirety of the cosmos, even if its place is only to be a precautionary tale. ...Kyger Litor? Within us all lurks a frightening shadow, hiding and ready to pounce upon us in a moment of fear. The Red Goddess has conquered those inner secrets, so no longer fears. Kyger Litor herself must be cured to no longer fear the world, so that the world will no longer fear her. In the metaphysical Body of the Goddess the trolls represent the stomach and bowels -- digestion. ...Magasta? The sea gods have always been secret initiates of the lunar way, for their erratic tides are caused by the ancient Blue Moon. The sea heals, and the fear that mankind feels of the sea is the fear of a health unknown to their mortal bodies. The sea is the blood of the goddess. ...Monotheists? The god of the monotheists is visible to the Red Goddess. She alone has mastered his identity and secrets, and can use those natural powers called sorcery as her own. He is the unhealed Creator, weakened and abused by his worshipers. ...Mostal? Just as some parts of your body are soft, like muscle and organs, so are some part of the goddess. Yet others are hard and unyielding, like your bone or the stone of the earth. That is Mostal, the bones of our Goddess. ...Orlanth? Orlanth is the breath of the Creator, stale and wheezing out a troubled existence. His creed is change and freedom, yet he is unfree and unchangeable. He resists the Goddess' liberation and suffers because of it, but with compassion the Red Goddess reaches out to him and will prevail. He shall be freed. ...Primitive Spirits? The multitude of minor spirits of the world are like the other organs inside your body. Do not degrade them. When healed each, like you, will be a god. Some are important now, but all are equal before Eternity. Nurturing them brings equal healing and friendship to you. Help them. ...Yelm? This proud god of emperors is regaining his divine strength and freedom through the liberation of his worshipers here in Peloria. Support him, praise him. The bright and shining fire of the universe is the keen mind and sharp eyes of the goddess. Gods of the Lunar Pantheon Annilla, the Blue Moon Annilla is the secretive goddess of the Blue Moon, an unseen heavenly body which is responsible for the secret powers of Glorantha. She preserves the mysteries which empower the Red Moon. Arkat, the western hero, the cleanser We praise this misguided man who came from the western lands to destroy Gbaji the Deceiver, an evil spirit whom his allies called the Inward Shadow. Arkat destroyed that monster and scattered its fragments, liberating the pure light of Nysalor which had been imprisoned and locked away. Arkat, a god now, suffers terribly for his secrets. Creator This entity, now crippled and stunted, is the spirit of the cosmos. The Red Goddess, bless her, has taken up the task of his healing. When she has succeeded, she will be his bride and queen. Etyries, messenger The goddess of communication and merchants was once a mortal being. She attained her status through the Red Goddess' magics. She is called the Tongue of the Goddess because of her eloquence. Hon-eel the Dancer, Third Inspiration of Moonson, goddess of maize Hon-eel is the goddess of maize. She discovered that wonderful plant and taught us how to use it. She is also important because, when still a mortal woman, she conquered enemies of the Empire who came from three directions. Hwarin Dalthippa, the Conquering Daughter This warrior woman led mighty armies and conquered the southern provinces for the Empire. She established a city of culture and beauty, made magic roads, and became the war goddess of her region. Nysalor, the bright one, god of illumination All humanity seeks to regain the immortality lost during the Gods War. The Red Goddess can show the way to it, thanks partly to the liberation offered by this bright god. Nysalor was created at the end of the Dawn Age and prepared the way for the birth of the Red Goddess. Red Emperor Our Red Emperor is one in a long line of wizard-kings, responsible only to their mother, the Goddess of the Red Moon. Our emperors are immortal in that no natural death can claim them, though they can be slain in combat. Because of our emperors' dedication and courage, many have been slain in defending and expanding the Empire. Each emperor maintains the policies of his predecessor, so that our empire prospers as if ruled by a single mind, which indeed is true. Red Goddess, goddess of the Red Moon Our ruling goddess exemplifies all which our religion teaches. She began as a lost soul, unknowing her own power. Once initiated by the Seven Mothers she undertook hazardous tasks to awaken and assert herself. She grew, changed, and blazed the path which she has since taught to many. Now she is the heart of the new universe. Seven Mothers, the recreators of the Red Goddess The goddess prepared all the world for her coming, and these seven individuals came together to bring about her rebirth. In return the goddess taught them all her secrets, and they have achieved immortality. The seven may either be worshipped individually, or altogether. The seven branches of the cult act in harmony to familiarize outsiders with the stories of the Red Goddess. Just as the original mothers taught the Goddess, so do their holy folk teach people about her. Yara Aranis, Second Inspiration of Moonson, Goddess of the Reaching Moon This savage daughter of the Red Emperor was conceived with the intent to terrorize the horse nomads, and slay them if need be. The cult is more popular in the northern empire, but a shrine is included in all borderland temples. Young Elementals The Young Elementals are the servants of the Goddess. They are the raw material for the new world to be formed when the Creator is restored and the Red Goddess is accepted by all. See also: Pantheons of Glorantha: The Lunar Pantheon Cult of the Seven Mothers Cult of the Crimson Bat A Timeline of the History of the Lunar Empire [ New Here? | Greg Sez! | Main Page | Product Listing | Coming Events | Cool Links ]