Glorantha: Tales of the Night Hag Tales of the Night Hag Secrets Of The Kingdom Of The Trolls originally published in Gods of Glorantha This document is Copyright © 1998 Issaries, Inc. It may be freely linked to, and one copy may be printed for personal use, but any other reproduction by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval, is prohibited. Table of Contents Where did the world come from? Can you tell me the truth about...? Troll Deities Where did the world come from? The dark has always existed. Once, it spawned seas, the cursed heavens, and the harsh surface where we now live. Someday it will swallow everything back into itself. And we and the dark will go on forever. Where do we come from? Once we all lived in the harmony of Wonderhome, Kyger Litor's wombplace. The burning horror of death drove us forth to the Komor [Hurtplace], the surface world. Now we struggle in agony to survive. Why do we die? Death is the natural state of the universe. Our gods are alive, and keep us alive. We must be grateful to have a chance at all. But we know that all life must end someday. What happens after we die? Fearsome death is, yet it is the only return to the underworld. When we die, our spirits meet with Kyger Litor in Hell. Why are we here? We are here to serve our masters, to be served by our slaves, and to feast upon our enemies. How do we do magic? All magic ultimately comes from the shadows. Our gods know all the secrets of night, and so we have the most powerful magic in the world. Our priestesses know secrets that would send members of other races screaming into madness. Our gods do deeds that would blast the souls of lesser deities. And our home, the darkness, has secrets of ultimate power that have never been revealed. I have heard of other powers. Can you tell me the truth about ... ...Aldrya? This is a good food goddess. Her children can be annoying to the point of death, but they are well worth the killing and eating. ...Chaos? When we were forced out of Wonderhome to grim Komor, Chaos came to rob us of even the miserable lands we had left. But we fought it, killed it, and ate it. Now chaos is driven into the hinterland. ...the Lunar Goddess? New gods are being born all the time. This one consorts with vile gods who blasted our race with curses. She brings light where no light should be. Yet she tempers the harsh light of the sun. And she controls and subdues the monsters of chaos. We cannot yet say whether her rise has been for ill or well. ...Magasta? The gods of the oceans are old, and they hide many mysteries. But their greatest mysteries are from the darkness, the oldest of all. ...Monotheists? This is a burdensome human religion from a land near the setting sun. They are troubled with castes, strange rituals, and a plethora of confusing saints. Yet their worthless god gives no rune spells. Arkat came from their land and pillaged their religion's secrets for us to use. ...Mostal? This is another good food god. Some of his children are immobile stone, and others, called dwarfs, can move around. They are often clad in poison metal and rarely come aboveground, but they are the tastiest of all. The sweetest meats are the dearest. ...Orlanth? This human war god battled us when we came to the Komor. When he could not win, he fled to the Underworld, seeking Death to wield against us. When he returned with the Enemy, we were stronger and could endure its weakened light. He and his worshipers fight us still. We have faced far grimmer foes than he and we still survive. ...Pamalt? Pamalt and his legions of servant gods and peoples killed our warriors and maimed the hero troll Moorgarki. Now Moorgarki's children are the mutant jungle trolls, who cannot bear the clean cold of the mountains and glaciers. Someday all trolls shall take vengeance upon pitiless Pamalt for this misdeed. ...Spirits? Some spirits are broken pieces of dead gods. The most powerful and useful of them come from the source of all magic -- the Darkness. Other spirits are the souls of those that have died -- our ancestors. Our shamans know how to deal with all types of spirits. ...Yelm? This bad god forced us out of the primeval Wonderhome. He crippled our gods. When we fled to the Komor, he followed us here to persecute us. But now he must flee around the universe, eternally pursued by Xentha, goddess of night. His sons have been eaten and broken by our gods. And Subere has shown us secret parts of Hell untouched by Yelm's burning presence. Troll Deities Argan Argar, god of surface darkness The burning death destroyed Wonderhome, broke our gods, made us flee. When we came to the Komor, everything was strange. We made many mistakes. Then came Argan Argar. He showed us the correct ways of surface life. He taught us our enemies' languages and ways. And he conquered fire gods and enslaved them for our benefit. Arkat Kingtroll, killer of Gbaji, knower of sorcery This is the cleverest of all trolls. He fooled humans, elves, and dwarfs, and stole their most precious secrets for our use. They are still being fooled by him. Dehore, father of shades There are many types of darkness spirits, shadows, and shades. All owe allegiance to Dehore. Our shamans know Dehore well, and so we can command all the beings of darkness, too. Himile, god of cold Winter is our friend. We may walk openly, for there are none that dare hurt us or make us afraid. Himile's cold rushes down from his palace in the north. The weak gods of summer flee him and the hollri -- his ice demons. Our enemies and our food hide away, paralyzed with fear of us and Himile. Kyger Litor, troll ancestress Kyger Litor, our mother, has given us much. Her secret magic protects us, gives us power, and cripples our enemies. Her divine family teaches us how to live, how to work, how to fight, and how to kill. We are her children, and we love her. Kyger Litor, our mother, has suffered much. The dead sun burned her and drove her from Wonderhome. Chaos gods like Gbaji maimed her and crippled her children. Here in Komor, enemies battle us desperately and persistently. We are strong, and feast on our foes. Gbaji is dead, and we have killed much chaos. The sun hides from us each night and each winter, when we roam the earth in might. We bless Kyger Litor for this. We give our troll children Kyger Litor's blessing. We kill, fight, work, and live for her and our other gods, her servants. We give her our worship and power, precious gifts. She is our mistress, and we must do her deeds all our lives. Subere, goddess of hell darkness When the sun came long ago, its unendurable brightness drove our gods and us from Wonderhome. Its fiery rays burnt and slew many inhabitants of the Underworld. But many creatures sought and found refuge in Subere. She still dwells in Hell, the only god never tainted or blasted by the Enemy's unholy light. Xentha, goddess of night Half the universe is ruled by Kyger Litor, and Xentha is her steward to blanket the world with night. Her shadows and children, such as Argan Argar, cover the world and make it safe for us. She brings us darkness, ever-chasing the sun around the world. Xiola Umbar, goddess of protection darkness, mistress of the dark deep within. Xiola Umbar is the weakest of our gods. The most inferior and helpless entities seek refuge in her. But she has healing powers that can help even the mightiest Zorak Zoran berserk, and which we all value. She is precious to us. Zorak Zoran, war god Zorak Zoran is the strongest of our gods. Only the mightiest warriors worship him and can survive the battle frenzy he grants. But, though he kills chaos and our enemies, he also sometimes kills trolls. He is dangerous to both us and our foes. See also: Pantheons of Glorantha: The Troll Pantheon Introduction to Glorantha: The Elder Races A Personal View of Troll Culture Cult of Kyger Litor Cult of Zorak Zoran Cult of Xiola Umbar Cult of Argan Argar [ New Here? | Greg Sez! | Main Page | Product Listing | Coming Events | Cool Links ]