Glorantha: History of the Race of Trolls FAMOUS TROLLS OF THE GBAJI WARS by Shannon Appel, Stephen Martin, Paul Reilly, and Eric Rowe originally published in different form in The Broken Council Guidebook This document is Copyright © 1999 Chaosium, Inc. It may be freely linked to, and one copy may be printed for personal use, but any other reproduction by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval, is prohibited. During the time of the Second Council, a number of trolls were important in the world. Many were members of the Council, leaders of the uz in times of peace, while others were war-leaders in the troubled times afterwards; some were both. A few non-trolls were famous allies of the uz, and are always listed among the Honored Ancestors whenever the uz tell of these ancient times. CHARMILLA SOFTSPEAK Daughter of Xiola Umbar, Uzuz Representative of Halikiv Charmilla was born in blissful Wonderhome, and even now tells stories of that perfect age to young Uz. When Death came, however, she was forced to flee, and with Gore and Gash, she arrived on the Surface and created a new home in Dagori Inkarth. She was a great protector, and throughout the Darkness helped to defend the Uz and other races from the forces of chaos, providing solace and healing as only the eldest daughter of great Xiola Umbar could. After Dagori Inkarth found other defenders, Charmilla left to find other people to protecte. It was she who rediscovered the Uz of Halikiv, and nurtured them through the Darkness. When the races of Genertela first gathered in the Unity Council, Charmilla spoke for the Uz as the Only Old One's representative. She advised us for many years, but when the Council moved to Dorastor she decided to retire to Halikiv. Only recently has she returned to Dorastor. Charmilla is one of the gentlest and strongest souls in the world, and none can deny her compassion. She always strives for peace and understanding, and it is in no small measure due to her actions and ideals that the High Council has been able to continue its noble work throughout the centuries. THORKTOR THON Ambassador of the Kingdom of Night, Great Mother of Kyger Litor, Uzuz Representative of the Dagori Inkarth Circle of Eight Thorktor Thon is beloved of Kyger Litor. She is the Only Old One's ambassador, and brings his words to the Council. She is one of the Circle of Eight of Dagori Inkarth, speaker for blessed Korasting, and so is the voice for all of the Uz of Dagori Inkarth. We are doubly blessed by her presence. Thorktor Thon is ancient in the way of darkness, for she was born in the paradise of Wonderhome before its darkness was pierced by light. She fled with her mistress to the Surface, and aided in the construction of the Castle of Lead. Though nought but a shadow when Uz first arrived in the Land of Dancing Shadows, her knowledge and loyalty quickly brought her the respect of the other mothers. She helped to resist the advance of chaos, and followed the Mother of the Uz when she returned to the Troll Paradise. She was the Uz who contacted the dwarfs of Greatway, which led to the establishment of the World Council of Friends. She is strong and wise, and there can be no doubt that the Genesis of the Perfect One would be incomplete without her dark presence. ERIAYALAIA OF THE VEIL Uzuz Representative of the Blue Moon Plateau Eriayalaia was born in the invisible bliss of Wonderhome, before the death of the Sun threw the world into disorder. She fought the Dead God, and was one of the few who survived that struggle. She left, and after many ages arrived at the Blue Moon Plateau. She settled in that land and nurtured the fragments of the deity which she found there. Eriayalaia is one of the wisest Uz in the world, for she is privy to the secrets of the Blue Moon. She was reluctant to leave her home and her people, but the Genesis of the Perfect One has called out to many beings across the world, and none can deny the call of the God to Come. We are most fortunate that she has come to contribute her knowledge and secrets to Osentalka, for without her he would not be whole. EZKANKEKKO, THE ONLY OLD ONE Speaker for Darkness of the Inner Circle, Son of Argan Argar, King of Kethaela and Kerofinela The Only Old One is one of the mightiest members of the High Council, for he is the son of two mighty deities: great Argan Argar and bountiful Esrola. From the Palace of Black Glass, atop the Shadow Plateau, he built a great civilization amidst the hardships of the Surface World, and named it the Kingdom of Night. When the Darkness grew, and chaos descended upon the world, the Only Old One was one of those who led the fight. Together with the other races of the area, he helped to defeat chaos at the Unity Battle. When the races began fighting amongst themselves again, already forgetting the horrors of chaos, he brought them together into the World Council of Friends, and so preserved peace through to the Dawn and the present. He has always held the seat of the Uz, though he usually sends his ambassador to speak for him, since the demands of his empire are too great to leave for long. He has helped to shape the Council through the years, molding it into the Second Council, the High Council of the Land of Genertela. As might be expected, the Only Old One is one of the biggest proponents of the God Project. He has always supported the cause of unity, and is the first teacher of the doctrine "Harmony, Communication, Unity." We look forward to the great night when he again joins us in person. CRAGSPIDER THE FIREWITCH Mistress of the Spider Mountains, Weaver of Fate This ancient being resides in Kerofinela with her uz followers. She controls many mighty and strange magics, and is more ancient than the uz settlement at Dagori Inkarth. Although Cragspider was never a part of the World Council of Friends, she often aided that august body, and was one of those who kept the Uz safe through the Darkness. She wove great webs of darkness to trap the monsters of chaos, and devoured them to make the world a better place. Her exact origins and nature remain a mystery, for she does not speak of them, but none can deny her great power, influence, and beauty. Cragspider first came to Dorastor when the Council discovered the Feldichi Ruins, but she did not stay long. She has recently returned, and we thank all the gods that the Genesis of the Perfect One has brought her to us, for none is as wise in the ways of fate and the world as she. HERKA THE BONE-GNASHER Karrg's Son of Kyger Litor, Uzko Representative of the Elder Wilds Herka the Bone-gnasher is widely travelled, for in his short life he has visited almost every known Uz stronghold. He is a mighty warrior, famed for his prowess against uz, man, or dinosaur, and has been blessed by his people to speak for them here in Dorastor. Although Herka is new to the world of politics, we are sure that his strength, honor, and desire to serve his people will ensure his success. Herka the Bone-gnasher is a mighty warrior, and has fought successfully in many lands, against many foes. He claims to have been defeated only once, when he ventured into Dara Happa before the Treaty of Lakrene, but we are certain that he bears no enmity against the just defenders of that land. KWARATCH KANG Warlord of the Council, Death Lord of Zorak Zoran The current Warlord of the Council is the youngest in its history, yet he has carried himself and the directives of the Inner Circle with the skill of one twenty times his age. He was appointed at the recommendation of his lord, the Only Old One, and as always in the past, the counsel of the Son of Argan Argar was true. Kwaratch Kang bears the relic Ironsword, first gained by Kulebros from the gods, and given to the Council by his heir, Kulestan. With this mighty weapon, he has always led the armies of the Council to victory or honorable peace. Kwaratch Kang is dedicated to his warrior god, but he does not allow his devotion to blind him to his duties. His loyalty to the Only Old One is unsurpassed in all the world, and he can be trusted to serve the Council for as long as he is with us. Let us all join in thanking Kwaratch Kang for his masterful protection and great restraint. GONN ORTA Representative of the Rockwood Mountain Giants Gonn Orta arrived only recently, a companion of Golden Overseer Seventh Diamond, the Observer from Nida. Though no giant has ever joined the Council before, Gonn Orta requested of the Inner Circle that he be allowed to speak for his race, and was unanimously given that right. We are grateful that his actions will allow his ancient people to be represented at last in Dorastor. Gonn Orta was born in Fronela in the later part of the Greater Darkness. He was born into a time of troubles, and it is a measure of his strength that he survived and even thrived. He quickly became an ally of the Mostali of Nida, and he aided that race throughout the Darkness and well into the Dawn, though he often travelled to other Mostali outposts, such as the Greatway. The Dawn found him in Fronela once again, though he has continued his travels. This is especially true since the problems between Nida and the Greatway, for it has always grieved Gonn Orta that his great friends have not gotten along in complete harmony. VARONAL ZOR Death Master of Zolan Zubar, Representative of the Kitori Varonal Zor is Komor Gor, sacred king of the Kitori tribe. His people have strong ties with both the Heortlings and the Uz, and have served as a bridge between the two races for centuries. Although the Kitori have traditions dating back to the Darkness, their existence as a separate tribe began only recently, when their founder, Varzor Kitor, became the first Warlord of the Council in the year one hundred sixty-seven. Varonal Zor is as proud and mighty as his glorious ancestor, and wields the Net and Flail masterfully, but he has come to the Council in search of peace for his people, not war. [ New Here? | Greg Sez! | Main Page | Product Listing | Coming Events | Cool Links ]