Glorantha: Cult of Cacodemon Cult of Cacodemon originally published in Different Worlds #2 and Elder Secrets This document is Copyright © 1998 Issaries, Inc. It may be freely linked to, and one copy may be printed for personal use, but any other reproduction by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval, is prohibited. Table of Contents Mythos and History Other Notes Mythos and History Cacodemon is a remnant of the army of Wakboth, the Devil. When their master was crushed under the Spike during the War of the Gods Cacodemon and other demons remained alive and embodied. They traveled widely, sowing disorder and trouble wherever they went, proving to be useful additions to the forces of Chaos. Cacodemon gained the support of the ogre race, and others of chaos as well, and for a time ruled a wide area of Genertela. Trolls, aided by Waha in Prax and other heroes elsewhere, suppressed the ogres and drove the Cacodemon to the Hero Plane with powerful spells. Since that time Cacodemon has operated primarily through its race of servitors, the fiends. Cacodemon himself can only manifest in the material plane with difficulty, though when it does all havoc break loose. Cacodemon is cunning and intelligent far beyond human capacity, and never appears unless some opportunity for great destruction with little risk presents itself. The Cacodemon cult worships this creature. Communication is mainly through the fiends, chaos demons similar to the Cacodemon in appearance. The Cacodemon itself only appears on extraordinary occasions, and when it does is not under the control of its summoners. The Cacodemon cult promises no life after death. Worshipers must take their chances in the primordial chaos to which all things return. Some ogres believe that they will be reincarnated as a fiend if they live a wicked enough life. The Runes associated with the Cacodemon cult are Chaos, Disorder, and Death. Other Notes Ogres Cacodemon welcomes all to its cult (as much as it welcomes anyone), but it is especially interested in all ogres. The ogre species evidently originated during the Great Darkness when a band of people chose this disorderly way as the guide to their survival. Since then, all ogres have had natural, automatic connections with Cacodemon. Their connections with Cacodemon are not always intentional. Ogres may attempt to join any cult, as long as they pass the worship requirements and can fool the cult officials. But their primeval sympathies run deep, and whenever an ogre comes within eight kilometers of any Cacodemon holy place, the natural blood-thirst of the race asserts itself. This may occur without the ogre being aware that he is betraying himself. Of course, when a party members asks why he is eating his dead friend, even the ogre should realize that he blew his cover. Many of these ogre holy places are well-known and, more likely than not, heavily populated by members of that race. Other spots, however, have been forgotten and lay dormant, secret even to ogres, and are hazards to those ogres who attempt to pass for human. See also: Eat Your Enemy in Secret A Personal View of Ogre Culture Introduction to Glorantha: Chaos in Glorantha [ New Here? | Greg Sez! | Main Page | Product Listing | Coming Events | Cool Links ]