Glorantha: Cult of Aldrya Cult of Aldrya originally published in Cults of Prax and Elder Secrets This document is Copyright © 1998 Issaries, Inc. It may be freely linked to, and one copy may be printed for personal use, but any other reproduction by photographic, electronic, or other methods of retrieval, is prohibited. Table of Contents Mythos and History Other Notes Mythos and History The tale of this goddess starts early in godtime, with the meeting of the tender and gentle portions of the elements upon the edges of their worlds. There was, in those times, a kind god of light who shyly met a tender goddess of wetness, and one lay upon the other like the sunlight on the sea. Where they met they mingled and made something new, and this something was born to be a god called Flamal. Flamal was a god of bright potentials bursting within him. He is called by many names, and known by many races, but for the beings who rule in the forests he is the Father of Seeds. Among those he knew his most beloved was Ernalda, who was turned bountiful by the meeting with him. They had a child, and her name was Aldrya. Aldrya was loved by two jealous gods, each of whom threatened to destroy her if she loved the other. She sought refuge among the greater gods of the Celestial Court, and they gave her a place to remain forever upon the slopes of their citadel called the Spike. Thus was the first tree planted upon the cosmic mountain. She bore wondrous fruit there, and others took these fruit and planted them far and wide. Each of these was born to be a Great Tree, and each of these was called Aldrya. The Great Trees bore fruit in their turn and covered the earth with vegetation according to the needs and capacities of the place. Thus, despite differences in local variation, all children of Aldrya know they are one kin. The vast and peaceful Green Age spread across the earth. Aldrya took for herself a husband who is named Shanasse, who was a son of the goddess of Love. His presence added new depth and expression within the goddess, and together they brought forth the souls and spirits of the forest. From the trees came the beings known as the Dryads, who were the spirits of the trees, free to move but ever bound to the woody groves. From smaller plants, brush and wild shrubbery, came the Runners. They are less subtle and intelligent than their larger kin. Even in the Green Age these beings filled the woods. When it was fashionable among the gods to do so Aldrya took the being called Man, first of his race, and they made a race like him for her. These were the People of the Woods, also known as Elves, who are also counted among the Aldryami. The pixies have a different origin. They are said to have been fashioned by Shanasse for his wife out of some spare magic left over from the creation of the world. He gave them to her in a small turn of phrase and a jest to make her smile. The Green Age filled itself with more life as the gods made more and more creatures. There was no problem when the woods and fields filled with beasts, but the Aldryami did not recognize the inherent dangers to come when beast began devouring beast. The ancient woods slowly reacted to the growing disaster of the Gods War, and more often such innocent bystanders were bruised and broken by the greater war. During the fighting of the Gods Age, the new Power, Death, came into the hands of the elves through a wager by the Trickster. They took the Power and enchanted it upon the edge of their sacred earth tool, the Axe. With this they slew many Dwarf foes, and thus turned cold all the world's stone forever. Zorak Zoran, a troll god, then stole the weapon from the elves and, as he escaped, slew Flamal, father of Aldrya and beloved of all the gods. Thus the axe then became the bane of elves. In her grief the goddess Ernalda commanded all of her children to withhold their bounty from the world until Flamal was returned to life. Aldrya obeyed and slept the unending sleep, and her children began to die, one by one, in the cold darkness. The liberation of Flamal is sometimes called the "Secret Quest" of the Lightbringers, or the Greater Bonus by some. However, even his return to life would have had far less meaning without the long struggle of the Protectors on earth to save the sleeping form of their wards. The Protectors were led by High King Elf, the leader of his race from among the undying Green Elves. He led a beleaguered band of elves through the whole of the Darkness, ever struggling to protect the empty bodies of the forest from their foes. In this he was aided by the gods Arroin and Yelmalio, another wounded survivor, but he hated the god Oakfed, the Wildfire deity who devoured the once-magnificent forests of Prax and slew almost all there. High King Elf was among those beings present in Dragon Pass for the I Fought We Won Battle where chaos was turned back upon itself. Thus when the Dawn came and the spirits of the living returned again to the world there was a prepared place for the Aldryami, who returned to their old places, inside of Time. The activities of Aldrya, as manifest by her cult, are usually proclaimed to be the affairs of the elven races when reported by human chronicles. This is only partially true, but the elves were usually the most noticeable part of the Aldryami and were the usual agents sent out by the Great Forest to carry word to the world. During the Dawn Ages the Aldryami were one of the more powerful races of the world. Their woods covered much of what was otherwise empty land. In their interiors there was never knowledge that any other inhabitants existed in the world. On the fringes, though, elf armies mingled in the political affairs of other peoples. In Dragon Pass they sat on the councils of the wise. At the end of the Dawn Age they fought against the chaos god Gbaji and, like the rest of the peoples who resisted, suffered heavily for it. The Second Age was one of worsening Aldryami affairs. Where humans lived they turned back the wild forests for their fields, and while some of the wars which followed were elf victories, the woods rarely grew back. Where there were no men, as through most of Peloria, the Elder Races of trolls, dwarves, and elves engaged in long and exhausting wars over grudges left from Godtime. When men moved into these Elder regions, they found lands emptied by wars, and they populated the lands quickly. If the Elder races caused trouble, they were driven into their utmost refuges. The Third Age found a subtle Aldryami comeback. The first few hundred years saw more and more of their vast forests razed, but at the same time there appeared exquisite gardens growing in old sacred territory. This time, though, the native Aldryami were under the protection of the local humans. Examples of this phenomena are the Gardens of Carresh, in the Lunar Empire, and in Old Pavis, where The Garden eventually outgrew its old beds when the city fell to ruin. Throughout all this 1600 years of change the religion of the Aldryami has undergone little change. Like most divinities Aldrya depends most firmly on the oldest friends. Events of history have only widened the gap between men and elves. Even with the great human efforts made at The Gardens, this cult is not the usual farmer's crop cult. All Aldryami believe in successive births and rebirths through many lives in a long organic growth process which will lead towards the glory and unification of their consciousness with that of their goddess. They believe that adhering to the right worship will speed that process, and most rituals and magics of the race will intensify and prove these feelings. Simply said, most elves are believers. As might be expected from a race which comes from the earth, the Aldryami bury their dead. They sing gentle songs, and then the priests accompany the newly dead to the Other Side. The cult of Aldrya focuses primarily on the Rune of Plant, modified by the Elemental rune of Earth and the Power Rune of Fertility. Other Notes Rootless Elves and Renegades Elves who, for any reason, reject or are rejected by their cult, are called Rootless Elves. This almost never happens to dryads or runners. Rootless Elves are officially exiled from their religion, but most choose to remain within elvish society. They may still live in their community and come to the aid of their woods, but they have no official part of the religion unless they join an acceptable cult and work their way to importance in it. This is an acceptable choice for Rootless Elves. It is possible for Rootless Elves to remain content inhabitants of the forest. Many even glory in their foreign cults and set up small shrines where they can live and teach their new skills to their fellows. This way, Rootless Elves serve their community and some elf leaders favor such cooperation. Enemy cults are forbidden, of course. Renegade elves are those which have turned their backs on both Aldrya and their people. These elves sometimes form bands or colonies. Many turn to outright hatred of their kinsfolk, and tales are still told of Saw-Tooth Korvan, a meat-eating elf who terrorized the Stinking Forest by helping trolls during Dragon Pass's Inhuman Occupation between 1200 and 1250 S.T. Elf Senses Elf senses include all the human ones. Their night vision is better than human (especially in the case of green elves), but they lack true darksense and are blinded by total darkness. They possess an "Elfsense." This sense permits the elf, by touch, to detect the health and emotional state of the target and whether or not it is stressed or in pain. It also gives the elf details about soil -- the soil's nutrient, moisture, and overall quality. See also: The Travels of Biturian Varosh: The People of the Woods Non-Human Races: Aldryami Gods in Prax: Non-Human Deities A Personal View of Elf Culture Wisdom of the Woodwife [ New Here? | Greg Sez! | Main Page | Product Listing | Coming Events | Cool Links ]