A New Face for Lanbrilhttp://home.primus.com.au/arkat/runeq.html Ian Thomson's Unofficial Glorantha Site (Glorantha is owned by Issaries Inc.) The Lanbril Cult in Pavis There was a flurry of discussion on the Glorantha Digest in March 1998 about the infeasibility of the Lanbril cult in Pavis being structured as described in the original Pavis supplement. After reading some of this I reluctantly decided that some of these people were correct. Whilst a wide-ranging Thieves Guild could function in a large enough Gloranthan city, Pavis is not such a place. Therefore I have decided in my RQ world to design the Pavis Lanbrilites as follows: Firstly the exceptions - These are foreign Lanbril cultists from large cities elsewhere in the continent. Presumably run out of their place of origin, or fleeing a few steps ahead of The Law. Such people in my campaign include Griselda and Wolfhead. These also illustrate part of the newer concept - that Lanbril is not usually a straight Thieves cult, but actually includes brigands, pick-pockets, bushwhackers, highwaymen, and all manner of low-life. Although, of course, certain Lanbril factions will embrace higher codes of ethics, even to being a sort of shadow side of Orlanth Adventurous. (Griselda and Wolfhead again.) Then, the majority - The Lanbril cult in Pavis is scattered groups of disparate individuals - from professional muggers and petty-theft orientated beggars, to seasoned brigands that dwell in the Rubble. The most organised branch is the group that deals with fencing stolen property (interacting with the local Arin cultists), and providing guides and body-guards for expeditions that are not quite above the law. Other Lanbrilites with a highish profile are those Confidence Men, drunk rollers, and Wide-boys who prey on gullible Pavis newcomers. Sometimes this is by promising aid and then disappearing into the crowd. And they were probably using the Face of Lanbril spell in the first place. Others are some of the outlaws hanging out in the Big Rubble, undesirables and neer-do-wells. They use their skills plundering old buildings and robbing adventurer parties, and paradoxically out in the Rubble is likely to be the only place where formal Lanbril ceremonies are held, with bandits and organised con-men/fences mingling periodically to renew Rune spells and practice tricks of the trade. A dangerous place at best. Quite a challenge for unsuspecting PC Lanbrilis. I contend that it is the prescence of the Big Rubble which allows the Lanbril cult to survive in any significance at all in Pavis. Paying to learn thieves' skills: In normal game terms you might expect these to be from the Lanbril cult directly, however I have just explained how such a cult does not properly exist here. It may be extant to some degree as close as Furthest or even Boldhome. Therefore such things as breaking and entering skills are NOT easily available. The Rubble Trackers (Flintnail Dwarves) will teach a variety of related skills such as sneaking, opening locks. A suitably specialised Donandar cultist might teach acrobatics, foiling restraints etc. Yes after due consideration and with great sadness I have relagated the majority of the Lanbrillis in Pavis to a bunch of opportunistic bully boys, wide boys, and bandits. You can pay to learn from them and to join worship ceremonies in the Rubble, but this is not recommended for outsiders and can be extremely hazardous. Technically a foreigner paying enough and able to prove cult loyalty should be able to join in, but many have had their throats cut just asking too many questions. There are always exceptions: a scattering of Sartarite and Heortlander Lanbrilli from cities to the West. These form a very small organisation that corresponds to more recognisable Cult structure, and charge highly for their training and other services. Lanbril Alchemy Over time the thief has stolen many secrets to help him combat magical defences, including those of alchemy. In Pavis the cult is in a degenerate form (with a few cultured outsiders), and no specialised Lanbril alchemist is known to exist, however some Rune Level cultists know rituals to create their own devices. These can also be used as template ideas for regular alchemy items. Raw materials cost over 100L usually for each item. If non-Lanbrilli can ever purchase alchemical items, add 50% to the cost. Normally such precious resources are not sold to outsiders, however rare members of other outlaw cults, such as Arin, Eurmal, or Black Fang might form professional relationships and be allowed to purchase at an extra 50% of the price. Lanbril Special Alchemy Devices: Potions - knowledge varies by local cult. Each costs 1POW to activate, and around 150L per spell point to buy within the cult. Thunder Lung Dust - Cost 10,000L to learn, and the ritual costs 1POW but creates 6 lots (8 on a Special Success, 10 on a Critical). Used by breaking a special flask. Anyone taken by surprise inhales unless rolling half CON or less as %. If aware that the Lanbrilli is up to something the full CON may be used, and if experienced in Lanbril devices 2CON. Coughing, sneezing and respiratory stress are caused in a large cloud of dust. The cloud dissipates at various rates depending on air flow, and may take several minutes in a still room. Escaping the dust the effects linger for minutes, with each minute allowing 2CON as % to fully recover. To buy within the cult is 1,000L Visibility Dust - Costs 5,000L to learn. Most details as Thunder Lung, but its effect is to cling to any invisible creature or item caught in the cloud, as well as reveal any areas of magical effect, such as Wardings. To buy within the cult - 1,500L Scent-Stop Dust - Details as Thunder Lung except it is sprinkled on a trail, and double the amount of portions is created for POW. Prevents any tracking by scent, blocking nasal passages. To buy within the cult 500L Stink Dust - As Scent Stop, but the reverse, and not pleasant. Very hard to wash out, like skunk smell. To buy within the cult - 500L Sleep Dust - as Thunder Lung, but costs 1000L per point of POT to learn, and puts victims to sleep for several minutes if they fail to resist. To buy within cult - 300L per POT. Smoke Bombs - Cost 7,000L to learn and creates a much bigger cloud that blankets an area. The duration is reduced to only a couple of minutes in an open area, but longer in an enclosed space. Cost within cult 1,000L for powders, 3,000L for throwable globe of liquid. Flares - 10,000L to learn process, as Thunder Lung but double the amount of items made. Can be made to burn in any colour, or even propel burning material into the air. Used to provide light at a moment's notice without worrying about MP, and the good ones last for up to 20 minutes. Masks - A Lanbril hero also invented protective masks. These are hoods that can be fixed inside a helm or other headgear and pulled down quicly to use. They are magical rather than scientific, and etched with various Runes. The most common masks protect from three types of Lanbril alchemical effect, others may protect from several, and a few rare items may protect from many. Lanbrilli may buy them from the cult (if available) for 500L per effect they work against. They are created at a cost of 1POW for each three effects that the mask shields the wearer from. Additionally the masks must be attuned to the owner in a Lanbril ritual, and will only function when within 15yds of the (living) owner. Alchemists of any cult are a branch of sorcery and spend the vast majority of their time in study and production, which means also a higher than usual rate of regaining POW. This makes professional alchemists a bad choice for PCs. Active thief characters will obviously be loathe to spend POW often, which makes Lanbril Rune Levels treat the items like precious Rune Spells. (Although of course the successful Lanbrilli in areas where the cult presence is notable can buy them at exhorbitant rates from cult alchemists.)