Cult of Eleskar Many pantheons have stories about the god Eleskar, none of them any good. He first appeared in the entourage of Yelm, a groveling syncophant who merely parroted the opinions of his lord. He gained successively greater position in Yelm's court by using tricks and lies to pull down those above him. Finally, his attention turned to Yelm himself, whom he betrayed by secretly aiding Orlanth in his murder. (Orlanth was unaware of his help). Every ruler god on Glorantha, Yelm, Orlanth, Hykim, Pamalt, even Argan Argar, was approached by Eleskar. Each was initially pleased by his flattery. Yet Eleskar, seeking rulership himself, eventually betrayed each of his lords. Yet never did Eleskar manage to attain power himself. Finally, Eleskar found a new ruler, who promised him the power he always lusted after. Yet when he pledged himself to the Devil, god of evil, he found that he had betrayed himself, and was enslaved. Finally, submitting to his fate, he became a god of Chaos. Eleskar is the god of betrayal, duplicity, and trechery. His worship appeals to those who wish to overthrow their government, not out of any belief that it is bad, but simply to better their own position. Cultists typically feel they have been denied their rightful place, but are too cowardly to honestly fight for what they believe in. Eleskar's runes are Illusion, Fate, and Chaos. The cult of Eleskar is outlawed and extremely small, bordering on the edge of being a spirit cult. It is usually comprised of members of the petty nobility and their servants, though an occasional major noble, or even king, may be involved. Eleskar has no rune lords, no DI, and offers only cult-special runespells to his followers. However, because Eleskar previously fooled ruling dieties, all worshippers (even priests and lords) of the area's ruling diety, or the diety's wife-god, may worship Eleskar without the other god being aware of it. Indeed, an Eleskar cultist cannot attain higher rank in Eleskar than the rank he or she holds in the ruler cult, or ruler-wife cult. Only after death, in the Halls of Judgement, will the cultist's duplicity be learned, and the spirit banished to the Halls of Chaos. Joining Eleskar does not make a cultist smell chaotic to Storm Bulls. The objectives of all Eleskar cultists are similar. Gain social standing by discrediting one's superiors, or as a last alternitive, assasinating them. Cultists spread rumors, plant evidence, bear false witness, blackmail, and occasionally even uncover real trechery! They curry as much favor as they can with whomever they believe may help them attain greater position. If none of these actions seem likely to succeed, they will attempt assasination, or plot palace coups. This behavior is not only directed outward, but within the cult's heirarchy as well. A temple is composed of several Factions, each headed by a Conspiritor (priest). Factions are composed of cells, each headed by a Sympathizer (initiate). All factions and cells simultaneously compete and cooperate in a brutal and ruthless power struggle, in which the shifting loyalty of underlings is a given. Political power within the cult always gravitates to those who have attained political power outside it. Recruitment presents the greatest opportunity and greatest danger to Eleskar cultists. Each potential recruit can turn the approaching cultist into the authorities, yet may add substantially to the power of the cult. Because of this, recruitment usually becomes the chore of the least established Eleskar cultist. Unlike most other cults, initiates can initiate others, and there is no probationary period (if invited to do so, a ruling cult priest can become an Eleskar priest immediately). To be approached, a potential recruit must seem to be discontent with his position, yet have enough social rank to appeal to whomever might approach him. Typically, this is one or more rolls of d100 less than Social Status. Contact (Laymember) Enrollent: Oath of secrecy; initiate sponsor; d100 less than Status Tithe: 50% of all income Spells: None Skills: Fast Talk Special: Flattery Leaving: Usually assassinated or framed by other cultists Flattery - This skill makes the target tend to like the user, though a target who rolls under INTx5 on d100 will be aware of the flattery. A special reduces this roll to INTx1 on d100, and a critical makes the target completely unaware of the flattery. A miss sounds obsequious and insincere, and may cause the target to dislike the user. With a fumble, the user has inadvertently insulted the target. Use against vain targets adds +20% to the flaterer's ability with this skill. Communication Skill (20%) Sympathizer (Initiate) Enrollent: Initiate in ruler cult; Sponsor: d100