Fei Feng (swift wind) Costume: A loose, white top and bottom that always seems to be flutering in the wind. Headband symbol is the Chinese symbol for air. (pg. 18 Mystic china or https://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=mcafee&type=E211US714G10&p=chinese+symbol+for+air Stance: Both hands in the knife hand position. Left hand up and reaching out, left hand arced over head. Left foot 45 degrees of shoulder and right foot facing foward and both knees bent and waist in a slight crouch. Character bonuses: + 2d4 to Speed + 10 chi + 1 PP can breath without air for 5 min. per p.E. attribute electricity based attacks do 1 half damage. Skills included in training: Acrobatics: 60% + 5% per level sense of balance, 60% + 5% per level walk tight wire or high wire 80% + 2% per level climb rope, 40% + 4% per level climb, 70% + 5% per level backflip, + 2 auto turn with punch, + 1 PS, + 1d4 PE, + 1d6 sdc leap 4 feet high and 5 ft. long + 2 per level 70% + 2% per level climb rope 30% + 5% prowl, + 3 auto turn with punch, and gymnastics. WP long bow, small thrown weapons meditation, running (bonuses calculated. See above) constilation navigation 80% + 1% per level Combat Skills: Attacks per melee: 5 for 1d4 melee after meditation and 4 attacks regularly Escape moves: backflip, auto turn with punch (Fei Kung). An enhanced version of the classic Roll. Character uses rotary motion, combining head over heels roll with side to side turn. Successful results in 1 quarter damage. Use "turn" bonus. Maintain balance. Flip Kick defencive. Backflip combined with an axe kick. 2d8 damage. Basic defencive moves: dodge, auto parry, disarm Advanced Defences: multiple dodge, circular parry, breakfall Attack moves: Hyper Uppercut - a low reaching, high flying attack strieght to the opponents jaw (called shot). Takes two actions 2d6 damage. Possible stun - reduce combat attacks to 1 and no bonuses for 1d4 rounds or KO on 18 or better Zenjorike - Thunderclap. The character can create, with a strong clap, a booming clap of thunder that is so loud it seems to make the air vibrate. This is an effective means of intimidation. Showing others anger, power or simple theatrics. It provides the character with inititive and a + 1 to strike, parry or dodge and creates a HF of 10 + 1 at levels 3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15. Bonuses last for 2 melee rounds (@ 30 seconds) The spear - A knockdown effect, the character charges the opponent and squarly plants shoulder into the chest area 1d6 damage. If the weight of the opponent is not more than 20% than the character a knockdown is successfull. Opponent losing inititive, 2 attacks and is knocked back 3d4. ft. Body flip/throw Hand attacks: Punch, knife hand, backhand, power punch, power knife hand, palm strike. Basic foot attacks: tripping leg hook, cresent kick, axe kick, wheel kick, backward sweep, kick, reverse turning kick (combo dodge/kick Advanced kick attacks: jump kick, flying jump kick, flying reverse turning kick. Special Katas: spinning wheel kicks. Allows all to be delieverd in the first attack. must have inititive and must be done as the first attack in the melee round. wheel kicks 1d10 damage for each kick that lands. Uses up all attacks for that round. Level Advancement Bonuses: 1st: + 1 inititive, + 2 disarm, + 2 turn with punch (Fei Kung), + 1 leap 2nd: + 2 dodge + parry. + 1 circular parry, + 1 multiple dodge, + 1 leap 3rd: + 15 Chi, Chi awarnesstacks. + 3 strike kicks, + 2 punches. Add 1 attack, + 1 leap 5th: weapon traning, + 2 throw small thrown weapons, + 2 strike long bow, + 1 long bow attack, concealment small thrown weapons 40% + 5 per level, + 1 leap 6th: add one atack, + 1 inititive, + 2 disarm, + 2 turn with punch (Fei Kung) + 15 sdc, + 2 PE, + 1 leap 7th: + 2 dodge and parry, + 1 circular parry, + 1 multiple dodge. Zenjorki - electric arc arrows = + 2d6 damage, + 1 leap 8th: double chi, Kick Practice - + 4 strike all kicks, + 3 PS, + 1d4 to speed, + 10 sdc, + 1 leap 9th: by spending 10 chi the martial artist doubles the attacks with the long bow for 1 melee, + 1 leap 10th: add 1 attack and granted forest fan pg.42 of Rifts Japan, + 1 leap 11th: + 2 PP, + 2 leap attacks and backwards sweep, + 1d6+1 to Spd 12th: weapon training + 2 small thrown weapon, + 2 strike long bow, + 1 long bow attack, + 5% to concealment, + 1 leap 13th: + 5 damage kicks, + 2 leap attacks, + 2 inititive, + 1 leap 14th: add one attack, double chi, + 4d6 SDC, + 1 PP,PE,PS, + 2d4 running, + 10% backflip, critical 19-20 15th: Dynamic Chi Mutation. At this level the martial artist mutates, because of rampent cosmic energy, into a being of air. Alter Physical Structure: Air With a thought, the character can become a vapor or a gaseous cyclone of swirling wind and dust. This grants the hero the ability to fly, makes him impervious to most physi- cal attacks and grants him several special abilities. 1. Partial Intangibility: The character's body cannot be struck or harmed by any solid objects, this includes punches, kicks, swords, blunt weapons, bullets, arrows, cars, falls, etc. Cold based attacks do half damage. Suffers full damage from radiation, electricity, gasses, diseases, magic, psionics and energy-based attacks. Vulnerabilities: Fire, which consumes oxygen, does double damage, and being caught in a sudden vacuum or in outer space is incredibly damaging to the air form hero, causing him to take 1D6x10 damage per melee round ex- posed. Of course the character can change back to hu- man to prevent further damage. Explosions have one of two possible outcomes on the character's body (roll percentile dice). 01-30% Blows the 27 character 4D6x10 yards/meters away (no damage), or 31-00% Disperses and spreads the body over a large area. The character takes 10% of the damage from the force of the blast, but requires 2D4 minutes to reform his body of swirling air, and he must do that before he can turn back into a human. Note: The character cannot pick up, lift or touch any- thing while he is in air form, nor can he make any kind of melee attack. 2. Air Form and Conditional Invisibility: While in gas- eous, vaporous form, the character is completely invisible, provided he remains totally still and is indistinguishable from the rest of the air around him. Once the character moves, he is clearly visible as a floating vapor with a vague human shape, or becomes a swirling mass of air, like a mini-whirlwind in humanoid form. Note that there is a continuous rush of air when the air-based character moves, which is clearly audible and can be felt on the skin of everyone in the area, making any type of prowling im- possible in his air form. As a vapor or swirling wind, the super being can travel through air ducts and vents, subway grates, leaky steam pipes, and manhole covers, as well as through cracks un- der doors and any opening large enough for a vapor/mist to enter. Note: The character cannot pass through solid objects or through airtight doors or containers, nor through force fields. 3. Hovering and Flight: As a being composed of noth- ing but air, hovering and flying is the character's natural state. Hovers up to 10 feet (3 m) high even when just rest- ing. The character can fly at any speed up to 300 mph (480 km) +20 mph (32 km) per level of experience in his air form, but can also float and fly at up to 20 mph (32 km) even when in his normal human form. Maximum Attitude: 30,000 feet (9144 m). 4. Wind Blast Attack: The character can unleash a short, powerful blast of wind from any part of his body (mouth, hands, arms, legs, etc.). Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) +10 feet (3 m) per level of expe- rience. Duration: Instant. Damage: 3D6 points of damage, plus a 01-50% chance of knocking an opponent weighing less than 200 lbs (90 kg) off his feet. In the alternative, the gust of wind can be used to knock a weapon or device out of an opponent's hand, knocking it 2D6 yards/meters away; +3 to disarm, but a disarm attack only does 1D4 points of damage. Attacks per Melee: Each Wind Blast counts as one me- lee attack. Bonus: +2 to strike, +3 to disarm (as noted above). Can- not be used to parry incoming attacks from others. 5. Wind Push Attack: The character can also unleash a powerful air blast that pushes an opponent (or chair, cart, statue, etc.) back 3D6 yards/meters and has a 01-88% chance of knocking a person off his feet and flying on his backside. Damage is light, one point, but if knocked off his feet the victim loses initiative and two melee ac- tions/attacks. Note: Reduce the chance of getting knocked back by half if the opponent is giant-sized (12 feet/3.6 m or larger) or weighs 800 pounds (360 kg) or more. Range: 100 feet (30.5 m). Duration: Instant. Damage: 3D6 damage. Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee at- tack/action. Bonus: +2 to strike. 6. Wind Blind Attack: With a Called Shot (at -3 to strike), the character can blind an adversary with a blast of wind that contains grit or dust, blinding the individual (-10 to strike, parry and dodge) for 1D4 melee rounds. Range: 20 feet (6.1 m). Duration: Instant. Damage: Blinds opponent, unless the eyes are protected by goggles, helmet and visor, or wraparound sunglasses. Attacks per Melee: Each wind blast counts as one melee attack. 7. Tornado Transformation Attack: The character can spin his body composed of air, dust and small objects into a small tornado. Range: Self. In this form his winds directly affect a 20 foot (6.1 m) diameter, and are felt at up to 100 feet (30.5 m) away. Duration: Five minutes (20 melees) per level of experi- ence, but he can stop the tornado attack at any time be- fore that, should he desire to do so. Attacks per Melee: Once the character becomes the tor- nado (costs two melee attacks/actions), all he is capable of doing is using his melee attacks to move around the battlefield and attack/affect people with his tornado from. Damage: At the outer edge of its radius, out to 100 feet (30.5 m) away, the tornado creates a strong wind but does no damage. Within its main 20 foot (6.1 m) diameter, the tornado does 1D6 points of damage per level of experi- ence to everything it hits/touches. Each tornado strike counts as two melee attacks. Double that damage for a power strike that uses up all attacks for that melee round. An Alternative to Outright Damage: The super being can use the tornado to pull people in and keep them there, swirling around within his cyclone body. Victims of this at- tack are completely helpless while in the tornado (no at- tacks, not even mental or magic ones). When the tornado stops/disappears the individual is dropped to the ground and is dizzy and disoriented for 2D4 melee rounds (-2 on initiative, -2 to strike and all other combat maneuvers, and Spd and balance are half; poor balance, wobbly legs). A character gets "caught by the twister" if he is touched by the center 20 foot (6.1 m) diameter of it. In this capac- ity, the tornado is an area effect attack that snatches up and incapacitates everybody around it. Note that those caught in the tornado only take 1D4 points of damage per minute. 8. Wind Thrown Objects: The character can use his tornado vortex to pick up and hurl objects at a specific tar- 28 get. These can be small items like knives, bricks, bottles, and similar items (one per level of experience) flung up to double their normal range and each doing an additional 1D6 damage, or a medium-sized item such as another person, garbage can, dumpster, mailbox, park bench, chair, small table, and similar objects weighing under 500 lbs (225 kg) launched up to 200 feet (61 m). Range: Double the usual range for small items, up to 200 feet (61 m) for an object up to 500 lbs (225 kg). Duration: Instant. Damage: Small items: Their usual damage +1D6 addi- tional, each. Medium-sized item: 4D6 per 100 pounds (45 kg); 2D4x10+15 for a 500 Ib (225 kg) item! Damage to a hu- man being or animal getting picked up and tossed is 4D6 damage if tossed comparatively gently, or 8D6 (or 1D4x10) if thrown hard. In addition, those struck by a me- dium item or picked up and tossed as a weapon, lose ini- tiative (the attacker has it), lose two melee actions/attacks (the time it takes to get his wits and back on his feet) and have a 01-80% likelihood of dropping whatever they were holding at the time. Characters who can fly, teleport, or become weightless (and perhaps a few others) can stop themselves from hitting before impact and avoid taking any damage, but lose one melee action. Likewise, an op- ponent who has a garbage dumpster hurling toward him can attempt to dodge. Attacks per Melee: Each Wind Thrown Object (or volley of small items), small or medium, counts as two melee at- tacks/actions. Bonus: None. 9. Additional Bonuses and Abilities: Can accurately measure air/wind speed and sense changing weather con- ditions at 45% +5% per level of experience. The character can't be seen on infrared, thermal vision or heat sensors when in air form. The character does not breathe in the conventional sense, the character's altered form is com- posed of air which includes oxygen, so he cannot be suf- focated or drowned in air form. The hero speaks in a raspy voice while in air form, and retains his normal sense of sight, hearing and smell, but cannot touch or taste any- thing in air form.