-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advice on Creating Vocations John R. Troy's excellent article on creating and using vocations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced Mythus The following vocations are intended for use with Advanced Mythus. Archer (created by Jeff Sharpe) Artificer (created by Chris Calvert) Bard (created by SparrowHawk) Conjuror (created by John R. Troy) Courtier (created by Jason ) Forester (created by Mike Wittek) Geisha (created by Teneray Clark) Investigator (Created by A.J. Schmidt) Miner (created by S Gullerud) Monk (created by Glen Martin) Priest of the Hunt (created by Chad Horsley) Prostitute (created by Aaron Brezenski) Spy (created by Glen Martin) Swashbuckler (created by Gary Spechko) Wealthy Land-Owner (created by J Teske) Witch (created by Tony Martin) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mythus Prime The following vocations are intended for use with Mythus Prime. Chirurgeon (created by Mike Phillips) Mage (created by Mike Phillips) Pirate (created by Mike Phillips) Seafarer (created by Mike Phillips) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mike's Mythus Page] [e-mail Mike] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archer by Teneray Clarke & Jeff Sharpe Trait: Physical SEC Range: 1-6 SEC At Start: 2 Vocation Group: Arms After choosing to be in the Arms vocation, you desire your Heroic Persona to be more specialized than the standard Soldier or Mercenary vocation - try the Archer instead! In general, Archers are professionally trained foot soldiers tied to a state, or another body whom can afford a standing army, that have had the added training necessary to specialize in missile weapons. Often, these military specialists use light armour and weapons and are not trained in close action conflicts, as are the Infantry vocation. Some countries have reserves or a militia with Archer units which rely upon native skills, yet these are far from standard. Often utilized from a rear, or flank, position, these units can be lethal if used effectively. Though, these troops can be used competently in garrison duty, it is in mass that the killing effect is best utilized. Combined with the speed of light troops, these units are often found amongst the hills and plains of a sovereign state. Many countries took the use of these troops to a different level and lowered the size of the baggage train to almost nil, forcing these troops to live off the land (or other necessary means). Who can forget the brilliant triumph of Albion's Henry V over the overwhelming forces of Francia and Marshal Boucicault's new plan to disrupt the Archers of Albion near the tiny town of Agincourt. Outnumbered 3 to 1, Henry V's bold initiative in advancing to occupy a strong position won over the Francia lords who jostled for glory. They only found slaughter or capture. The Archers of Albion could rapid shoot a dozen missles in the air in a minute and stop a cavalry charge in its tracks. K/S Base STEEP ------------------------------- ---------- Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 20 Criminal Activities, Physical 16 Escape 16 Gambling 16 Handicraft/Handiwork 16 Hunting/Tracking 16 Survival 16 Combat, HTH, Non-Lethal 12 Combat, HTH, Lethal 12 Combat, Hand Weapons 12 Criminal Activities, Mental 12 Deception 12 First Aid 12 Games, Mental 12 Jack-of-all-Trades 12 Military Science 12 Foreign Language 8 Foreign Language 8 Travel 8 --- 248 Closely related to the Soldier/Mercenary vocation, the Archer has few differences and those he does have are fairly obvious. © 1995 by Jeff "Caesar" Sharpe Reproduction granted to advocates of Dangerous Journeys(tm) Mythus(tm). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artificer (Physical Trait) The artificer is a rare and respected individual. Typically found only in the larger cities of more the technologically advanced civilizations, the artificer is the supreme craftsman, capable of building devices of unparalleled creativity and utility. Each artificer is typically specialized with certain types of devices(i.e. some specialize in timepieces and/or locks, some in glassware for manipulation of light or specialized alchemical apparatus, some in weaponry, etc.) Not all artificers are necessarily of mechanical bent, some are simply highly skilled craftsmen, but the archetype refers more to the former. Not infrequently, these individuals are in the employ of the nobility or at least courted by them, for their skills and devices are always in demand. (Think of Faberge eggs and Swiss watches). This vocation is most apt for dwarves and humans. When playing, think dedication, mastery, creativity, unique, craft, intricate, patience, innovation, detail, moving parts, mechanics. K/S Areas Beginning Artifice 20 Smithing/Welding 20 Arms&Armor 16 Heka Forging* 16 Mechanics 16 Gemsmith/Lapidiary* 16 Alchemy* 12 Cryptography 12 Drawing 12 Foreign Lang[choice] 12 Games, Mental 12 Handicrafts/Handiwork 12 Influence 12 Logic 12 Mathematics 12 Printing 12 Street-Wise 8 Survival 8 Combat, Hand Weapons 4 Toxicology 4 248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New K/S Area Artifice(Crafting) This refers to the mechanical engineering of crafting small objects with multiple working parts, as opposed to other types of engineering or construction. Smithing/welding is absolutely required for use of this skill. This skill is rolled against twice. First, when any device is designed inititially, and the difficulty for this should be at least Hard(subject to JM adjucation), and second, each time each device is physically completed. Failure in the first case indicates a flawed plan, and the device will fail under even normal circumstances, failure in the second case may not be immediately apparent, and is essentially flawed workmanship. The second test should also have a co-test in smithing/welding, etc. as appropriate to the nature of the device to be built, but these tests should be considerably less difficult than the design test. If the second test fails, the result will be breakage at a critical time, and due to the need to protect their reputation, artificers typically test the items they make very thoroughly and extensively before selling them. Naturally, the difficulty of all tests should increase with the complexity of the device, and the more functions it is capable of. Like Magick and Dweomercraft, Crafting is a specialized and powerful skill, requiring great dedication, and thus should not be very widespread or prevalent. This area is most frequently used in making locks and traps. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Devices Leodoh's Dart Tube The dart jet is capable of projecting a missle of some sort with a considerable degree of force. The bore is approximately 1/2" across, and the tube is of strong steel, approximately 8 inches in length. The dart tube is powered by a powerful spring anchored in the base. The tube ejects the missle, when triggered with fully the force of a long bow. However, the compression of the spring allows for only 3"-4" projectiles, thus Leodoh uses various types of dart as ammunition, including enchanted darts that will superheat or shatter after striking the target, doing internal damage. The dart tube is typically concealed beneath the flowing robes of the artificer, and used to attack from surprise. He usually has at least two(one under each forearm) with him, and more if feeling particularly paranoid or threatened. Leodoh is also known to have recently perfected a flame projector of some kind, with an attack range of over ten feet. Jake's Locket Made by an artificer of Saxony after the assassin Jaques performed some special "favors" for him, the Locket appears to be nothing more than a finely engraved and enjewelled silver locket in which one might place the painted insert of a loved one, to be viewed on opening of the locket. However, if the back of the slim case is prised off in the appropriate manner(Easy if known, Very Difficult if not, and Extreme to discover by manual inspection if nature of locket is completely unknown) a full set of theives picks is exposed. These picks, although very slim, are formed from a steel adamantium alloy, making them stronger than normal picks and tools. Additionally, once the back and picks are removed, the glass covering for the painted representation will function as a lens, magickally amplifying ambient light levels by 25 times on the object of inspection(typically lock/keyhole/ trap) if there is any present, or provides the equivalent of weak candlelight radiance upon the object if there is no radiance present. These weaker abilities are usable once per day for about 1 AT. Each of the twelve small rubies set into the face and back of the locket acts as a heka resevior(as Heka Binding-Alchemy VIII) containing 5 points each(60 Heka total), each regenerating one point of heka per day. The locket is enchanted to use this Heka as in either the form of a Treacherous Blow Formula or Pilfer Charm(both Black School II). Each is usable almost instantly, but each is resticted to no more than one use per two days. Lastly (and most sinister) the locket contains a 1" hollow needle with a Springblade enchantment and small resevoir for poison . One might use this by presenting the picture to someone and activating the Treacherous Blow, then activate Springblade and stab, attacking with surprise, almost surely injecting the poison and killing the victim. It also bears a number of minor enchantments against scratching and dirt, including Resiliency, which help to confuse the truly astute looking for the source of heka aura. In spite of this, after three successful and shocking assassinations, it is now imfamous and it's description is widely known. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note - This is intended as more of an OP Vocation, but I see no reason why it could not be availible to HPs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is what my group designed for the traveling bard... I hope it is useful. Voyager Bard (Spiritual Trait) Level Range: 1-7 Starting SEC: 4 Base K/S Area STEEP Trait Spellsongs 24 Mental Music 24 Physical Combat, Hand Weapons 16 Physical Criminal Activities, Physical 16 Physical Musical Composition 16 Spiritual Poetry & Lyrics 16 Spiritual Street-Wise 16 Spiritual Charismaticism 12 Spiritual Criminal Activities, Mental 12 Mental Current Events 12 Mental Sociology/Culture 12 Mental Thespianism 12 Spiritual Travel 12 Physical Buffoonery 8 Spiritual Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 8 Physical Geology/Foreign Lands 8 Mental Handicrafts/Handiwork 8 Physical History 8 Mental Jack of All Trades 8 Physical Foreign Language 4 Mental Foreign Language 4 Mental Total 256 The bard, a singing minstrel, fighter and rogue. A singer of wondrous places long since forgotten. Bards, because of their musical background, spend only 1 AP per STEEP on any KS Skills that are music related, these include; Spellsongs and Music. Bards use Physical as their secondary trait. Bards also may be full pratictioners. Full pratictioners that have both Dweomercrfft and Priestcrfft can only declare one of these as a primary casting area. There are no Bard-Mage-Priests. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by: Created by: Chris Calvert Conjuror Vocation (Mental Trait) SEC 3-9, 6 at start Author's Notes: Here's another vocation for you guys. It's a good one for adventuring purposes, and I think it fills a gap in the vocations presented in Mythus. I've always felt that Conjurers should have their own vocation, and I've classified it as part of the Dweomercraefter category. I hope it fits your needs. The Conjurer is a specialized form of dweomercraefter. Rather thantaking the "standard" magickal courses of his or her peers, he or shelearns how to invoke and control beings and spirits from other planes and spheres, such as elementals, shadow-creatures, spirits, animals, undead, Phaeree-kind, and outer-planar beings of Cthonic, Supernial, and Pandemonic nature, as other-planar forces and effects. They use such powers toperform services and tasks for others. When designing this persona, think of oracluar knowledge, demands of service, invocations, feats of wonder,pentacles, receptive circles, tools of power, entertaining tricks, exaction, abjuration, spiritual entrapment, the structure of the multiverse, the outer planes, Preternatural and Supernatural servants, other-planar activity, and the like. For persona development, this vocation is best used as the base for the true Conjurer, as well as Enchanters, Invocators, and Thaumaturges (if of Full Practice). Sorcerors and Demonurgists too could be created via this vocation. One could also use this as the base for an Adept or Hermaturge-- although the alchemy portions would be overshadowed by the Conjuring in these cases. N.B. This is a MENTAL vocation, even though the actual K/S area of Conjuration is a Spiritual one. As the practioner is considered to have specialized in Dweomercraeft, with related skills in that area, it makes sense to classify this vocation as Mental...otherwise, it would lean more towards what's already covered in the game system by the Theurgist vocation. K/S Areas Base STEEP ATTRIBUTE Aportropism* 12 (MMCap + MRCap) x 0.5* Cryptography 12 (MMCap + MRCap) x 0.5 Demonology* 16 MMCap* Dweomercraeft(1)* 24 MMCap*s Foreign Language, Arcane Magickal 12 MMCap* Foreign Language, Hiero-AEgyptian 12 MMCap* Influence 12 MRCap s Mathematics 8 MMCap Combat, Hand Weapons 4 (PMCap + PNCap) x 0.5 Handicrafts/Handiwork 8 PNCap Survival 4 PMCap* Alchemy* 8 SMCap* Astrology* 12 SMCap* Conjuration* 24 (SMPow + SPPow) x 0.5* Divination* 8 SPCap*s Exorcism* 12 SMCap* Metaphysics* 16 SMCap* Multiversal Planes/Spheres 16 SPCap s Occultism* 16 SMCap* Pantheology* 12 SMCap*s Religion* 8 SMCap* Total 248 s This K/S area has sub-areas * This K/S area works differently than "standard" ones. See the individual K/S area description for details. (1) The persona, in addition to getting knowledge in the general castings, gets a choice of one of the schools (sub-areas), as the conjurer is considered to have formal Dweomercraeft training. This school will usually determine what types of beings the conjurer will specialize in. Note that most on AErth choose the elemental school, with the gray school being a close second for the more "hedge-conjurer" showman types. Note that the user has the standard chance of gaining Full Practice ability-- such Conjurers are usually dubbed Thaumaturges. Vocation created by John R. Troy (j.troy@genie.geis.com) Courtier/Diplomat K/S Area Base Steep --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charismaticism 16 Current Events 16 Deception 16 Espionage 16 Influence 16 Political Science 16 Public Administration 16 Biography / Genealogy 12 Cryptography 12 Cultured Palate 12 History 12 Law 12 Magnetism 12 Disguise 8 Economics/Finance/Investing 8 Impersonation 8 Combat, (Player Choice) 8 Criminal Activities, Mental 8 Criminal Activities, Physical 8 Escape 8 Foreign Language (Player Choice) 4 Foreign Language (Player Choice) 4 Lip Reading & Sign Language 4 Military Science 4 ------------------------------------------- Total: 264 (including the special ones, below) In addition, since the court is not an "all business" environment, the player, in consultation with the JM, will decide on two of the following courtly K/S Areas with a beginning STEEP of 4. This choice will depend largely on the flavor of the court to which the courtier is to be sent. Gambling Games, Mental Journalism Literature Music Poetry / Lyrics The Courtier is part diplomat part spy. However, he relies more upon his social position than upon skullduggery in obtaining information. He is sent, by his lord or nation, to participate in the court of another land and to gather what intelligence he may. Starting SEC range is 4 - 8. Key words for the vocation include: negotiation, diplomacy, treaties, espionage, covert activities, secret messages, great escapes, and social graces. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forester (Physical) SEC REQUIRED: 1 - 7 HP's Starting SEC: 4 Base K/S Area STEEP ATTRIBUTE Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 20 (PMCap + PNCap) x 0.5 s Ecology/Nature Science 20 MMCap Hunting/Tracking 20 PNCap Navigation 20 (MMCap + MRCap) x 0.5 Combat, Hand Weapons 16 (PMCap + PNCap) x 0.5 s Combat, HTH, Non-Lethal 16 (PMCap + PNCap) x 0.5 Nature Attunement 16 SPCap #s Perception(Mental) 16 PNCap s Survival 16 PMCap # Endurance* 16 (PMPow + PNPow) x 0.5 # First Aid 12 PNCap # Handicrafts/Handiwork 12 PNCap Leatherwork 12 PNCap Botany 8 MMCap Criminal Activities, Physical 8 (PMCap + PNCap) x 0.5 #s1 Zoology 8 MMCap Espionage 4 (MMCap + MRCap) x 0.5 s Foreign Language 4 MMCap # Surveillance/Security 4 PNCap Geography/Foreign Lands 4 MMCap ------- 252 *Heka-producing K/S Area. (See the Mythus Magic book.) See page 101 of the Mythus book for a complete list of Foreign Languages of Aerth. See Foreign Language K/S Area description (page 147 of the Mythus book) for complete information regarding cross-language ability, etc. s indicates that the K/S has Sub-Areas. # indicates that the K/S in question works somehow differently than the others, such as in the rate the Sub-Areas are gained. 1 The only allowable Sub-Areas are sneaking, hiding, and ambush. The forester also known as a protector, warden, or overseer serves a government as a guardian or lawman in a designated area of wilderness or natural resources, and they may take on the role of scout then becoming the eyes and ears of an army in the case of war. To a lesser extent, the forester may be used as a spy on a border where conflict or possible conflict exists. Although, the forester spends most if his time alone and on-the-move, it would be incorrect to assume that he is a recluse. Further, the forester's love for the wilderness and outdoors may bring him to a specific location, but it is his duty that pushes him into service. Between passion and honor, he chooses to live the harsh existence as well as accepts the challenges of the wild. The country, environment, available resource, and state of war dictates the role of the forester. This is one of few vocations where a slave with aptitude can become a freeman. Even though, foresters can come form the lower aristocracy, it is a step down in social class, for the forester spends a great deal of his time alone in the wilderness or on the move. This does not allow those with high social class the time to maintain their personal relationships that are required to maintain such a high social economic class. Since the forester tends to work great distances from the nearest township, some governments give the forester law enforcement powers that of a magistrate. Foresters that do have such law enforcement ability must check in with the government at least annually. However, in countries that give such power to a forester, these same countries will severely punish those foresters that misuse their power, or are in derelict of duty. All foresters are skilled in nature, hunting, missile weapons, and the like. The type of missile weapon used are dictated by environment, resource, and country that the forester resides. The vocation is attuned to his environment and observant making it difficult to surprise him. Further, he rarely gets lost. It is said "If a forester is hunting you, he will find you. And, if he attacks you with a missile weapon and misses, run away because he missed on purpose." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by: Mike Wittek () Created by: Jason Geisha Trait: Spiritual SEC Range: 2-7 SEC At Start: 3 The Geisha is a Spiritual TRAIT Vocation who specializes in the arts of entertainment and manipulation. They are trained from a very early age in the fields of music, subterfuge, conversation, and art. Geisha's usually worked and lived within a single house from the day they begin their training. Often they are sold to a Geisha House by their own families, and sometimes even join through personal choice. Though a Geisha can purchase her own contract, they require a permit to leave the House. Though it is more likely that the Geisha is will be purchased by one of their own clients. It is rare to find a Geisha outside the confines of her House due to her contract and her inability to survive on her own. Though there have been cases that the skills of subterfuge have been put to use, the Geisha will usually be found traveling with a master. K/S Base STEEP ------------------------------------------- ---------- Charismaticism 20 Magnetism 20 Etiquette/Social Graces 16 Nature Attunement 16 Music 16 Thespianism 16 Spellsongs 16 Influence 16 Cultured Palate 12 Poetry/Lyrics 12 Musical Composition 12 Foreign Language 12 Foreign Language 12 Domestic Arts 8 Painting (Artistic) 8 Games, Mental 8 Literature 8 Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Lethal 8 Mysticism 8 Herbalism 4 Buffoonery 4 Philosopy 4 Gambling 4 --- 260 Though play-tested several times, this Vocation was primarily designed as an OP. © 1995 by Teneray Clark Reproduction granted to advocates of Dangerous Journeys(tm) Mythus(tm). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Investigator (created by AJ Schmidt) Physical Trait SEC 4-8 SEC at Start 5 This vocation is the answer to the super-sleuth in the Mythus Campaign. This person resorts to myriad abilities in order to solve crimess and prosecute offenders. The role of this OP is very well-defined and can be used in a variety of situations from the bumbling detective to the greatly-assistive private eye. The feasibility of the HP use is, of course dependent on the JM but with a total of 264 base STEEP, it is not unreasonable. This type of persona would be quite helpful, and I find it very adaptable to many situations. To summarize some of the ideas to give this character life, think of archetypal Investigators such as Sherlock Holmes, Columbo, The Harts (of Hart to Hart), Charlie Chan, Ms. Marple, or Murder She Wrote. Many others could also be listed. The main modification ate the addition of information-gathering spell-casting areas of Divination and Fortune Telling, which would be fine and needed additions for a heka active campaign, and accepted methods as part of the means of investigation. K/S Base STEEP Attribute Criminology 20 MRCap Surveillance/Security 16 PNCap Police WOrk 16 (PMCap+PNCap)x0.5 Logic 16 MRCap Law 16 (MMCap+MRCap)x0.5 Hunting Tracking 12 PNCap Criminal Activities, Physical 12 (PMCap+PNCap)x0.5 Espionage 12 (MMCap+MRCap)x0.5 Combat, HW 12 (PMCap+PNCap)x0.5 Combat HtH NL 12 (PMCap+PNCap)x0.5 Streetwise 12 SPCap Divination 8 SPCap Fortune Telling 8 SPCap Perception Physical 8 MRCAP Escape 8 (PMCap+PNCap)x0.5 Survival 8 PMCap Criminal Activities, Mental 8 MMCap Deception 8 MRcap Current Events 8 (MMPow+MRPow)x0.5 Gambling 4 (MMCap+MRCap)x0.5 Foreign Language 4 MMCap Foreign Language 4 MMCap Influence 4 MRCap Biography/Geneology 4 MMCap Handicrafts/Handiworks 4 PNCap Tolerance 4 PNPow Cultured Palate 4 PNCap As you can see, this persona is adaptive to a variety of situations. The STEEP total is just a bit higher than most because of the many demads on this sort of Persona and the great variety of trait scores used. Some suggested k/s additions might be: Mental: Appraisal, History, Hypnotism, Literature Physical: Combat HW Missle, Combat HtH Lethal, First Aid, Travel, Disguise Spiritual: Alchemy, Impersonation, Buffoonery, Magnetism, Leadership. Created by: A.J. Schmidt (via John Teske ) Miner/Prospector Vocation (Physical Trait) SEC 1-5, 3 at start (2 for prospector). This vocation takes two forms. A miner is employed by government or business to oversee mining operations, usually conducted by slaves or criminals. A prospector, on the other hand, is a solitary wanderer looking for that one 'lucky strike' before retiring to a life of luxury. While the miner may not be well suited for a HP Vocation, a prospector could easily shift toward other professions should prospects for a claim dry up. This Vocation is quite focused in Physical K/S Areas, although there is a number of Mental K/S Areas to round out the bundle. Typically, only the lower and middle classes will consider mining or prospecting as a potential Vocation, hoping that they may achieve higher status through the find of a rich vein of ore. Prospectors in particular will find their outlook changed by the discovery of sudden wealth. When playing such a persona, think of hazardous work, digging, darkness, claim, and 'strike it rich'. K/S Area Base STEEP ATTRIBUTE ----------------------------------------------------------- Mines & Mining 24 PMCap Geology/Minerology 20 MMCap Engineering 16 (MMCap+MRCap)x0.5 Speleology 16 PMCap Appraisal 12 MRCap Endurance* 12 (PMPow+PNPow)x0.5 Gambling 12 (MMCap+MRCap)x0.5 Gemology 12 MMCap Handicrafts/Handiworks 12 PNCap Jack-Of-All-Trades 12 PMCap Jury Rigging 12 SMCap Mechanics 12 PMCap Mountain Climbing 12 (PMPow+PNPow)x0.5 Subterranean Orientation 12 PNCap Surveying/Topography 12 MRCap Combat, Hand Weapons 8 (PMCap+PNCap)x0.5 Survival 8 PMCap Divination* 4 SPCap Tolerance 4 PNPow 248 This was composed by S Gullerud (gullerud@leland.Stanford.EDU). To help facilitate the creation of these heroic persona vocations a new character creation rule is needed: RESTRICTED SUB-AREAS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocation Category Level Range HP SEC at Start TRAIT PRIESTCRAEFT Monk, Martial, Oriental 1-9 4 Physical -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monk, Martial, Oriental: Monks posses an interesting array of talents. The monk is excellent in unarmed and non-lethal physical combat. The monk is centered around the physical TRAIT, but has a variety of spiritual, and mental skills as well. They also posses limited priestly abilities. Monks are personas that are thoughtful, honorable, and stoic. Try to think of a balance between the physical, mental, and spiritual sides of the monk when creating the HP. Monks tend to use speed over might, think of this when deciding where to place attribute scores (PN attributes should tend to be higher then PM attributes). The monk strives to be at one with nature, theirs surroundings, and the cosmos. This vocation tends to use physical force as a last resort. When force is needed the monk is properly trained to deal with most threats. Monk, Martial, Oriental Vocation (Physical TRAIT) K/S Area Base Steep Attribute Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Non-Lethal 24 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5 Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Lethal 24 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5s Medicine, Oriental 20 (SMCap+SPCap) x0.5 Priestcraeft* 16 SMCap* Religion* 16 SMCap* Acupuncture 12 PNCap Acrobatics/Gymnastics 12 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5s Combat, Hand Weapons 12 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5s Criminal Activities, Physical r 12 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5*s Endurance* 12 (PMPow+PNPow) x0.5* Education 10 (MMCap+MRCap) x0.5 Foreign Language: [choice] 8 MMCap* History 8 MMCap* Logic 8 MRCap Nature Attunement 8 SPCap *s Pantheology* 8 SMCap *s Survival 8 PMCap* Yoga* 8 SMCap* Apotropaism* 8 (MMCap+MRCap) x0.5*s Divination* 8 SPCap *s Demonology* 4 MMCap* Exorcism* 4 SMCap* Base STEEP Total 250 (Only the sub-areas of Sneaking, Hiding, and Ambushing may be chosen under Criminal Activities, Physical) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by: Glen R. Martin (75050.2421@CompuServe.COM) Teneray Clari, via Jeff Sharpe Priest Vocation (Priests of Gods of the Hunt) Here is the first one of specific vocations for priest worshipping specific kinds of deities. This list of K/S Areas should work for any priest that follows a deity of the hunt. K/S Areas Base Steep Attributes Priestcraeft(Ethos of Moonlight) 24 SMCap Religion* 24 SMCap Hunting/Tracking 24 PNCap Combat,Hand Weapons,Missile 20 (PMCap+PNCap)x.5 Ecology/Nature Science 16 MMCap Nature Attunement 16 SPCap Pantheology* 16 SMCap Survival 16 PMCap Combat,HTH,Lethal 12 (PMCap+PNCap)x.5 Combat,Hand Weapons 12 (PMCap+PNCap)x.5 Endurance* 12 PNCap Metaphysics* 12 SMCap Mountain Climbing 12 (PMPow+PNPow)x.5 Combat,HTH,Non-lethal 8 (PMCap+PNCap)x.5 First Aid 8 PNCap Leatherwork 8 PNCap Swimming/Diving 8 (PMCap+PNCap)x.5 Total Steep 248 So guys, tell me what you think because I am working on some others Thanks, CWICK Created by Chad Horsley (CWICK@UKANVAX.BITNET) I changed the word, not because of taboo, but because it seemed to be turning up on an awful lot of search queries before. There were an inordinately large number of hits on the page (isolated, I might add, with no nearby fetching of the index), and I decided to remove my site from such a connection. This is not to imply any moral stance, I'd just rather the material were accessed by persons interested in gaming, rather than other, er, sordid activities. If you want to discuss this editorial policy, mail me. Prost*tute Vocation (Physical Trait) SEC 1-4, 2 at start My new campaign will be extremely gritty, and begin in a very urban setting.Though not necessarily confined to these types of areas, a Vocation I immediately thought of was (pardon my dirty mind)... From crafty courtesan to gigolo to alley-whore, this Vocation encompasses all who seek to pay their life's wage with their bodies-- certain parts of their bodies, in fact. In general, prost*tutes are disdained by every class-- but their services are used by members of every class (funny, that...). The prost*tute's skills are oriented towards attracting customers, and these can also be useful in the gaining of information. When playing such a persona, some words and phrases to keep in mind are: turning tricks, "special" skills, divorce mind from body, pimps, madams, no taboos, oldest profession, money. K/S Area Base Steep Criminal Activities, Mental 24 Appraisal 20 Criminal Activities, Physical 20 Deception 16 Disguise 16 Impersonation 16 Combat, HTH Non-Lethal 12 Combat, Hand Weapons 12 Thespianism 12 Streetwise 12 Tolerance 12 Dancing 12 * Gambling 8 Influence 8 Business Administration 8 Acrobatics/Gymnastics 8 Charismaticism 8 Buffoonery 4 Biology 4 Endurance 4 Handicrafts 4 Fortune Telling 4 Magnetism 4 Herbalism 4 * New K/S Area, see below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New K/S Area: Dancing: This K/S covers the basics of body movement, usually (but not necessarily) accompanied by music. Those possessing it are able to move their bodies rhythmically without making themselves look foolish (unlike the author). It has five Sub-Areas: Court Dancing Artistic Dancing Exotic/Erotic Festive Foreign This K/S uses the average of the PMSpd and PNPow ATTRIBUTES as a base. Vocation created by Aaron Brezenski (apbtjs@primenet.com) To help facilitate the creation of these heroic persona vocations a new character creation rule is needed: RESTRICTED SUB-AREAS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocation Category Level Range HP SEC at Start TRAIT OUTLAWRY Spy 1-7 3 Mental -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spy Spy: The spy is an intriguing and formidable HP. The spy fits well in campaigns involved in politics, war, and other "noble" endeavors. The spy combines a knowledge of foreign lands with thieving abilities to be able to complete any mission they might encounter. This vocation is based around the mental TRAIT, but also has enough physical skills to help them in tight situations. Think of double-crosses, intrigue, sabotage, quick thinking, and covert action when creating your spy. Spy Vocation (Physical TRAIT) K/S Area Base Steep Attribute Espionage 20 (MMCap+MRCap) x0.5s Criminal Activities, Mental 16 MMCap *s Criminal Activities, Physical 16 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5*s Deception 16 MRCap* Disguise 16 PNCap Escape 16 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5 Combat, Hand Weapons 12 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5s Criminology 12 MRCap Cryptography 12 (MMCap+MRCap) x0.5 Etiquette Social Graces 12 MMCap Foreign Language: [choice] 12 MMCap* Linguistics 12 MRCap Police Work 12 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5s Combat Hand Weapons, Missile 8 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5s Foreign Language: [choice] 8 MMCap* Geography/Foreign Lands 8 MMCap Influence 8 MRCap s Streetwise 8 SPCap *s Travel 8 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5 Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Lethal 4 (PMCap+PNCap) x0.5s Current Events 4 (MRPow+MMPow) x0.5 Divination* 4 SPCap *s Engineering, Military 4 (MMCap+MRCap) x0.5 Surveillance/Security 4 PNCap Toxicology 4 MMCap Base STEEP Total 256 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by: Glen R. Martin (75050.2421@CompuServe.COM) (Preliathor@aol.com) Swashbuckler Vocation: Swashbuckler K/S bundle Combat, Hand Weapons 24 Criminal Activities, Physical 20 Acrobatics 20 Weapons, Special Skills 20 Criminal Activities, Mental 20 Cultured Palate 16 Current Events 16 Buffoonery 12 Tolerance 12 Gambling 12 Political Science 8 Combat, Hand-to-hand, Lethal 8 Combat, Hand-to-hand, Non-lethal 8 Combat, Hand Weapons, Missile 8 Poetry/ Lyrics 8 Music 8 Foreign Language (choice) 8 Rarities 4 Juggling 4 Influence 4 Military Science 4 Law 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by: Gary Spechko (spechko@nucleus.com) Wealthy Landowner (Spiritual Trait) SEC Range 6-9 Starting SEC 7 This Bundle is generally the combination of a businessman and explorer. Tending to business is the primary concern; however, there is time for social visiting and land exploration/appraisal. The landowner must be suited for caring for people, livestock, and property effectively and profitably. Not completely suited for adventuring, with a few choice k/s areas this OP could be a strong assist to any group looking for strong support and financial aid. Recommended areas include: Green Dweomercraeft, Magick, Travel, Mountain Climbing, and Herbalism. Words one should keep in mind when roleplaying a landowner include: profit, fair management, equity, and preserving natural resources. Judging 20 (SMC + SPC)/2 Appraisal 20 MRC Economics/F/I 16 (MMC + MRC)/2 Hunting/Tracking 16 PNC Nature Attunement 16 SPC Influence 16 MRC Animal Handling 12 SPPow Astronomy * 12 MRC Surveying/Topography 12 MRC Survival 12 PMC Business Administratn. 12 (MMC + MRC)/2 Cultured Palette 12 PNC Charismaticism 8 SPC Leadership 8 SMC Swimming/Diving 8 (PNC + PMC)/2 Astrology * 8 SMC Combat Hand Weapons 8 (PNC + PMC)/2 Domestic Arts & Sci. 8 (MMC + MRC)/2 Ecology/Natural Sci. 8 MMC Jury Rigging 4 SMC Foriegn Lang. 4 MMC Foriegn Lang. 4 MMC Magnetism 4 SPPow First Aid 4 PNC Handicrafts/Handiworks 4 PNC This vocation was compiled by John Teske (teskej@DGABBY.MFLDCLIN.EDU). Witch Vocation (Spiritual Trait) SEC 1-6, 4 at start Here is a version of the witch vocation. Because of the variety of powers attributed to witches, there can be no truly definitive description of the witch. This version is a mishmash of movies, novels, medievil history, Shakespeare and Walt Disney. Most importantly, it creates and intresting and dramatic adversary, and a challenge for HP's of almost any power level. I hope you can make use of it. PS. I'm the nets worst speller and don't have ( or can't find ) a spell checker so you'll have bear with me. :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The witch, or for males, warlock, is a malign and evil spellweaver that secretly commits her foul practices under the cover of the peasant masses. A coven of witches disguise themselves as commoners, in small villages and large cities, working at unknown evil plots and strange rituals. Witches are makers of evil spells and curses, but also masters of subtlety and manipulation. It is ironic that with their powers of subtle deception, a true witch is probably the least likely to be accused of practicing withcraft. To understand the witch, think of deception, secrecy, pacts, curses, Hex, evil spirits, ingredients and cauldrons. Note that this vocation represents devoted and powerful witches, the most powerful forming pacts with evil ( p12 MM ). Some others dabble in witchcraft by adding witchcraft, and two or three other skills from this list to their normal abilities. These "hedge witches" can be just as, or even more dangerous than the witch vocation because of their lack of control and understanding of the evil spirits they release. K/S Area Base STEEP Attribute Witchcraft * 24 SMCap Deception 20 MRCap Conjuration * 16 ( SMPow + SPPow * 0.5 ) Demonology * 16 MMCap Domestic Arts & Sciences 16 ( MMCap + MRCap * 0.5 ) Magnetism 16 SPPow Occultism * 16 SMCap Sorcery * 16 SMCap Alchemy * 12 SMCap Disguise 12 PNCap Fortune Telling * 12 SPCap Herbalism * 12 SMCap Criminal Activities, Mental 8 MMCap Impersonation 8 SMPow Influence 8 MRCap Pharee Flora & Fauna 8 MMCap Toxicology 8 MMCap Criminal Activities, Physical 4 ( PMCap + PNCap * 0.5 ) Foreign Language ( Goblintalk ) 4 MMCap Legerdemain 4 PNCap Poetry / Lyrics * 4 SMCap Street-Wise 4 SPCap Base STEEP Total 248 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventure Idea After a series of strange, evil incedents in a large rural village, a friend/relative/absent party member, is accused of practicing witchcraft and locked up until the next holy day, when they will be burnt at the stake. The party must embark on a desperate witch hunt against time, exposing the coven members one by one. The leader turns out to be quite unexpected. Someone they know..... The witch coven will be crafty and evasive, leading the HP's astray at every turn. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have fun, I realise a witch vocation may have been sent here before, but this version may give a different point of view, or some new ideas. Remember, the powers of a witch are as varied as they are mysterious. Vocation created by Tony Martin (u9349901@uow.edu.au) () Jeff Sharpe