Liber Mare Sanguinus, page XXIII I have colleagues among the Bright College who claim fire to be the ultimate purgative. In their philosophy anything, from the smallest infected wound to the souls of heretics and even the world as a whole, may be cleansed of impurity with the application of sufficient sparks. They are ignorant. Even in the southern lands the machinery of the rat men, which produce "warp-fire," gives lie to this idea. Here too, among the icebergs and fjords of Kislev, fire is made corrupt. The Blood God (cursed be his name) has taken the pure flames of the Bright college and polluted them for use by the dread Infernus. This strange Daemon Vessel appears as nothing so much as a floating cannon of such size as to make dwarves weep and orks jealous. Were this cannon to fire monstrous shells that would be bad enough, but the Infernus is in many ways worse. It is a machine and Daemon combined with only one purpose- to produce unimaginable gouts of Daemon's Fire. These flames can engulf whole squadrons. The violence of this eruption hurls the Infernus back and away at terrible speeds. I have heard tell, though never witnessed personally, that some Inferni will even fire away from their enemies such that the back blast hurls them into their foe. And yet the Bright wizards are half right; fire can be used to cleanse, even this polluted fire. The worst enemy of an Infernus is its own internal rage. If given vent unexpectedly it can easily destroy the Daemon Vessel (as well as any others nearby). Fire then is as magic itself; fickle, dangerous, and useful all. Infernus Khorne Independent Daemon Vessel points- 100 Crew- 2 (see below though) Move- Cilia 6". Cilia function like oars with one exception- they may move backwards at full (not half) rate. Use the normal turning template. Hit locations: 3: Hell's Mouth. Save 4+. Subtract 1 from any misfire rolls. 4: Infernal Bellows. Save 4+. Divide flame distance by 2. 5: Searing Bladder. Save 4+. Make an immediate roll on the misfire table and apply results. Roll each time location is damaged. 6: Cilia. Save 5+. Immobilized. Stability- 2. Save 4+. Treat as BTW hits with one exception- when all stability is lost the ship implodes (rather than sinks) as the possessing Daemon is hurled back into the warp. No wreckage remains. Weapons: Flame Gout. See below. Special Rules: Daemon Vessel- Daemon Vessels are living ships created by the fusing of a Daemon from the warp with a mundane ship. Daemon Vessels do not need crew to operate. Any "crew" on board are actually just warriors riding the Daemon into battle. A Daemon Vessel may not board other ships but may attack enemy boarders getting +1 for each remaining stability point (in addition to any friendly crew on board). If the enemy crew wins the combat they must first kill off the Daemon Vessel's crew as per normal boarding actions. If the Daemon Vessel has no more crew then it loses one stability. In case of ties the enemy boarders lose one crew and the Daemon Vessel loses one stability (assuming it has no friendly crew to lose). Daemon Vessels implode upon losing all stability. If this is during a boarding action then roll for each enemy boarder. On a 4+ they are sucked into the warp as well. Flame Gout- The Flame Gout is essentially a rocket engine fueled by the warp and given a Daemon's malign personality. When fired roll an artillery die (artillery dice have the following results: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and misfire, if you don't have an artillery die then roll a d6, a 6 is a misfire, any other result is doubled). This is the number of inches that the flame will extend in a straight line from the front of the Infernus. Assume the flames are an inch wide. If the flames cross the center point of a ship then the owner has to make a save, at +1, for every high location (or every location if the ship does not have high/low). Any damaged areas are automatically ablaze. If the flames touch an enemy ship but do not cover the center then make a two dice attack with +1 saves. Damaged areas are again set ablaze. If a monster or flying unit is touched by the flame roll a two dice attack with +1 saves against them. After determining any damage from the Flame Gout, move the Infernus back half as many inches as the length of the flame (1-5"). If the Infernus contacts another ship then both must make BTW/Stability saves or take a single hit. If both ships are still afloat the Infernus crew may now start a boarding action as normal. If the Infernus strikes a monster then the monster has to save against a single hit and the Infernus needs to make a stability save against a single hit. If a misfire is rolled on the artillery die then immediately roll on the following table: MISFIRE TABLE 1: Kaaaaaa-BOOM! Reroll the Artillery die. Everything within this many inches (misfire =0) is struck by a two dice attack with +1 saves. Damaged areas are ablaze. Infernus is destroyed. 2: Implosion. The Infernus implodes catastrophically. Remove ship from play. 3: The Flame Gout propels the Infernus straight up into the air before slamming back down to he sea. Ship loses 1 stability. 4: The Funnel is partially blocked causing the ship to recoil around before the blockage burns away. Roll a scatter die (or determine direction randomly some other way). Fire Flame Gout along new heading as normal. 5: Fuel slick. A leak from the bladder leaves a 3" wide fuel slick under the Infernus current location (use one of the spell templates to indicate the area). Flame Gout does not fire this turn although may in the next. If any ship ablaze enters the fuel slick, or if any fire weapon crosses the fuel slick, then the fuel will ignite. Any ship in the area must make a BTW save or take one hit. Monsters must save against a hit. Flyers are immune. 6: The Daemon Vessel makes a loud flatulent noise but no flame. May fire next turn.