Here is my submission for a new monster for Man O'War. - John McWalters August 25, 2004 Name: The Storm Elemental. Description: The Storm Elemental is a fickle beast. One moment quiet, the next moment enraged. It is difficult to control, yet powerful enough to merit the effort of summoning. It is easily represented on the tabletop by a suitably colored cotton ball. Points Value: 100 Battle Honors: 4 Move Dice: 1d6 + 3 inches. The Storm Elemental can never dive. Save: None Wound Track: 2 hits. The Storm Elemental is not injured by normal means. Instead, the Storm Elemental takes a hit whenever the direction of the wind is changed. The first two hits reduce the attack dice value by 1 per hit, the third hit kills the Storm Elemental. The Storm Elemental is unaffected by wind changes while it is not summoned. The Storm Elemental exerts its influence within a 3 inch radius. The effects are the following: 1) Ships cannot move under sail when beginning their movement within the Storm Elemental's influence. 2) Other movement is at half speed when ships begin their movement within the Storm Elemental's influence. 3) Sea Monsters and submerged vessels are not affected by the Storm Elemental's influence. Attack: Instead of a normal attack, the Storm Elemental rolls on the following table for each non-submerged vessel or monster in contact with the Storm Elemental. For each hit that the Storm Elemental has taken, reduce the roll by 1, down to a minimum of 1. 1) Storm Elemental becomes bored. Replace the Storm Elemental with its Storm Elemental template. The Storm Elemental may be summoned normally next turn. 2) Weak breeze. No damage 3) Rough Seas. Roll a dice. On a 5 or 6, the ship loses one randomly chosen crew counter. This has no affect on Sea Monsters. 4) Lightning. A random location (low, only if there are no high locations remaining) is struck by lightning. That location suffers a 1 dice attack with normal save. This counts as a 1 dice attack against Sea Monsters. 5) Squall. Same as #2 above, but the Storm Elemental may move the target up to 3 inches in any direction. The Storm Elemental must remain in contact with the target. The movement cannot be used to ram a ship into another, but the target may be run into an obstruction with the normal consequences. 6) Seek new target. The Storm Elemental decides to attack a new target. The controller of the Storm Elemental rolls the movement dice and moves the Storm Elemental towards the nearest legal target. If in contact with a new target, roll again on this table, and apply the result to the new target. Combat with Sea Monsters: Storm Elemental cannot be harmed by other Sea Monsters. Its attack against Sea Monsters is a normal Storm Elemental attack above.