Name: Kid Flash Base OCV (DEX/3): 10 Player: DC Comics Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 10 10 STR 10 x1 - Adjustment: 29 DEX 10 x3 57 Final DCV: 18 CON 10 x2 16 Levels: 10 BODY 10 x2 - 10 INT 10 x1 - DEX: 29 SPD: 7 10 EGO 10 x2 - ECV(EGO/3): 3 15 PRE 10 x1 5 PD: 10 rPD: - 16 COM 10 x1/2 3 ED: 10 rED: - 10 PD (STR/5) 2 x1 8 END: 36 10 ED (CON/5) 4 x1 6 STUN: 25 7 SPD (1+DEX/10) 3.9 x10 31 BODY: 10 7 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 6 x2 2 36 END (CONx2) 36 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 25 STUN (BODY) + 25 x1 1 RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 129 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): 30"x2 NC STR Roll: 11 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 15 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 11 EGO Roll: 11 PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 331 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill secret ID: Wally West 15 25 EC-super speed 25 8d6 EB; 1/2 END, +1/4 vulnerability: 50(40) 30" flight; 1/2 x2 STUN from Ego END, +1/4; only on attacks 10 surface, -1/4 3 END x1 1/2 STUN from 65(43) 30 STR TK; AoE biological attacks 10 radius, +1; must run around area, -1/2 psych lim: 25 Desolidification; 1/2 loves Raven 15 END, +1/4 2 END conservative 15 38(25) Invisibility to hunted: sight group; 1/2 END, 12 6 levels with Hive (8-) 35 +1/4; must make half "running" Terminator (8-) 30 move, -1/2 2 END 10(5) 5"x2 NC flight; DNPC: dad (norm, 8-) 10 only up or down, -1 mom (incomp, 8-) 15 1 END 2 1/2 END on STR, +1/4 Editor's Notes: The character as I originally received it from Mike Orsoe ( was from a 1983 issue of Chaosium's Different Worlds magazine. I assume the characters in the article were written to be current for that time. Unfortunately, they were also written for an older edition of the Champions game, and none of the powers had points listed, only a point total for the character. So what I've done is take the character and buy everything as closely as was possible to the original. This was complicated somewhat by the fact that I've never played Champions prior to 4th edition. I've retained the original values for the character disads in certain cases (which should be obvious) because not enough info is given to determine how much they are worth. No BODY score was listed, I assumed 10. The sense group for Invisibility is a guess. Vulnerability to Ego Attacks -- Should be worth at least 20, what do you think? -- Mike Psych Lim Conservative -- This is a disad? -- Mike Mike's Notes: This is one of the more dubious conversions. According to the new rules he could not buy running as flight(at least I don't think he can) only next to a surface. He's gotta buy running and clinging. Also bear in mind that at this time Wally could run at the speed of light. He didn't really do that in combat, but he did run faster than the 30" listed here. Nevertheless, here he is for all the list to see. Enjoy. Name: the Kingpin (by George Ruban) Base OCV (DEX/3): 6 Player: Marvel Comics ( Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 6 30 STR 10 x1 10 Adjustment: 18 DEX 10 x3 24 Final DCV: 20 CON 10 x2 20 Levels: +2 HtH, +2 w/ All 15 BODY 10 x2 10 18 INT 10 x1 8 DEX: 18 SPD: 4 17 EGO 10 x2 14 ECV(EGO/3): 6 20 PRE 10 x1 10 PD: 16 rPD: - 8 COM 10 x1/2 -1 ED: 12 rED: - 14 PD (STR/5) 6 x1 8 END: 40 10 ED (CON/5) 4 x1 6 STUN: 40 4 SPD (1+DEX/10) 2.8 x10 12 BODY: 15 10 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 10 x2 - 40 END (CONx2) 40 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 40 STUN (BODY) + 40 x1 - RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 121 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): 6"x2 NC STR Roll: 17 Swim (2"): 2"x2 NC DEX Roll: 13 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 13 EGO Roll: 12 PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 298 XP: 85 SAVED: Disadvantages Base123+Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill public ID: Wilson Fisk 10 20(9) 2 levels Density DNPC: wife Vanessa Increase; 0 END, +1/2; (norm, 8-) 10 persistent, +1/2; alway son Richard, As Pow, on, -1/2; visible,-1/4; hostile, 8- 5 disads of growth w/ no reach advantages, -1/2 dist feat: huge (nc) 15 20 25% physical and energy damage reduction hunted: NYC superheroes 60(13) 6d6 NND sleeping As Pow, 14- 20 gas; OAF tiepin, -1; no honest police and news range (same hex), -1/2; publishers, Less, 1 charge, -2; not vs. NCI, 8- 10 self-cont./hold breath 3 persuasion 13- watched: other mob bosses 40(15) 2 1/2 d6 E RKA; 3 streetwise 13- Less, NCI, 11- 8 OAF laser cane, -1; 8 3 bureaucracy 13- charges, -1/2; beam 10 +2 with hand-to-hand psych lims: attack, -1/4 16 +2 with all combat vengeful (com, str) 15 3 well-connected conceited (com, str) 15 16 assorted contacts madly in love with 35 64 followers, 25base+ Vanessa (uc, tot) 15 100 disads, minor thugs 20 1 bodyguard, 100b+150 0 L: English 3 AK: New York City 14- 1 KS: superhero/villain 7 PS: gangster 18- Background/Personality: Acts like a businessman. Has organized his subordinate mob bosses into a "board of directors," for instance. Talks about "profitability" and "long term v.s. short term" etc. Has something like patriotism and a code of honor: at times has talked about his drug- selling and such as a way to "rid America of its weaker element" - but is not fanatical about it. He is in it mostly, if not completely, for the money and power, and generally admits it. Tries not to participate in crimes directly: runs the "empire" from behind the scenes. Usually based in a skyscraper, penthouse or office-building, in New York City. Characters who he feels have "interfered" slightly with "peripheral operations" may be invited into a rich boardroom, and warned off (with euphemisms only - never saying anything directly incriminating, in case the characters have brought tape/video recorders). He does make some kind of effort to appear respectable. Only if the characters try to bring the fight to him, to get the man at the top, will he fight personally. Also, he may get personally involved if the characters have been "persistent thorns in his side", by setting a trap (and showing up to gloat as characters are about to be crushed in the car press, for instance - usually a terrible mistake!). If he is obviously outnumbered, he will try to escape or surrender without a fight, and rely on his contacts. Even if sent to prison, he will probably be able to run his empire from there. He will not refuse a one on one fight, however. He will use the gas as a last resort, a hidden weapon, since once a character has been exposed to it in one encounter, it is pretty much useless against them (they can remember to hold their breath). Appearance: Enormously fat, bald, caucasian. Usually wears white suit, diamond rings, diamond tie-pin, ascot (neck-scarf), gold-headed walking stick, cigarette in holder. Weaponry can vary: the sleeping gas can be in the cigarette holder, for instance. Writer's Notes: STR: "Not fat - all muscle!" - common quote. Density included. He did, however, have a 40 STR early on, but he grew old. DEX and SPD: "I've forgotten how fast he is" - Spider Man quote. CON: To support the STR. BODY: He's BIG. INT: No slouch, though street-educated. EGO: Massively conceited. PRE: The undisputed(?) crimelord of the East Coast. Persuasion: Not just based on fear. Streetwise: Grew up on streets. Bureaucracy: Money and connections talk. Vengeful: Will go to extremes, and set deathtraps. Public ID: Everyone "knows" who he is, though no one can say so publicly without being sued (or worse...). Running the Kingpin: Use Vanessa showing up if the heroes get caught in a bad bind. She is tall, thin, beautiful, vaguely foreign, with long black hair. Acts quiet and sad - she does not approve of her husband's profession, but loves him. Since even the STR 40 Kingpin may be no tougher than the party Brick, that willingness to get into 1-1 fights that he believes he will win may be played as his weakness. Also, he makes a good megalomaniac: he loves deathtraps, and being there to gloat. Blood Rose (Richard Fisk, in vigilante persona) was never played up as much as it could have been. This is an armed-and-armored (relatively light, not in Iron Man's class: uses guns, for instance) hero, trying to destroy his father's criminal empire. He is a vigilante - that is, not afraid to kill (takes after father this way?). But K still loves him, in a way. Whether they will eventually kill each other could be an interesting scene to play out. Name: Kodachi (by Sarah Himmel) Base OCV (DEX/3): 13 Player: Viz Comics ( Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 13 13 STR 10 x1 3 Adjustment: 39 DEX 10 x3 87 Final DCV: 14 CON 10 x2 8 Levels: 11 BODY 10 x2 2 17 INT 10 x1 7 DEX: 39 SPD: 5 19 EGO 10 x2 9 ECV(EGO/3): 6 20 PRE 10 x1 10 PD: 6 rPD: - 25 COM 10 x1/2 7 ED: 6 rED: - 6 PD (STR/5) 3 x1 3 END: 40 6 ED (CON/5) 3 x1 3 STUN: 30 5 SPD (1+DEX/10) 4.9 x10 1 BODY: 11 6 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 5 x2 2 40 END (CONx2) 28 x1/2 6 Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 30 STUN (BODY) + 25 x1 5 RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 153 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): STR Roll: 12 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 17 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 12 EGO Roll: 13 PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 331 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill psych lim: merciless 20(13) +20 PRE; only to 30 aikido, karate (com, str) 15 inspire fear, -1/2 vengeful (com, str) 15 overconfident (c,m) 10 38(19) 5d6 EB v PD; auto- doesn't fight fair (com, fire x5, +1/2; OIF mod) 10 martial gymnastics obsessed with Ranma 5 pins, -1/2; reduced 11 acrobatics 21- by range, -1/2 7 breakfall 19- rivalry: Akane Tendo 15(7) +5d6 HA; OAF mart. 6 KS: poisons 15- (pers) 5 gymnastics ball, -1 2 KS: cooking 11- Shampoo (pers) 5 60(14) 6d6 Entangle; OAF Ukyou (pers) 5 ribbon, -1; 4" range, -1; [1rc], -1 1/4 rep: ? (8-, ext) 10 40(27) 4d6 EB; NND not vs LS: self-contained or poison, +1; no range, 2 WF: blunt dist feat: black rose -1/2 15 filthy rich (ec, not) 5 20 follower: Sasuke(100) 1 contact: Kuno 8- watched: Kunou (8-, NCI) 5 Psycho Sister Bonus 129 0 AK: Nerima 8- 4 PS: acrobat 19- Background/Personality: Kodachi is Kunou's sister, and a master of martial gymnastics. In many ways, she is the complete opposite of Kunou. Kunou is noble (even if he's also overbearing and pompous), but Kodachi is willing to resort to any means in order to win. (She's been known to attack her competitors before the tournament, putting them out of commission, and to use poison.) Kunou is fairly benevolent (so long as you're not on his bad side), Kodachi is outright dangerous. Kunou will bluster, threaten, and spout bad poetry; Kodachi will press right on into the attack, possibly stopping for a chilling maniacal cackle. Powers/Tactics: She's not really much of a fighter, but her speed and dodging ability can keep her out of harm's way, and her underhanded tricks often give her that extra edge. Name: Kunou (by Sarah Himmel) Base OCV (DEX/3): 10 Player: Viz Comics ( Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 10 18 STR 10 x1 8 Adjustment: 30 DEX 10 x3 60 Final DCV: 25 CON 10 x2 30 Levels: 21 BODY 10 x2 22 11 INT 10 x1 1 DEX: 30 SPD: 4 23 EGO 10 x2 26 ECV(EGO/3): 8 27 PRE 10 x1 17 PD: 7 rPD: - 20 COM 10 x1/2 5 ED: 7 rED: - 7 PD (STR/5) 4 x1 3 END: 50 7 ED (CON/5) 5 x1 2 STUN: 45 4 SPD (1+DEX/10) 4.0 x10 - BODY: 21 15 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 9 x2 12 50 END (CONx2) 50 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 45 STUN (BODY) + 43 x1 2 RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 188 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): STR Roll: 13 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 15 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 11 EGO Roll: 14 PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 253 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill psych lim: egotist (vc, 15(7) EC: kendo powers; mod) 20 OAF bokken, -1 feels the need to spout 45(22) 2d6 HKA; increased bad poetry (com,str) 20 STUN x2, +1 6 END no apparent sense of 45(18) 2d6 HKA; AP, +1/2; humor (unc, str) 15 pen., +1/2; only vs loves Akane Tendo 10 inanimate, -1/2 loves 'pigtailed girl' 16(8) +7d6 HA; 0 END, (Ranma) 10 +1/2 reputation: 14- 15 20(10) Change Environ. rivalry: Ranma (prof, (lightning strikes in pers) 10 the distance) 8" rad; Ryouga (pers) 5 only during dramatic soliloquy, -1 vuln: x2 STUN from head hits (glass jaw) 30 Clueless Comic Villain Bonus 44 Background/Personality: Powers/Tactics: Writer's Notes: The HA represents the "flat of the blade". Name: Man of War( Base OCV (DEX/3): 9 Player: Malibu Comics (by Dave Van Domelen) Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 9 50 STR 10 x1 40 Adjustment: 26 DEX 10 x3 48 Final DCV: 25 CON 10 x2 30 Levels: +3 hand-to-hand 20 BODY 10 x2 20 13 INT 10 x1 3 DEX: 26 SPD: 5 14 EGO 10 x2 8 ECV(EGO/3): 5 35 PRE 10 x1 15 PD: 15 rPD: - 12 COM 10 x1/2 1 ED: 10 rED: - 15 PD (STR/5) 10 x1 5 END: 50 10 ED (CON/5) 5 x1 5 STUN: 58 5 SPD (1+DEX/10) 3.6 x10 14 BODY: 20 15 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 15 x2 - 50 END (CONx2) 50 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 58 STUN (BODY) + 58 x1 - RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 189 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): STR Roll: 19 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 14 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 12 EGO Roll: 12 PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 268 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base150+Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill secret ID: Clay 15 23(11) 1d6 HKA (2d6 w/ 15 +3 Hand-to-Hand Carter STR); armor-piercing, 3 acrobatics 14- +1/2; OAF (any) 3 oratory 14- hunted: Fracas (cyborg sword, -1 2 END 3 breakfall 14- brother, 8-) 10 10(7) +10 PRE; leadership 3 climbing 14- only, -1/2 3 combat pilot 14- reputation: leader of 5 tactics 13- Protectors, 11- 10 2 KS: astronomy 11- rivalry: Ferret 5 Amazing Man 5 psych lim: patriotic, but disillusioned 15 24 Protectors package protective of innocents 15 driven by justice 15 falling in love with Marcia Beckworth (the new Nightmask) 5 Protectors package 55 Background/Personality: Clay Carter was a college student when the American Embassy in Tehran was seized and its occupants taken hostage. Spurred by his loathing for this action against the United States, he looked for some way whereby he could serve his country. Amazingly, he was seemingly visited by the spirit of the ancient Roman god of war, Mars. Mars imbued Carter with powers that were derived from the planets. Armed with these newfound abilities, Carter assumed the guise of Man of War. Whether or not this visit actually occurred has never been established. Clay Carter swears to this day that it is the truth, and as a result of the incident, he has become an amateur astronomer in order to study the planets from which his powers supposedly derive. Writer's Notes: Shortly after he gained his powers, his brother (driven by the need to get out of Clay's shadow) went to Cuba to assist in the revolution that occurred shortly after Castro's mysterious assassination. His brother was presumed dead in an explosion, but was rebuilt by the Kill Corps (see Ferret and Toxin) to be an agent of theirs. The recent fight between the two brothers has shaken Clay's patriotism. Also, he has yet to learn any of his powers aside from physical prowess and the flaming sword. The Protectors Handbook says 3 times human STR, but he's crimped steel. Name: Martian Manhunter (by Rory O. McLean) Base OCV (DEX/3): 7 Player: DC Comics ( Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 7 45 STR 10 x1 35 Adjustment: 20 DEX 10 x3 30 Final DCV: 30 CON 10 x2 40 Levels: 13 BODY 10 x2 6 25 INT 10 x1 15 DEX: 20 SPD: 6 30 EGO 10 x2 40 ECV(EGO/3): 10 20 PRE 10 x1 10 PD: 25 rPD: 25 10 COM 10 x1/2 - ED: 20 rED: 20 25 PD (STR/5) 9 x1 16 END: 60 20 ED (CON/5) 6 x1 14 STUN: 55 6 SPD (1+DEX/10) 3.0 x10 30 BODY: 13 15 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 15 x2 - 60 END (CONx2) 60 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 55 STUN (BODY) + 51 x1 4 RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 240 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): 6"x2 NC STR Roll: 18 Swim (2"): 2"x2 NC DEX Roll: 13 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 14 EGO Roll: 15 Flight: 12"x5 NC PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 593 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill secret ID: Detective 20 Shapeshift to any John Johnson 15 humanoid 22 Damage Resistance-all dist feat: apparently 30 full Life Support humorless (con) 5 30 12"x5 NC Flight 45 9d6 Telepathy psych lim: code of good and law (vc, tot) 25 35 Invisibility to sight fear of fire (c, str) 15 and IR with no fondness for humans fringe (c, mod) 10 40 Desolidification, not love of dry humour vs fire (c, mod) 10 3 concealment 14- 30 Universal Translator, 3 conversation 13- vulnerability: no roll required, 3 deduction 14- x2 STUN from fire 30 +1/2 9 shadowing 14- x2 BODY from fire 30 20 N-Ray Vision, not 1 PS: detective 11- through lead 6 L: English (5-pt,lit) watched: 12 +8 Telescopic Vision 0 L: Martian (4-pt,lit) criminals (Less, 8-) 3 1 CK: American Culture gov't (AsP, 8-) 5 1 AK: America 11- 1 combat driving-small ground vehicles 3 streetwise 13- 0 CK: Martial Culture 3 criminology 14- 0 AK: Mars 3 acting 13- 20 +2 overall 3 disguise 13- 6 +2 w/ disguise, mimic 3 mimicry 13- Writer's Notes: Here is the promised hacked version of the Martian Manhunter, the "Green Superman". This was converted from the first version of the DC Heroes game, and things seen in the comics. This was done about 7 yrs ago (I think) using Champions III, and various characters, including an entire alien race, The Hounds, derived from him. This version was hacked together from the various derived characters and converted to Champions IV; things have almost certainly been lost in the translation. Suggestions and corrections gratefully accepted. Incidentally, this is the original version who was also called something like "J'onn J'onns" (I think). Shapeshift: possibly this should be restricted to humanoids; some Growth, Shrinking and Density Increase for use with it (probably not more than Growth 3, Shrinking 1, and Density Increase 2) might be a good idea; maybe even 3" of Stretching. Damage Resistance: maybe this should be hardened (along with the PD & ED). Life Support: less than this might be appropriate. Flight: no idea if this is correct. Translator: is "Universal Translator" with a non-standard +1/2 advantage to remove the INT roll, and probably works by some sort of telepathy. Telepathy: note his opinions on privacy. ( Name: Mighty Man (by Dave Van Domelen) Base OCV (DEX/3): 6 Player: Malibu Comics Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 6 70 STR 10 x1 10 Adjustment: -3 to +3 18 DEX 10 x3 24 Final DCV: 3 to 9 20 CON 10 x2 20 Levels: 25 BODY 10 x2 20 13 INT 10 x1 3 DEX: 18 SPD: 4 14 EGO 10 x2 8 ECV(EGO/3): 5 30 PRE 10 x1 10 PD: 10-25 rPD: 0-10 16 COM 10 x1/2 3 ED: 10-20 rED: 0-10 15 PD (STR/5) 9 x1 6 END: 40 10 ED (CON/5) 4 x1 6 STUN: 53-58 4 SPD (1+DEX/10) 2.8 x10 12 BODY: 20-25 13 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 13 x2 - 40 END (CONx2) 40 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 58 STUN (BODY) + 53 x1 - RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 122 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): 16"x2 NC STR Roll: 23 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 13 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 12 EGO Roll: 12 PER Roll: 14 POINTS: 322 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill secret ID: Scott 15 50 Multipower - size 2 PS: painter 11- Pearson 5u Growth x5 (x32 mass, 2 PS: whatever job, if +25 STR, -5" KB, +5 any, he held after Protectors package 55 BODY, +5 STUN, -3 DCV, Brinkston to be able +3 PER against, x3 to live in such a DNPC: wife Rebekah height/width/reach); 0 nice middle class (comp, 8-) 10 END persistent, +1 home in DC 11- son (incomp, 8-) 15 4u Shrinking x3 (1/8 height, 1/500 mass, -6 psych lim: reluctant PER against, +6 DCV, 24 Protectors package to fight 10 +9" KB); 0 END, +1/2 love of USA 15 protective of innocents 25(17) +25 STR; Linked to (especially family) 15 Growth (+5/level) CVK 10 17 1/2 END on 70 STR mild alienation 5 10(7) +10 PRE; Linked to Growth (+2/Level) rivalry: witch (would 20(13) +10" running; Link like to see her behind to Growth (2"/level), bars) 5 -1/2 30(20) 10 PD/ED Armor; vuln: x1.5 STUN from Linked to Growth attacks which affect (2 rPD/rED per level) 6 +2 PER his heightened senses 3 +2 telescopic sight (sight, hearing) 10 30 Shapeshift to any human form; 0 END Background/Personality: While exploring an isolated region of northern Canada, Prof. Richard Pearson stumbled upon a hidden valley in which rested a lost city. The inhabitants were a race of giants, and only one of them survived. Prof. Pearson 'adopted' the giant youth, who stood 12 feet tall, and brought him to the United States. A colleague of Pearson's, Dr. Francis Hilldale, attempted an experiment that would shrink that giant to normal size. As the result of that experiment, Scott Pearson found that he could alter his size at will, whether growing to a height of 20 feet or shrinking to the size of a doll. The last surviving member of a lost race, he is in many ways a true 'alien'. Yet of all the Protectors, he bears the greatest love for his adopted home country. Powers/Tactics: ( Name: Mr. Monday (by Dave Van Domelen) Base OCV (DEX/3): 7 Player: Malibu Comics Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 7 30 STR 10 x1 -5 Adjustment: 20 DEX 10 x3 -6 Final DCV: 30 CON 10 x2 - Levels: 20 BODY 10 x2 - 23 INT 10 x1 13 DEX: 20 SPD: 5 14 EGO 10 x2 8 ECV(EGO/3): 5 25 PRE 10 x1 - PD: 22 rPD: 12 0 COM 10 x1/2 -5 ED: 22 rED: 12 10 PD (STR/5) 6 x1 - END: 60 10 ED (CON/5) 6 x1 - STUN: 50 5 SPD (1+DEX/10) 3.0 x10 - BODY: 20 12 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 12 x2 - 60 END (CONx2) 60 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 50 STUN (BODY) + 50 x1 - RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 5 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): STR Roll: 15 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 13 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 14 EGO Roll: 12 PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 218 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill secret ID: Professor 22(15) EC: armor system; 6 +3 with RKA Erwin Montag 15 OIF, -1/2 7 inventor 16- 23(15) 18"x2 NC flight; 3 scientist hunted: US gov't and the 1/2 END, +1/4 2 END 5 genetics 17- Protectors (MoP, NCI, 23(15) 12 PD/ED Armor; 5 cybernetics 17- 11-) 30 hardened, +1/4 2 psychoelectrics 14- Great Question (MoP, 38(25) 4d6 RKA (electr.) 2 physics 14- NCI, 11-, watched) 15 6 END 1 biology 11- 3 tactics 14- rep: murderous villain 15(6) +1d6 RKA; 11- act., (11-, ext) 15 -1; OIF 1 END dist feat: horribly 25(17) +25 STR; OIF, -1/2 maimed (hidden by 18(12) +18 DEX; OIF, -1/2 armor) 10 40(27) +20 CON; OIF, -1/2 20(13) +10 BODY; OIF phys lim: no legs 15(10) +15 PRE; OIF, -1/2 (offset by armor) 10 4(3) +4 PD; OIF, -1/2 4(3) +4 ED; OIF, -1/2 psych lim: hatred of 20(13) +2 SPD; OIF, -1/2 Protectors and US gov't in general 20 10(7) HRRH; OIF helmet unstable, verging on -10 -5" running psychotic 15 10(8) +5" running; IIF legs * * They are an Obvious Focus, but he is not obviously without real legs. Background/Personality: In 1985, Prof. Montag was assigned by agents of the U.S. government [specifically the Kill Corps, after botching the supersoldier job that created Toxin] to a research facility near the Arctic Circle, to work on a proposed nuclear fusion reactor. A massive explosion occurred killing all staff members. It is now [not quite yet, actually in the comic...he has yet to be IDed] known that Prof. Montag survived the explosion. With the help of master criminal, The Great Question, recovery was achieved, after which he was given the identity of Mr. Monday and placed at the head of the Steel Army. Writer's Notes: If BOD is done to his legs, they will be broken off on a roll of (9+BOD done) or less on 3d6. If this happens, his flight power is lost as well as his ability to walk. Only the armor from the EC counts for stopping this BOD damage, not the base PD/ED. He killed Nightmask II on live TV. Name: Mr. Fantastic (by R. Russell Allbery) Base OCV (DEX/3): 8 Player: Marvel Comics (rra@CS.Stanford.EDU) Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 8 35 STR 10 x1 5 Adjustment: 23 DEX 10 x3 39 Final DCV: 18 CON 10 x2 16 Levels: +2 w/ Combat 14 BODY 10 x2 8 38 INT 10 x1 28 DEX: 23 SPD: 5 14 EGO 10 x2 8 ECV(EGO/3): 5 15 PRE 10 x1 5 PD: 15 rPD: 10 12 COM 10 x1/2 1 ED: 15 rED: - 15 PD (STR/5) 3 x1 12 END: 36 15 ED (CON/5) 4 x1 11 STUN: 40 5 SPD (1+DEX/10) 3.3 x10 17 BODY: 14 10 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 7 x2 6 36 END (CONx2) 36 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 40 STUN (BODY) + 31 x1 9 RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 165 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): STR Roll: 12 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 14 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 17 EGO Roll: 12 PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 437 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill DNPC: son Franklin 20(10) +20 STR; only to 3 computer prog 17- (Sl Less, 11-) 10 grab, -1 [implies no 11 electronics 15- figured char.] 3 inventor 17- hunted: Dr. Doom 45 Multipower: stretchy 3 mechanics 11- (AsP, NCI, 11-) 25 4u Shape Shift to any 3 systems op 17- form of same mass; 0 3 tactics 17- END, +1/2 3 scientist 4u Missile Reflection 14 SS: astronomy, psych lim: gets lost in physical attacks up biology, chemistry, his work (com, mod) 10 to bullets at any genetics, math, explorer, tends to target physics, robotics 17- explore even dangerous 2u Desolid; can still be 16 +2 with Combat areas in his quest for hit but hard to 10 wealthy knowledge (uc, str) 10 detect, -1/2; can't very reluctant to pass through solids kill (com, str) 15 -1/4 2u 10"x2 NC Gliding; UAO, +1 2 END 30 4"x8 NC Stretching 30 50% resistant phys. Damage Reduction 5 10 PD Damage Resist. 50 Gadget VP Pool Cost 9 gadgeteer 20- 25(12) VPP Control Cost; real ID: Reed Richards 0 universal & breakable OAF, -1 Background/Personality: Reed Richards is a scientist, heart and soul. He lives to discover and explore new areas of science, other dimensions, different timelines, and other planes of existance. He is also one of the most intelligent characters in any universe. His extensive knowledge of virtually every branch of science lets him build and modify equipment on the fly, and he is constantly developing new inventions that push the limits of technology. When working, he can become very absorbed in his work, ignoring things that are going on around him and not telling others as much as he probably should. In the Marvel Universe, Reed Richards invented the first manned spaceship. He was an extremely well-respected scientist, but there were various concerns about the safety of the ship. Reed was unwilling to wait for governmental approval, and took his girlfriend, her younger brother, and Ben Grimm, a test pilot and Reed's friend, and launched the ship without authorization. The shielding was not sufficient to protect them from cosmic rays, and the ship crashed. Reed became Mr. Fantastic, his wife Sue became the Invisible Girl (later Invisible Woman), her brother Johnny became the Human Torch, and Ben Grimm became the Thing. They swore an oath to use their powers to help mankind, and became the Fantastic Four. The FF has stayed together over the years and grown into a tight family. Reed married Sue, and they later had a son, Franklin. Franklin is an extremely powerful mutant, but has yet to completely develop control over his powers. He is currently around six (and has been six for about ten years, but just grew up, but that may not be permanent....don't ask). In the Marvel Universe, the FF is one of the best known and respected of all hero teams, and Reed has invented several important items such as a negative-zone portal and a time machine. Reed is hunted by Victor von Doom (Dr. Doom), who was a college roommate. Doom was seriously injured when one of his experiments backfired, and he is permanently disfigured. He blames Reed for this because Reed found some errors in Doom's calculations before the accident (Doom ignored his advice). Identifying Quote: You remember my experiments with the radical cube some years ago? Now I've gone a step further. I have completed a radical dodecahedron. The cube enabled us to break through space into a new dimension. The Rad-D will enable us the break through space-time and travel into the future, to anywhere...or anywhen. (FF #337) Powers/Tactics: All of Mr. Fantastic's powers are based on shape shift, but since shape shift can't duplicate other powers, I've included the most frequent uses in the multipower. He often catches and throws back physical projectiles such as bullets, thrown objects, and even leaping characters by using his elasticity as a slingshot. He can stretch under a door or out of any trap that is not air-tight, and that power is bought as desolidification with some unusual disadvantages. He does not actually desolidify, so he can still be hit by attacks while going under doors. However, he can be hard to detect with radar or sonar since he will blend in with the door and floor. He also needs a gap to stretch through; he can make it through any gap that lets air through. Finally, he spreads out like a parachute or hang glider, allowing him to glide or break a long fall. If he is careful, he can support another character without losing his aerodynamic form. Although he sometimes punches opponents, Reed generally tries to contain them by wrapping an arm around them several times or enclosing them in a sphere made out of his body [a grab]. More powerful characters he will usually attack with a gadget designed to exploit a weakness in their powers. His defenses are not high, and he generally relies on dodging attacks with his extreme flexibility. Because of his elastic body, however, physical attacks do very little damage even if they hit, and he can reflect bullets and other projectiles. His defenses against energy attacks are rather low, but if he expects a lot of energy attacks he will probably build some form of portable force field. A standard Fantastic Four tactic that they often use is to have the Torch and the Thing attack while Reed works on some gadget to defeat the enemy and Sue protects whoever seems to be in trouble with her force fields. Appearance: Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) looks to be in his mid-fifties, but is in excellent physical condition. He is white and somewhat taller than average. His hair is brown with white streaks over the temples. He uses his stretching routinely whenever he is working, so if encountered in his lab his arms, legs, and neck are likely to be several meters long. When streching, his body looks rubbery. He has the aura of a person who is always in control of every situation. Writer's Notes: Copyright R. Russell Allbery, 1993. Permission is granted to distribute this work electronically and print it for personal use, as long as this copyright notice is included. All other rights reserved. Included quotes and encounter description are copyright Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. in the year in which they were first published. Mr. Fantastic and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. This description is not, and should not be construed to be, an attempt to challenge that trademark. A few notes on various decisions that I made: First, there was no attempt made to balance this character. Like most established superheroes, the power level is very high and there aren't many disadvantages. Of course, any number of hunteds could be added due to all of the villains the FF have defeated, but only Dr. Doom was integral in Reed's origin. The others seem to be picked up later, and therefore aren't worth points. I also did not refer to any of Marvel's published stats or the role-playing game. They are wrong more often than right, and I've been reading the Fantastic Four for years. I've never cared for the way they wrote up my favorite characters, and power levels change with different writers. Stats are always a bit tricky with actual comic book characters. A 35 strength for grabbing seemed about right, since Reed does use his strength to immobilize. In other situations, he has a strength of 15. His intelligence can be made arbitrarily high--Reed is probably the most intelligent character in the Marvel universe. Adjust according to taste. Reed has exhibited skill in basically every science known to man. I just picked out the ones in the book that seemed appropriate, but many more could be added. All sciences should be bought as INT based, of course. Like most established heroes, Reed has more favors and contacts that you can count, so I didn't try to include them. There are probably several other applications of stretching that I am missing--just add them to the multipower (and let me know--I'd be interested to hear them). One thought is superleap based on his ability to turn himself into a rubber ball. Most of the gadgets Reed builds have incredibly high active points and tons of limitations, so I would consider waiving the requirement that the active points of a gadget not exceed the size of the pool. Otherwise, you may have to increase the pool size. The "exploration" disadvantage isn't just physical exploration but also mental exploration of new fields of science. He doesn't have a code against killing since he doesn't go on crusades to stop others from killing and will occassionally consider it if it is absolutely the only way to stop someone. However, if he does kill even accidentally, he usually beats himself up over it for a while afterwards. Reed is best used as an NPC who can answer tough science problems for the PCs. He isn't a knock-down, drag-out fighter by any stretch, but he can turn the tide of an entire battle with a special-built gadget to take out a villain. The FF does have an incredible base and various vehicles that I didn't include since it would be difficult to determine exactly what they can do. Name: Mr. Fantastic (by Sam Bell) Base OCV (DEX/3): 5 Player: Marvel Comics (Samuel.Bell@Eng.Sun.Com) Adjustment: +8 w/ Grab Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 5 55 STR 10 x1 5 Adjustment: 14 DEX 10 x3 12 Final DCV: 23 CON 10 x2 26 Levels: +2 overall 25 BODY 10 x2 30 28 INT 10 x1 18 DEX: 14 SPD: 4 18 EGO 10 x2 16 ECV(EGO/3): 6 18 PRE 10 x1 8 PD: 33 rPD: 23 12 COM 10 x1/2 1 ED: 18 rED: 13 30 PD (STR/5) 3 x1 27 END: 46 15 ED (CON/5) 5 x1 10 STUN: 44 4 SPD (1+DEX/10) 2.4 x10 16 BODY: 25 8 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 8 x2 - 46 END (CONx2) 46 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 44 STUN (BODY) + 44 x1 - RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 169 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): 21"x2 NC STR Roll: 12 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 12 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 15 EGO Roll: 14 Glide: 10"x2 NC PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 648 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill public ID: Reed 20 EC-elastic body 21 computer programming, Richards 10 139(133) 20" Stretching; criminology, deduc- x32 NC 0 END, +1/2; tion, forensic med., hunted: Dr. Doom x2 NC x10 END, -4 inventor, paramedic, (As Pow, 11-) 15 20 75% physical Damage sec. systems 19- Reduction 9 climbing, contortion- 20(10) Desolid; only for ist, lockpick 12- psych lim: comes up with getting through non- 12 disguise, electronic, really dangerous airtight barriers, -1 mechanic, weaponsmith inventions all the time 20(13) +40 STR; only for 11- 15 holding, throwing, & 3 scientist CVK (wouldn't even kill catching, -1/2 1 astrophysics 21- Galactus) 20 47 Missile Reflection up 1 biophysics 21- loves Sue Storm Richards to bullets at any 3 chemistry,exobiology, 5 opponent; adjacent mathematics 21- hexes, +1/2 1 dimensional physics 1 metallurgy 21- 10 Multipower 1 high energy physics 1u 10"x2 NC Gliding 1 aeronautics 21- 1u +5" running 1 subatomic physics 1 robotics 21- 20 +10" running 1 computer design 21- 5 Extra Limbs (body) 15 20 PD/10 ED Damage 20 +4 w/ INT skills Resistance 30 +6 w/ Sciences 15 +5d6 HA 20 +2 Overall levels 30(20) total Shape Shift; 9(6) 3 PD/ED armor; OIF not texture/color, -1/2 16 +8 OCV with grab Writer's Notes: Here's an example of an EC with a lot of bad things in it (Strength, Levels, Damage Reduction) but the conception, and general inefficiency of the character justifies it, IMHO. Name: Nightcrawler (by Tim Larson) Base OCV (DEX/3): 10 Player: Marvel Comics ( Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 10 15 STR 10 x1 5 Adjustment: +1 30 DEX 10 x3 39 Final DCV: 11 24 CON 10 x2 28 Levels: 15 BODY 10 x2 10 15 INT 10 x1 5 DEX: 30 SPD: 6 11 EGO 10 x2 2 ECV(EGO/3): 4 23 PRE 10 x1 13 PD: 15 rPD: - 10 COM 10 x1/2 - ED: 15 rED: - 15 PD (STR/5) 3 x1 12 END: 48 15 ED (CON/5) 5 x1 10 STUN: 43 6 SPD (1+DEX/10) 4.0 x10 20 BODY: 15 11 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 8 x2 6 48 END (CONx2) 48 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 43 STUN (BODY) + 35 x1 8 RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 158 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): m strike 1/2 +0 +2 STR + 2d6 STR Roll: 12 Swim (2"): o strike 1/2 -2 +1 STR + 4d6 DEX Roll: 15 Jump (L/H): m block 1/2 +2 +2 INT Roll: 12 m throw 1/2 +0 +1 STR+v/5, EGO Roll: 11 TPort: 19"x64 NC opp. fall PER Roll: is an INT Roll m dodge 1/2 - +5 dodge, all att,abort POINTS: 386 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill Talent/Skill real ID: Kurt 0 10 EC-mutant powers 1 PS: acrobat 11- Wagner (Darkeholme) 50 (40) Invis to sight 3 breakfall 15- group with no fringe; 0 3 acrobatics 15- dist feat: looks like END, +1/2; must have 3 stealth a demon (con,ext) 20 some darkness, -1/4 97(45) 4d6 NND (vs Force 15 unknown skills psych lim: CVK 20 Field) does BODY, +2; devout Christian (c) 10 only with TPort, -1/4; no range, -1/2 +2.5d6; 0 END, +1/2; 3 ambidexterity must target head, -3/4; 1 WF: off-hand Link, -1/2 11 +7 DEX 20 comic book mart. arts 58(37) 19"x64 NC tele- 1 useable with swords port; x2 mass; x3 END on x2 mass, -1; x3 END when not going north/south, -3/4; no NC up/down, -1/4 45 (22) 2d6 HKA (2.5 d6 w/ STR); 2-shot auto- fire, +1/2; OAF dual swords, -3/4; separate rolls and levels, -1/4 5 extra limbs (tail) 0 L: German 5 +1 DCV 3 L: English Background/Personality: Kurt is the son of Raven Darkeholme (Mystique) although he did not know this for a long time, and he goes by the name Kurt Wagner. He is a devout Christian, enough to repel vampires when combined with the sign of the cross. He was with the X-Men for some time before leaving to lead Excalibur in Europe. Powers/Tactics: Nightcrawler seldom uses the "teleport limbs off" power because it is so deadly. Typically he fights unarmed, using his high DEX and acrobatics to get "one up" on an opponent, sometimes teleporting them around with him to cause disorientation. Against tougher opponents he will use his swords. When teleporting, he disappears in a puff of blue, smelly smoke accompanied by a "bamf"ing sound. Appearance: Nightcrawler is covered with short, dark blue fur. His hair is also dark blue. He has pointed elven ears and a pointed tail. He has three fingers on each hand and three toes on each foot. He is sometimes drawn having short fangs. Name: Nightcrawler (by Sam Bell) Base OCV (DEX/3): 15 Player: Marvel Comics (Samuel.Bell@Eng.Sun.Com) Adjustment: Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 15 20 STR 10 x1 10 Adjustment: 44 DEX 10 x3 102 Final DCV: 20 CON 10 x2 20 Levels: +1 Overall 15 BODY 10 x2 10 18 INT 10 x1 8 DEX: 44 SPD: 8 17 EGO 10 x2 14 ECV(EGO/3): 6 25 PRE 10 x1 15 PD: 10 rPD: - 6 COM 10 x1/2 -2 ED: 10 rED: - 10 PD (STR/5) 4 x1 6 END: 40 10 ED (CON/5) 4 x1 6 STUN: 35 8 SPD (1+DEX/10) 5.4 x10 26 BODY: 15 8 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 8 x2 - 40 END (CONx2) 40 x1/2 - Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 35 STUN (BODY) + 35 x1 - RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 215 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect punch +0 +2 STR+4d6 kick -2 +1 STR+6d6 CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): block +2 +2 block,abort STR Roll: 13 Swim (2"): DEX Roll: 18 Jump (L/H): INT Roll: 13 throw +0 +1 STR+2d6 EGO Roll: 12 TPort: 30"x2 NC +v/5 PER Roll: is an INT Roll dodge - +5 abort disarm -1 +1 disarm at POINTS: 481 XP: SAVED: +20 STR Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill dist feat: (nc, abject 10 Clinging 24 comic book mart. arts fear) 25 1 useable with fencing 75(60) 30"x2 NC T-port; weapons hunted: misc. mutant 1/2 END, +1/4; needs 8 +2 martial arts DC haters (As,NCI,11-) 20 EGO roll if below 1/2 (already added) STUN, -1/4 4 END 10(2) x4 mass; costs END, 3 acrobatics 18- -1/2; x10 END, -4 3 breakfall 18- psych lim: swashbuckler 20 x16 NC (.59 miles) 3 climbing 18- 20 5(3) x2 NC; horizontal 3 contortionist 18- only, -1/2 3 stealth 18- 5(4) x2 NC; north-south 3 high society 14- only, -1/4 3 seduction 14- 5(1) x2 NC; costs END, 0 L: German -1/2; x10 END, -4 4 L: English 150(75) 10d6 EB; NND, +1; 3 paramedic 13- does BODY, +1; x2 3 mechanics 11- END, -1/2; no range, 3 electronics 11- -1/2 [not v super- 2 PS: trapeze dense or non-skintite 2 PS: tightrope force field] 30 END 5 8-pt Mental Defense 5 Extra Limb 10 +1 Overall Background/Personality: Powers/Tactics: Writer's Notes: To get the true Nightcrawler, add this power: 20 Invisibility vs Normal Vision, 0 End Persistant, Only in shadows (-1) Name: Nightcrawler (by Eric Langendorff) Base OCV (DEX/3): 11 Player: Marvel Comics ( Adjustment: +2 w/ swords Val Characteristic Base Cost Pts Final OCV: Base DCV (DEX/3): 11 15 STR 10 x1 5 Adjustment: 32 DEX 10 x3 66 Final DCV: 20 CON 10 x2 20 Levels: +4 HtH 12 BODY 10 x2 4 17 INT 10 x1 7 DEX: 32 SPD: 7 14 EGO 10 x2 8 ECV(EGO/3): 5 15 PRE 10 x1 5 PD: 12 rPD: - 6 COM 10 x1/2 -2 ED: 7 rED: - 12 PD (STR/5) 3 x1 9 END: 60 7 ED (CON/5) 4 x1 3 STUN: 40 7 SPD (1+DEX/10) 4.2 x10 28 BODY: 12 9 REC (STR/5)+(CON/5) 7 x2 4 60 END (CONx2) 40 x1/2 10 Range -4 -8 -16 -32 -64 -128 40 STUN (BODY) + 30 x1 10 RMod 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 (STR/2) + (CON/2) COMBAT MANEUVERS Characteristic cost: 177 Maneuver Phase OCV DCV effect m dodge - +5 dodge, vs all, abort CHA Roll = 9 + CHA/5 Run (6"): m block +2 +2 block,abort STR Roll: 12 Swim (2"): m strike +0 +2 STR+2d6 DEX Roll: 15 Jump (L/H):15"x2 Ho m escape +0 +0 +15 STR v INT Roll: 12 8"x2 Ver grabs EGO Roll: 12 TPort: 20x128 NC PER Roll: is an INT Roll POINTS: 729 XP: SAVED: Disadvantages Base +Pts Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll Pts Power/Perk/ END/Roll | Talent/Skill | Talent/Skill susc: 3d6 STUN when 335 Multipower: TPort 12 +12" superleap 2 END pushes TPort 15 11u 20"x128 TPort with 1 10 Clinging floater; AP, +1/2; x5 40(23) Invis to sight; 0 dist feat: 3 fingers/toes Autofire, +1/2; 0 END pers., +1; always per limb 20 END, +1/2; no vert. on, -1/2; must have blue fur and tail 15 move, -1/2 0 END some darkness, -1/4 7u 10"x128 TPort with 1 5 extra limb: tail hunted: Magneto (11-) 20 floater; AP; x2 END, -5(-3) -5 STR; only for Mr. Sinister (8-) 15 -1/2 6 END tail, -1/2 Saturnyne (mild, 11-) 15 16u 10"x64 TPort with 1 5 8-pt Mental Defense Spiral (mild, 8-) 10 floater & x4 mass; 5 resistance, +5 17- AP; x3 END, -1; side 3 ambidexterity watched: X-groups (14-)13 effect (2d6 Drain all 9 combat sense 15- powers & char), -1: 5 defense maneuver psych lim: code of 9 END 3 double jointed chivalry 20 2d6 Drain all powers, 14 acrobat,breakfall 17- performer and show-off +2; all char, +2; 0 3 contortionist 15- 20 END, +1/2; autoLink, 3 stealth 15- -3/4: 0 END 5 acting 13- reputation: happy-go- 6d6 RKA; 0 END; Link, 16 martial arts lucky / show-off 5 -1/2; no range, -1/2; 1 useable w/ swords only vs inorganic, 20 +4 hand-to-hand Fuzzy Blue Elf bonus 412 -1/2 0 END 6 +2 w/ swords 7 AK: Salem Center 16- 14(9) 3d6 HA; 5-shot 5 AK: London 14- Autofire; Linked to 6 AK: Muir Isle 15- real ID: Kurt Wagner 0 AF TPort; one hit per 2 L: English (accent) location, -0 2 END 0 L: German (native) 9 cont: X-groups 18- Background/Personality: Powers/Tactics: Writer's Notes: Well, here, by request, is the X-Men's Nightcrawler. This particular write-up was inspired by an issue of Excalibur in which a government agency was analyzing Excalibur and a comment to the effect of, "My God, is there any power he *doesn't* have?" was made. So, after reading this, I went back through my 'Library O' Stuff' and culled all I could on the Fuzzy Elf. I've tried to be as ehxaustive as I could on his powers. Even though he may not use all of them all the time and though even the writers may forget some of them, I've tried to include them here. (There was an issue of X-Men Unlimited in which Mystique tumbled off a cliff because Nightcrawler couldn't reach her from the branch from which he was hanging. He's a wallcrawler. Why didn't he just walk down, grab Mystique and teleport back up?)