Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 16:17:39 -0700 From: Samuel.Bell@Eng.Sun.COM (Sam Bell) To: Subject: Conversions: Cosmic Boy & Saturn Girl Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen Ranzz) 15 Str 5 106 Multipower 20 Dex 30 11 17d6 Telepathy 1/2 End [5] 15 Con 10 6 10d6 Mind Control 11 Bod 2 3 7d6 Ego Blast, x3 End [21] 34 Int 24 28 Ego 36 75 12d6 Mind Scan 1/2 End [3] 18 Pre 8 19 25pts Mental Defense 24 Com 7 80 +20pts Mental Defense, Usable on Others @ Range 10 Pd 7 AOE Radius, x16 Radius (32") 10 Ed 7 6 Spd 30 Martial Arts (generic) 6 Rec - 5 Punch +1 / +3 Strike 6d6 30 End - 5 Kick -2 / +1 Strike + 4d6 = 10d6 27 Stn - 4 Block +2 / +2 Block, Abort ---- 4 Dodge - / +5 Abort 166 3 Throw +0 / +1 Strike +v/5 12 3 Damage Classes 20 Danger Sense All Attacks in Vicinity, In or Out of Combat, (Only vs Hostile Intent -1/4) 6 Breakfall, Combat Pilot 13- 1 Transport Famil: Small Spacecraft 3 Scientist 4 KS: Robotics, Computers, Biophysics, Genetics 11- 30 3 Overall levels Flight Ring 75 20" Flight, x16 Non-combat, Fully Invisible, 0 End IIF Concentrate (0 DCV) Max Speed=100"/seg (-1/4) 8 Hyper Radio listen&tranmit, Distress Signal Only (-1) IIF Telepathic Earplugs 4 Mind Link, Set Group (Legion), IIF, Max Range=8" (-1) Transsuit 11 Lifesupport (Self Contained Breathing, Vacuum, Radiation Pressure, IIF, Not if character takes body (-1/4) 1 Day Max (1-/4) ---- + 495 = 661 100+ 20 CVK 5 Love Interest: Garth Ranzz 20 DNPC: Graym (& Validus) 20 Psyche: Won't read teammate`s minds 5 Psyche: Aloof 491 Exp ---- 661 Note: Hyper Radio is a new power I just made up. It is just like radio, but it is twice as expensive and travels instantaneously over interstellar distances. The flight ring's Max Speed is to keep Legionaire's with high Spd's from outpacing their slower comrades. Her Danger sense works by telepathically sensing hostile intent, so she would not be able to detect a time bomb (unless the guy who planted it was standing nearby for her to sense.