Date: Sat, 8 Apr 1995 12:43:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Mike Orsoe <> Subject: This time for sure THE last Titan post for today Had time to do one'll be Raven. (even though she's no longer a member and his now evil...)here she is. RAVEN STR 10 (?) EC-Soul Self [Soul self powers +1, may not use other Dex 18 powers when using soul self] COn 18 Desolidification 10 Body 0 end Bod 10 30" Flight 1/4 end Int 15 8d6 ego attack (+1/2 no range) 1/2 end ego 23 16 Hex Force Wall 16pd 16ed 1/2 end pre 30 Danger sense 13 or less com 22 pd 8 Multipower ed 10 12d6 Telepathy (no Range) spd 4 4d6 Empathy 2" radius (telepathy emotions only no range) rec 10 12d6 Mental Illusions end 50 4d6 Regeneration (usable on others) (+1 takes as damage) stun 60 (!?) +10 rec for self 25" Teleport 2x mass 8x distance 12d6 mind control (+1/2 no range) When first 30 stun used up, only soul self may be used DISADVANTAGES 30 2x STun killing attacks 30 2x Stun from Physical attacks 20 3d6 Stun from other people's deaths 20 Code vs. Killing 20 Pacifist (not sure I'd give it 20, maybe 10) 10 Ignorant of Earth 30 Hunted by Terminator 8 or less 35 Hunted by HIVE 8 or less 5 unusual looks