Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 23:28:21 -0700 From: Samuel.Bell@Eng.Sun.COM (Sam Bell) To: Subject: Conversions: Lightning Lad and Phantom Girl Phantom Girl (Tinya Wazzo) 15 Str 5 20 Phantom Elemental Control (40 pts) 23 Dex 39 60 Desolid, 0 End, Invisible vs Normal Sight 15 Con 10 23 1/2 Phys & Energy Reduct, Not vs Affects Desolid, Costs End [6] 11 Bod 2 11 8 DCV levels, Not vs Affects Desolid, Costs End [4] 20 Int 10 13 Ego 6 3 Stealth 14- 18 Pre 8 6 Concealment, Paramedics 13- 26 Com 8 3 Shadowing 11- 10 Pd 7 10 Ed 7 Martial Arts (generic) 5 Spd 17 5 Def Strike +1 / +3 6d6 Strike 6 Rec - 4 Martial Strike +0 / +2 8d6 Strike 30 End - 4 Dodge - / +5 abort 27 Stn - 3 Throw +0 / +1 6d6 + v/5 Strike ---- 12 +3 Martial Damage Classes 119 2 +1" Run 10 1 Overall level 12 +4 w/Stealth, Concealment, Shadowing 83 Flight Ring 4 Telepathic Earplugs 11 Transsuit ---- + 276 = 395 100+ 20 CVK 5 Love: Jo Nah 270 Exp --- 395 Note: The Damage Reduction and DCV levels represent Tinya's ability to have most of her body intangible, even while she is hitting someone. Note: See Rokk, Imra or Garth for notes on equipment