Kyrii (Gina Ritter) COST SKILL ==== ===== STR 25 DEX 26 CON 23 BOD 15 3 stealth 14- INT 13 EGO 18 PRE 15 COM 16 3 lockpicking 14- PhD 11 EnD 11 SPD 5 3 security systems 12- REC 10 END 48 STN 40 cost = 153 3 paramedic 12- 3 climbing 14- COST POWER 3 breakfall 14- ==== ===== 3 fluent French 9 3 PD/3 ED armor 3 electronics 11- 62 multipower 3 disguise 12- 6 (u) 2.5d6 AP RKA 3 acrobatics 14- 4 (u) 10d6 mind control, ==== 1/2 END, paralysis only 30 9 EC - personal energy field 9 (1) +6d6 hand attack (2 END) 9 (2) 15" running 9 (3) 6 PD/6 ED force field, 0 END ==== 117 200+ DISADVANTAGES ==== ============= 15 Secret ID: Karin Darin 15 psych: fiercely independant 15 Psych: afraid of dogs 10 DNPC: older mantally handicapped brother (incomp, 8-) 10 hunted by interpol 10 psych: cannot tell a lie 10 enraged when the helpless are inslulted 5 reputation (master thief) 8- 5 watched by Alanis, her mentor 8- 5 distinctive features: pointed ears ==== 300 Kryii is a master thief from another planet. She is very dangerous, especially with her AP RKA. She likes to steal for the challenge of it. Her powers deal with her personal energy field. -james