Date: Sat, 29 Apr 1995 12:37:07 -0700 (PDT) From: S K Jam Subject: Don Carlos writeup (WARNING: Anime content!) To: Champions Mailing List If you're still reading this, you were warned:-) DON CARLOS (from the series _Dome-kun_, copyright 1990 by Nihon TV. No infringement of rights or privileges is intended.) Val Char Cost 100+ Disadvantages 16 STR 6 5 DF: Gaudy matador's cape 21 DEX 36 10 Watched by Sports Media (mild) 14- 16 CON 12 10 Watched by Pro Sports Governing bodies 12 BODY 4 (mild) 11- 14 INT 4 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima 18 EGO 16 25 Must win by crushing opponents 20 PRE 10 20 Overconfident 18 COM 4 5 Vengeful 8 PD 5 10 Public ID 8 ED 5 15 Reputation (sports star) 14- 4 SPD 9 10 Rivalry w/all other sports stars 8 REC 4 225 Bonus 40 END 4 30 STUN 2 Cost Powers END 63 Boxing, Wrestling, Fencing (per BBB) 1 Fencing also usable w/clubs 12 +5" Running (11" total) 2 10 +4" Swimming (6" total) 1 Skills and Perks 3 Ambidexterity 38 Acrobatics, Climbing, Combat Driving, Riding all 16- 3 Jack of All Trades 95 PS: Steeplechase, Horse Racing, Bullfighting, Boxing, Fencing, Baseball, Off-Road Racing, Motocross, Soccer, Stock Car Racing, Football, Basketball, Hockey, Sailboat Racing, Wrestling, Golf, Polo, Tennis, Skiing ALL 16- 16 Breakfall, High Society, Fast Draw, KS: Sports Figures, PS: Any Other Sport all 13- 3 Sci: Psychology 12- 6 Animal Handler and Navigation both 11- 3 Linguist 9 Lang: Accented French, Italian, English, German, Russian & Japanese (Spanish native) 6 WF: Common Missile Weapons, Swords, Quarterstaff, Small Arms 4 TF: Horses, Small Ground Vehicles, Boats, Skiing 25 +5 w/all Sports-related Combat 25 +5 W/all Non-combat Sports skills 10 Wealthy 2 Perks: International Driver's License and Passport OCV 7+ DCV 7+ ECV 6 Phases 3,6,9,12 Char 121 + Powers 334 = Total 455 _Background_ Don Miguel Jesus Maria de Cervantes Carlos is the heir of a family tradition that stretches back to the Fifteenth Century, when the first Don Carlos, a knight of Spain, helped drive out the Moors. Since then, the Carlos family has produced an unbroken string of warriors, explorers, poets and sportsmen, each considered one of the greatest in his lifetime. Don Carlos' father was a promising athlete cut down in his prime when Carlos was an infant. Carlos' mother brought him up in the family legends, emphasizing how the family honor would be disgraced if he failed to be the best at whatever he did. He decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a professional athlete. He trained hard, and aided by his natural talent became the youngest top matador ever in Spain. But he didn't stop there. He was determined to become the greatest athlete the world had ever known. He mastered every sport he tried, winning honors in each. But he also found early on that mere victory did not satisfy him; he needed to see the anguish of defeat on his opponent's face. Soon that anguish became his real goal. He would find the top man in the sport and utterly humilate him, in some of the more violent sports maiming them for life. He was still young and cocky when he heard of Yumeto Shinryo, ace pitcher for the Yomiuri Giants (the Japanese baseball mythos equivalent of the New York Yankees.) Carlos traveled to Japan to take on Shinryo--and was handed the first defeat of his life. Shamed, Carlos returned to Spain to hone his baseball skills. But by the time he felt ready for a rematch, Shinryo had died of bone cancer. For the next few years, Don Carlos continued his sports career, more ruthless than ever, but his defeat still rankled in the back of his mind. Then he learned that Yumeto's son Domuu "Dome-kun" Shinryo had become the new "Star of the Giants." He resolved to visit vengeance upon the second generation, and once again came to Japan. He joined the Hiroshima Carps so that he could have the same team uniform and number as Dome-kun's sweetheart Melody had had when she was posing as male. He began a vicious campaign of psychological warfare against Dome-kun, including duplicating the pitcher's "Magic Balls" (special-effects pitches.) Only the support of his friends and former opponents, and his own strength of character allowed Dome-kun to withstand this torment and ultimately triumph, earning even Don Carlos' grudging admiration. _Personality_ Don Carlos is a Castilian nobleman, with all the good and bad qualities that implies. Towards people he isn't competing against, he is courteous but condescending. He is driven by a need to excel, and to have others know that he is better than they are. He enjoys making his opponents suffer and frequently will draw out a contest to heighten the anticipation of victory. Since he really is very, very good, he's supremely arrogant in his belief that he will win. If by some mischance he does lose, his highest priority will be to overcome his lack, then avenge the defeat. There are only two things that worry him. The first is that he has no heir; his arrogance and overcompetitiveness do not attract women for long. The other he has started to notice is that he has no real friends, only toadies. Don Carlos is a hot-shot, not a team player, and will only cooperate with others to the extent necessary to secure his personal victory conditions. _Quote_ "I will bury you, and dance on your grave!" or "Winning isn't the only thing, but it is the only thing _I_ care about." _Powers/Tactics_ Don Carlos has no superhuman powers; his prowess is due to fortunate bloodlines and exceptional training. He is perhaps the world's greatest all-around athlete, with skills in almost every sport imaginable. He's rich, good-looking and cultured too. He picks his targets by the whims of the moment, always though going after exceptional performers who have recently had a lot of publicity. He avoids contests of mere strength and speed; he knows that narrow training could make a specialist better than he is in those specific areas. He researches his victims carefully, especially any video tapes of them in action. He will make a flashy entrance, and pull any psych-outs he can to demoralize his victim even before the contest begins. He will _never_ break the written rules, that would be cheating, and his opponent could have the victory nullified. But he will take any unfair advantage he can within the rules. He is also fond of taking an opponent's favorite tactic and turning it against him. _Appearance_ Don Carlos is 6', 195 lbs. He has black hair and flashing black eyes, with Latin good looks. He wears well-tailored suits and uniforms, with his "lucky" cape draped over one shoulder (he has several duplicates, the pattern is lucky, not the cape itself.) His personal theme music is Bizet's _Carmen_ and he will arrange for it to be played whenever and wherever he appears. You'll note I haven't bought any weapons or equipment for Don Carlos. That's because he doesn't carry them with him; he'll only have such things on the playing field itself, where his opponent will have (usually) fairly identical gear. Next time, the _Campaign Use_ section! Scott K. Jamison "Diamond Dust!"