Date: Mon, 5 Jun 1995 16:12:33 -0700 From: Samuel.Bell@Eng.Sun.COM (Sam Bell) To: Subject: Conversions: Wildfire & Dawnstar Dawnstar 20 Str 10 180 75" Flught, 0 End, Not in cramped space (-1/4) 35 Dex 75 42 x64,000c FTL 20 Con 20 19 Self Contained Breathing, LS vs Pressure, Temp, Vacuum 12 Bod 4 9 Detect Life forms @ Range, 360 degree Imprecise (-1) 18 Int 8 96 +120 to Detect, only vs range mods (-1/2), Imprecise (-1) 15 Ego 10 23 Pre 13 6 Acrobatics, Breakfall 16- 26 Com 8 9 Criminology, Concealment, Deduction 13- 15 Pd 11 15 Ed 11 30 3 Overall levels 7 Spd 25 8 Rec - Martial Arts (generic) 40 End - 5 Punch +1 / +3 Strike 4d6 32 Stn - 5 Kick -2 / +1 Strike + 4d6 = 8d6 ---- 4 Block +2 / +2 Block, Abort 195 4 Dodge - / +5 Abort 3 Throw +0 / +1 Strike +v/5 83 Flight Ring 4 Telepathic Earplugs 11 Transsuit ---- + 510 = 705 100+ 10 CVK 10 Haughty & irritating 5 Love (Drake) 580 --- 705 Note: The "Imprecise" limitation on her detect allows her to determine which planet someone is on, but not their exact location. She suffers no range mods for the first 4.7*10^18", or 1,000 Light Years. Note: See Rokk, Imra or Garth for notes on equipment