Guideline 250pt (FH p.121); Base 100 + 150 (max 75 pt any 1 type), Max OCV 14
STR 13 INT 28 PD 2 rPD - tPD 2 OCV 6 STR 11- EGO 12- DEX 18 EGO 13 ED 2 rED - tED 2 DCV 6 DEX 13- PRE 12- CON 10 PRE 13 SPD 3 END 40 Running 6" CON 11- BODY 10 COM 10 REC 4 STUN 20 STUN# 12 Swimming 2" INT 15- PER 15- CHARACTERISTICS COST: 69
3 Scholar 23 Magic Skill +10 (25-) 1 WF: Quarterstaff 1 WF: Swords 3 Concealment (15-) 1 KS: Magic (11-) 1 KS: Local region (11-) 2 KS: Common spells (15-) 3 Paramedic (15-) 3 Inventor: magic spells & items (15-)
5 KS: Spellbook (16-) 120 Magic Pool (80 pt. VPP, 40 control cost)
2 KS: lightning bolt (15-) 3d6 RKA (45), half END (+1/4) skill roll (-1/2) SE: 7d6 EB (-1/2) POWER AP END SK REAL RANGE SIDE EFFECT 3d6K 45 56 2 -5 28 225" 7d6 EB 2d6K 30 37 1 -3 18 150" 6d6 EB 1d6K 15 18 1 -1 9 75" 6d6 EB 2 KS: fireball (15-) 8d6 EB (40), explosion x2 (+3/4), half END (+1/4) skill roll (-1/2) SE: 7d6 EB (-1/2) POWER AP END SK REAL RANGE RADIUS SIDE EFFECT (8d6) 40 80 4 -8 40 200" 16" 8d6 EB (6d6) 30 60 3 -6 30 150" 12" 6d6 EB (4d6) 20 40 2 -4 20 100" 8" 6d6 EB (2d6) 10 20 1 -2 10 50" 4" 6d6 EB 2 KS: force wall (15-) can be cast in any shape 8 PD/ED force wall (40), half END (+1/4) variable (+1/4) skill roll (-1/2) SE: 6d6 EB (-1/2) POWER AP END SK REAL RANGE LENGTH SIDE EFFECT 8 DEF 40 60 3 -6 30 200" 8" 6d6 EB 6 DEF 30 45 2 -4 22 150" 6" 6d6 EB 4 DEF 20 30 1 -3 15 100" 4" 6d6 EB 1 KS: light (11-) Images, visual (10) 4 hex radius (+1/2) zero END (+1/2) skill roll (-1/2) SE: 3d6 flash vs. sight (-1/2) POWER AP END SK REAL RANGE SIDE EFFECT light 20 0 -2 10 100" 6d6 EB 1 KS: protective robes (11-) Armor 8PD/8ED (16) No END (+1/2) skill roll (-1/2) SE: 3d6 drain STUN (-1/2) OIF robes (-1/2) POWER AP END SK REAL RANGE SIDE EFFECT 8 DEF 36 0 -3 14 -- 6d6 EB 6 DEF 24 0 -2 9 -- 6d6 EB 4 DEF 18 0 -1 7 -- 6d6 EB 1 KS: summon strength (11-) Aid +28 END [8d6] (20) No End (+1/2) skill roll (-1/2) SE: 3d6 drain STUN (-1/2) OAF staff (-1) POWER BP AP END SK REAL RANGE SIDE EFFECT END +42 60 90 0 -9 30 -- 4.5d6 drain END END +28 40 60 0 -6 20 -- 3d6 drain END END +14 20 30 0 -3 10 -- 3d6 drain END END +7 10 15 0 -1 5 -- 3d6 drain END 1 KS: comfortable (11-) Change environment: comfortable temperature, 4" radius (15) Creates a weather-dome type place with moves with the caster. Keeps out heat, cold, and precipitation. 0 END Persistent (+1), No Range (-1/2), OAF staff (-1) skill roll (-1/2) Side effect (-1/2) POWER BP AP END SK REAL RADIUS SIDE EFFECT change 15 30 * -3 8 4" 6d6 EB change 10 20 * -2 5 2" 6d6 EB change 5 10 * -1 2 1" 6d6 EB 1 KS: Dispel (11-) Dispel 10d6 (30) No END (+1/2) skill roll (-1/2) SE: 3d6 drain STUN (-1/2), OAF staff (-1) POWER BP AP END SK REAL RANGE SIDE EFFECT 20d6 60 90 0 -9 30 450" 9d6 EB 15d6 45 67 0 -6 22 335" 6d6 EB 10d6 30 45 0 -4 15 225" 6d6 EB 5d6 15 22 0 -2 7 110" 6d6 EB SB KS: Toad (11-) Major Transformation: human to toad, 5d6 (75) skill roll (-1/2) Side effect (-1/2), OAF staff (-1) POWER BP AP END SK REAL RANGE SIDE EFFECT transform 75 75 7 -7 25 375" 7d6 EB (*) SB indicates a spell in his spellbook, not memorized TOTAL 163 TOTAL COST BASE 100 69 CHA SKILLS 41 DISAD 150 176 ABIL POOL 125 TOTAL 250 243 TOTAL SPELLS 11 4 Leftover
5 Age 40+ (he's actually 239, but who's counting?) 10 Dependence (common, one minute, 1d6) Azagar is very old, and his life is maintained by a magical amulet he wears. This amulet is a bone from some unknown creature on a leather thong around his neck. If he is deprived of this amulet, he will slowly die. If he loses the amulet, it is not difficult to make another; all he needs is to incant a spell over a bone (bones are reasonably common), a process which takes less than a minute. 10 DNPC Yogg (normal, 11-) Yogg is a young man who greatly admires Azagar and follows him around hoping to learn magic. Azagar dislikes this, but can't seem to get rid of the guy, who keeps showing up in annoying circumstances. He feels a certain responsibility for the kid, so bails him out when he gets in a fix. However, he doesn't want to encourage Yogg either, so he tries not to let on that he cares, instead putting on a gruff exterior and trying to make his intervention seem like coincidence. 15 Distinctive features (concealable, major reaction) Azagar looks like a wizard, with unkempt white hair, bushy eyebrows, and piercing green eyes. He is 239 years old and looks like it, with unsightly brown spots and a gaunt appearance. He habitually mutters to himself, and makes a point of "playing the part". 15 Hunted (less powerful, 14-, harsh) Azagar had the misfortune of offending a certain goblin-king, who now sends bands of goblins after him. Though they are easily dealt with, they are persistent and show up with annoying regularity. 5 Hunted (as powerful, 8-, harsh) A worse problem is the Necromancer of Korbang. Azagar once rescued a victim from his altar, and he never forgot it. Now agents of the Necromancer hunt him so that he can take the place of the one he rescued... 10 Watched by local wizard's guild (more powerful, influential, 8-) 5 Physical: anosmia (no sense of taste or smell) (infrequent,slight) 5 Psych: Constantly searching for new magic (common, moderate) He frequents libraries, and is highly inclined to go off questing for anything which he thinks will increase his power or knowledge. 5 Psych: dislikes goblins (moderate,uncommon) In battle, he will usually attack the goblins by preference, and will always have a bad reaction to them. Note that this applies to any small monstrous humanoids. 15 Psych: cannot tell a lie (uncommon, total) 15 Psych: extreme curiosity (common, strong) 10 Psych: stubborn and feisty (common, moderate) 10 Psych: likes to "freak the mundanes" (common, moderate) He insists on maintaining his (imagined) reputation as a powerful, mysterious wizard. Toward this end he talks cryptically, behaves oddly, etc. He enjoys getting a reaction out of people, even when it is to his disadvantage. Longevity can be *so* dull if you don't spice it up a bit... 10 Reputation: powerful wizard, frequent (11-) To his vast amusement (and considerable pride) he is known far and wide as that strange old wizard who turns people into toads, etc. His age is a matter of some speculation, and people attribute the strangest deeds to him. This legend has grown all out of proportion. 5 Rivalry (professional) Azagar has a vigorous rivalry with Taff the Unyielding, a fellow wizard. Azagar and Taff knew each other as boys, then apprenticed to the same master wizard. As young men, they fell in love with the same girl, who spurned them both. Each blames the other, and now seek to upstage one another whenever possible. ---- 150
Azagar uses the Magic Pool system. He is supposed to have KS's for his magical lore and doesn't (this is worth a limitation on his spells too). Eventually I'll get around to updating him...)
OCV Damage STR NOTES Quarterstaff +1 (4d6) 13 Dagger +1 1d6-1 8 1d6 w/STR