We might have touched on this, but it was only briefly.
Phil's game room had ten chairs, so that was the maximum. Normally, there would be eight to nine of us regulars; the seats on the south side of the table were for the 'gamer' players, who were pretty constantly in action. The north side was Artists' Row, with Ken, Kathy, and Chris all doing illustrations as we went along. I had the west end of the table to myself, as I had The Portable Traveling Library along with me and so served as the collective memory of the campaign.
I usually had eight to ten players in my two groups, and that's been pretty constants over the years. I'll happily 'surge out' to the sixteen - eighteen that I had at Gary Con a few years back, but that's for special occasions.
'Play time' / 'face time'? As much or as little as was needed - we gamed at Phil's for over a dozen years, and the same here in my most recent game group. Players were / are expected to be able to 'share', and not hog all the play time for themselves. Some nights, like the night Chirine met his Senior Wife, it was all his night; other times, it was all Gronan's or Vrisa's. It all depended on what was happening in our world, and who was the best-suited to deal with the situation. If I was pressed for a percentage / ratio, I'd say that the party as a whole got about half the game session hours over a year's worth of gaming, with the rest of the time usually split pretty equally among the individual PCs as needed.
We all got face time with Phil, and I still do the same with my players. It just varied as to how we used that time.
("storylines"? We had "careers" / "lives", more then anything else... I think... New phrase to me...)