Probably, given their long and usually violent history. Wouldn't surprise me.
I had a rather disturbing incident at the convention, over the weekend. The Tekumel programming track, ably put together by Brett Slocum (he's the guy who runs the Yahoo group, by the way) was steaming along very well with lots of great games, and I was very happy to see all the interest being shown by quite a few of the 1,300+ people at the convention. One of the GMs, who was in our group out at Phil's, made some sort of comment that Phil, as a devout Muslim, would not have approved of the GM as he's a gay person. I think the intent was trying to show that Phil kept his faith separate from his gaming, and was - I think - meant in a positive sense. I had two issues with this statement: 1), the guy being gay had not come up out at Phil's at the time, and 2) anybody who knew Phil and his faith would know that this statement is - to be polite - wildly inaccurate. It wasn't an issue for Phil, and he simply did not care what other people did - as long as they didn't try to force him to subscribe to their political or similar positions. (Like one guy did with with the issue of the LGBTQ right to marry.)
I thought that the comment was inappropriate to the game convention setting, inaccurate regarding the Professor, and aimed more at building up the GM's status with his associates in the LGBTQ culture. He's done this kind of thing before - he's the one who announced that I had "persecuted" his PC for being gay - and the adventure that he had written and was running at the time was more or less a political manifesto for LGBTQ rights.
I found it all pretty disturbing, given my own experiences with Phil; my daughter, who is an LGBTQ activist (Amnesty International in Zurich) also found it odd.
Other then that, had a great weekend; report to follow!